Pitt vs PS Gamethread

Yikes. Pat is not very good and that call was obscene. Get over it.

No it wasn’t. Look if you don’t know anything about football stop posting. All you do is post negative incorrect crap, I mean there wasn’t a person alive not predicting a blowout here. We come out playing inspired and you’re on our board talking nuts
Really sad. You know PSU will be conservative down there. Play the run
, make the tackle. Was Renyolds one of the two that missed?

Their back made more of a broken field than our back.
No it wasn’t. Look if you don’t know anything about football stop posting. All you do is post negative incorrect crap, I mean there wasn’t a person alive not predicting a blowout here. We come out playing inspired and you’re on our board talking nuts

The fact that we are all accepting a blowout in year 5 is the problem.

Here comes another punt!!
On the inter fence, was there a grab or just a shield off?

Linebacker just grabbed the tight end for no apparent reason. Then stared the tight end down like he had done something good.

Doesn’t even understand the rules of football
We are tremendous at gaining 0-2 yards a play. Is it wrong to think we get stuffed on 3rd down and be down 14-0 in the next 2 minutes?!
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After that first quarter, I honestly think this might end up like a 30-3 type score. I just don’t see is scoring more than 10 points in any way.
At what point in the season is the Pickett walking over towards Whipple after every play going to get pathetic and annoying?
Pickett hasn’t thrown a pass that hasn’t been either a 2 yard skinny or a RB screen...that is worrisome. Both Pickett and Whipple aren’t the answer.
Based on the play calling, they probably think the 1st quarter was a success.
That’s obviously the only goal for the offense
The fact that we are all accepting a blowout in year 5 is the problem.

Here comes another punt!!


Doesn’t matter what year if we don’t have qb you aren’t going to win. The coach only does so much. Our offense is completely new and our 2 best linemen in defense are out for the year. Even with that our defense is looking like a good unit

Doesn’t matter what year if we don’t have qb you aren’t going to win. The coach only does so much. Our offense is completely new and our 2 best linemen in defense are out for the year. Even with that our defense is looking like a good unit


Doesn’t matter what year if we don’t have qb you aren’t going to win. The coach only does so much. Our offense is completely new and our 2 best linemen in defense are out for the year. Even with that our defense is looking like a good unit

Yea but the coach recruited all of these QBs so....
Jeez. I think Pickett might be getting in rhythm then he tries to throw it to the safety.

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