Las Panteras

All American
May 11, 2014
The CFP will obviously choose the 4 best teams for the entire body of work.

However, what are your thoughts on the 4 best teams as of today? I think it is quite different

For example.....IS Clemson one of the 4 best today? Is Michigan after dropping two recently?

I think Bama is obvious. and Ohio State just beat Michigan.

Who else?? After what we have seen the past few weeks, who are the 4 best teams right now?

I would go with Bama...tOSU....

I would not want to play FSU now....and USC looks very good.

PSU?? Playing well...but playing nobody. Wisconsin? Maybe....but over FSU and USC?
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FSU looked good last night but they beat an above average team

USC would be a tough out now.
Washington for sure and Clemson for sure.

Clemson just slaughtered a 6-5 sec team.

Michigan obviously is at ahead of ups as they blew the doors off them.

But there is no doubt Washington is one of the 2 best now
Definitely not FSU. Florida sucks.

Bama is obviously on top. Then you can make a case for tOSU, USC, Clemson, PSU, Washington, Michigan, and OU.

If you look at recent opponents and compare, PSU is in the conversation. Iowa beat Michigan and MSU took tOSU down to a 2 pt conversion attempt. PSU destroyed both Iowa and MSU easily. Too bad for the Nits, there was Sept through Oct 21.
Bama, Clemson, Washington, Ohio St. And IMO Oklahoma and Colorado may be tougher opponents than Wisc or PSU

9-2 Michigan beat 9-2 UW
10-1 tO$U beat 9-2 UW

Looking past the head to head both MI and tO$U have better wins. UW's best win is over a 7-4 LSU who fired it's coach.

You can make the same case against PedSt with the exception of their fluky win verses tO$U.

The B1G pecking order needs to be tO$U, MI, WI and PedSt. Unfortunately for both, the B1G championship is to go to the Rose Bowl.

Bama, Clemson, tO$U and Washington in that order. If any lose Okl, Okl St winner and USC should be next up.

If PSU beats Wisconsin, then I would put them in the mix