Reality of Car Care Bowl

Probably closer to 15,000 total, and that includes TV viewers. I won't be watching because I really don't care about an exhibition game against a no-name opponent and I'll be on a plane at that time anyhow.
care enough to post though. No need to say anything.
This is a game that 100% of Pitt's fanbase view with disinterest. This is a game that Eastern Michigan is completely thrilled to be in. Add the fact that this is a home game for EMU as their campus is 40 miles away. Combining this with Narduzzi's inability to prepare a team to win this is a dangerous situation for Pitt.

So Pitt is playing an inferior opponent, at their home, with little motivation. If Narduzzi loses this game, he not capable of coaching Pitt.

Biggest game of his coaching career.
I am a part of the Pitt fan base and I am interested in this game so shove the negativity up your ***. And it isn’t the Car Care Bowl.
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For all the players, coaches, athletic department and everyone who cares about Pitt football...let’s just get this W. Let’s go Pitt!!!
This is a game that 100% of Pitt's fanbase view with disinterest. This is a game that Eastern Michigan is completely thrilled to be in. Add the fact that this is a home game for EMU as their campus is 40 miles away. Combining this with Narduzzi's inability to prepare a team to win this is a dangerous situation for Pitt.

So Pitt is playing an inferior opponent, at their home, with little motivation. If Narduzzi loses this game, he not capable of coaching Pitt.

Biggest game of his coaching career.
This one's for you...

Its the Quick Lane Bowl stupid!
PITT's going to roll over them.Pow!
EMU will think they were in the Road
Kill Bowl because we're running them over.
Did you just say Pow? It’s the frigging Quick Lane bowl!
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