The crime is that in the late 90's, PITT had very viable plans to do a complete renovation of PITT Stadium and connect a new convocation center directly behind it. A significant amount of state funding for the convocation center portion already existed. Those same state funds also provided funding for both the PSU and Temple convocation centers.
At the same time all of this was going on, the Pirates were threatening to leave without a new stadium. The Steelers said what about us? The Steelers also wanted a new stadium in lieu of a renovated 3 rivers.
At the end, Pittsburgh and Philly each got two new stadiums, while the Panthers and the Owls became tenants.
I have no idea why people overlook this, but it is real and remains a thorn in our side.
Any and all construction undertaken on behalf of the Commonwealth runs thru the Department of General Services (DGS). So when Pitt uses state funds in any form of construction, it is known as the "user" and DGS is the funder. Frequently, the user and the provider differ on how money should be used within a project.
When Pitt decided to tear down Pitt stadium (under Nordy and Peterson), the companion decision was to build the basketball arena we know now as the Pederson events Center.
Peterson made more enemies in Harrisburg and at DGS than any Pitt official before or after. That is quite a dubious accomplishment.
Peterson decided to "re-engineer" the Arena during the construction phase of the project. Basically, he stuck his nose in and demanded that "luxury" area behind the benches well after all the plans, specifications had been adopted and construction well underway. That change order alone meant that the Events Center went millions over the vicinity of 20 million.
That asinine move by Peterson started an avalanche of suits and claims. Not only was DGS out another 20 million or so, it had its staff tied up with lawsuits, etc. when other projects demanded their attention....and money!
Because PA required multiple prime contractors instead of one prime with many subs, this meant that every dog had its day in court as the costs flowed downhill. By statute, Commonwealth Court is the court of original jurisdiction in such matters so you did not hear much about it locally
This numbskull move by the arrogant Peterson burned more bridges than the retreating German Army did in WWII.
Pitt athletics has never quite recovered from this debacle in Harrisburg and specifically DGS.
And when your really deep pockets can't stand the sight of you, you have big problems.