7-5 possible. 6-6 more likely. Pederson cooler effect yet to be extinguished.Don't sell us short. It will be 7-5 with an excuse for how some things were beyond the team's control, and promise that next year will be better.
7-5 possible. 6-6 more likely. Pederson cooler effect yet to be extinguished.Don't sell us short. It will be 7-5 with an excuse for how some things were beyond the team's control, and promise that next year will be better.
Its imperative that we win the first four when you look at the middle part of the schedule. For once can we overachieve and go 9-3 which would mean a 5-3 ACC log which is very doable. Having to go to Atlanta. Again for the third consecutive year is absurd so after the 2023 season we will have played them four years out of five at their place. And do you remember the terse handshake after the game by Collins ?
Sept 4 UMass
Sept 11 at Tennessee
Sept. 18 Western Michigan
Sept. 25. New Hampshire
Oct 2. At Ga.Tech again for third time in a row
Oct. 9. Open
Oct. 16 at Va.Tech
Oct23. Clemson
Oct 30. Miami
Nov 6. At Duke
Nov. 11. NC
Niv. 20 Virginia
Nov 27 at Syracuse
TraditionWhy is every home Thursday night game against N.Carolina?