Here's the thing. Alot of Pitt fans actually become retarded on the subject of Penn State. Idiotic. I don't care if the guy played 25 years of football, when it comes to Penn State for some, you are stupid. It is your opiate, it is your heroin, it completely consumes and confuses your mind. To say PSU didn't have a great season, that they didn't play anyone is just ridiculous You can try and justify this. You're wrong. Justify it another way. You're wrong. Excuse it another way. You're wrong. And to continue you, then you are just an effing moron. They had a great season. To say they didn't play anyone, well they played us, so Pitt sucks dick. Not my words, but your's. Morons. that lesson to yinz is out there, how can we look at PSU now this year and hope for some bad things? Well last year they came out of the blue (literally). Sure they got lucky against tOSU, but they made the most of it. They became some sort of cinderella story, celebrating that yes, an athletic supporter can overcome human decency and prioritize football over all else and be rewarded for it, celebrated for it. But now, this year, there is not cinderella. No "out of the blue". They have a target on their back. Completely different dynamic to play and coach under. Let's see how they react to this.
Their, that is an intelligent take on how to look at them, without saying stupid stuff like "Barkley isn't that good", or "McSorley wouldn't start for us..."