This is a very informative post!I'm not sure why everyone keeps limiting their thinking to ex-athletes or current AD's. The AD job is fundamentally about sports marketing. Need someone who understands merchandising, digital rights, social media, hiring, and most importantly, fund raising. I'd like to see Pitt think really outside the box... look at candidates from senior level marketing positions at companies like Nike or Addidas or Under Armor. Of course, Pitt won't go this route. They'll hire yet another overpaid seach firm who will compile the list of candidates from the ranks of existing AD's or assistant AD's. Half the posters on this board could do as good a job as these search firms. As for Barnes, I do NOT wish him well. He's an A-hole who had one major task last year, hire a new B-ball coach and he screwed the pooch. Good riddance.
Good points!
Social media, fund raising,connecting with "them kids/students" is really important in addition to reaching local/national media and the community.
Search firms are a can of worms if you don't select the right one!