Sparty hires Jonathon Smith

It’s a bigger name than I thought they’d get, have a lot of respect for what Smith has done at OSU.

Still hard to forget about that brutal fake FG call though……
Could he possibly come after Duzz? He didnt hire him but he was his football coach here. Maybe we can work something out like we'll pay $1 million of his salary.

This will be Narduzzi’s last P5 HC job, you can put that in the bank.

His next HC gig is more likely at YSU than the P5.
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This will be Narduzzi’s last P5 HC job, you can put that in the bank.

His next HC gig is more likely at YSU than the P5.

I would think back to a coordinator, or maybe a position coach in the NFL. Or maybe just ride off into the sunset, probably made enough coin over the years at this point.
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It should be open season on the coaches at Oregon St. and Washington State. Those schools will be losing their power 5 status next year, and all their coaches are used to coaching in a power conference.

It's a good place for schools to go shopping if they need a coach or 2.
It should be open season on the coaches at Oregon St. and Washington State. Those schools will be losing their power 5 status next year, and all their coaches are used to coaching in a power conference.

It's a good place for schools to go shopping if they need a coach or 2.

Couldn't happen to a nicer, more deserving athletic director at Oregon State.
MSU won bigger and more often than Pitt has recently. They been to the CFB playoffs, they have 3 outright B10 Championships since 2010.

MSU could compete in the old B1G when Mich, tO$U and pedst all have issues. Of course you left out the part about being embarrassed in that playoff game 38-0.

Going forward, they and other 75% of the B1GPAC10 will be the Washington Generals since they can't hide in the "legends" or B1GW anymore.
MSU could compete in the old B1G when Mich, tO$U and pedst all have issues. Of course you left out the part about being embarrassed in that playoff game 38-0.

Going forward, they and other 75% of the B1GPAC10 will be the Washington Generals since they can't hide in the "legends" or B1GW anymore.
Did they get the results those seasons? Did fans and players alike have fun and create memories? So basically take hike with your nonsense. You guys act like it is still the 70s and Pitt is the sh*t, when reality we are just sh*t!
Mikefln, you seem a little tense.
Not at all. I just know what Pitt is and what it is not. Some of you are still delusional and think it is 1975-1983 still. Those days are long gone and it was lighting in the bottle. Great players at all positions with great coaching does not happen all at once here. We get a few good players many solid players and the occasional great player. Coaching has been ok enough, nothing great. That is who Pitt is.
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Mikefln is having issues staying on topic. Not sure what's going on with him today. Lol.
You guys are talking crap about Mich St when they have had more success than Pitt has recently (since 2010). What part is off topic or not factual?
You guys are talking crap about Mich St when they have had more success than Pitt has recently (since 2010). What part is off topic or not factual?

You are one talking about Pitt in this thread. Maybe pour a bourbon and enjoy your night.

Historically, MSU doesn't win. Like most any team, if the stars align they can win some games but it usually doesn't last long. They were basically in the B1GW ("legends") which helped alot. Going forward, they are going to have 6 or more programs in a better position to win. So back to my original point- it really doesn't matter who they hire- it isn't likely to go well.