State of the Program (5-23-21) -- One Fan's Assessment

For goodness sake let it go. Do you really think you’re going to have some impact? You’ve turned nobody here. Your stance is clear and you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. Stallings did get dumped on but nobody wanted him to begin with and that never changed. So there was nothing to reset. Maybe not “fair” but that’s the way it goes with sports/public figures.

But my god - your incessant ramblings are changing nothing. I realize you’re free to continue to post whatever you wish and I’m free to tell you you’re incredibly annoying at times.

And adding - plenty of people want Capel gone yesterday. But you choose to dismiss that because it disrupts your Stallings sympathy campaign.
Posters continue to make excuses for Capel.

As long as Covid continues to be used as an excuse, I will respond to that excuse.

You think what I have too say is old. I think the all the Covid excuses are old. Old and lame, very lame.
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Posters continue to make excuses for Capel.

As long as Covid continues to be used as an excuse, I will respond to that excuse.

You think what I have too say is old. I think the all the Covid excuses are old. Old and lame.
Some do. No question.

Not disputing that at all. I’ve done the same re: Covid. Happened on the football board too. It’s absurd.
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Know who you are talking about

He was ok to good at Vandy for a while and I said the same at the time. And maybe he was a good fit there for a while. Him getting them into the tourney as much as he did should be praised. Especially in hindsight.

But he was a garbage hire at Pitt.
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Know who you are talking about

25-11 (10-6) - lost in round of 32
16-17 (8-10)
15-16 (7-11)
21-14 (9-9) - lost in NIT quarterfinals
19-14 (11-7) - lost in South Region First 4

He was ok to good at Vandy for a while and I said the same at the time. And maybe he was a good fit there for a while. Him getting them into the tourney as much as he did should be praised. Especially in hindsight.

But he was a garbage hire at Pitt.
Considering what you said in your first paragraph, how do you square that with your last sentence?
25-11 (10-6) - lost in round of 32
16-17 (8-10)
15-16 (7-11)
21-14 (9-9) - lost in NIT quarterfinals
19-14 (11-7) - lost in South Region First 4
In 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, he had a Trey, X, Toney and Hugley on his team?

Or maybe the team was hit with mono both years?
Considering what you said in your first paragraph, how do you square that with your last sentence?
His last few years weren’t great. And if I recall correctly he had NBA first rounders and another marginal guy and they lost a play in.

Pitt needed someone fresh. Not some retread who was about to be put out to pasture. Garbage hire. We’ll have to agree to disagree. You’re not going to change my mind nor will I change yours.

And he inherited four starters here from an NCAA team and proceeded to blow. And play Artis at the point. A joke. Rubbish. Failed to even land a marginal guy to handle the ball. Total Failure.
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Posters continue to make excuses for Capel.

As long as Covid continues to be used as an excuse, I will respond to that excuse.
Was not trying to "make excuses." I am not even interested in discussing whether Capel has performed to date as I and many others hoped he would perform. That subject has been beaten to death on here. Point of fact--I am very disappointed in the results so far.

My whole point was to be forward looking (and not be stuck lamenting the past). Just hoping against hope that Capel can somehow still "pull the rabbit out of the hat" before his firing becomes necessary.

Therefore, I hope that at least an over 0.500 record (overall) can be achieved in the 2021-22 season and that it will lead as a selling point in recruiting and eventually that recruiting will lead to a return to regularly being in the post season in 2002-23 and beyond.

Truly praying we don't need to go through another coaching change after next year--so totally weary of the disaster that followed Barnes' awful hire--rather than the patch and rebuild that should have been possible had the right hire been made.
In 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, he had a Trey, X, Toney and Hugley on his team?

Or maybe the team was hit with mono both years?
23-11 (9-7) - lost to 12 seed in first round
25-11 (10-6) - lost to 4 seed in 2nd round
24-9 (12-4) - lost to 13 seed in first round
19-12 (8-8)

I already dug up 5 of his 8 20 win seasons
26-8 (10-6) - lost to 13 seed in first round
22-12 (10-6) - lost to 2 seed in sweet 16. beat a 3 seed as a 6 seed
17-13 (7-9)
20-14 (8-8) - lost in 3rd round of NIT

So now we've been through his 8 best seasons
26-8 (10-6) - lost to 13 seed in first round
22-12 (10-6) - lost to 2 seed in sweet 16. beat a 3 seed as a 6 seed
17-13 (7-9)
20-14 (8-8) - lost in 3rd round of NIT

So now we've been through his 8 best seasons
Can we agree he was not a bum or garbage? The man deserved a chance here. He did not get it.

His chances were fried Day One.

How would you handle your work situation costing you your family? I know it would impact me.

Maybe it would be something DT could overcome, I doubt I could.

Happy wife, Happy life.
Can we agree he was not a bum or garbage? The man deserved a chance here. He did not get it.

His chances were fried Day One.

How would you handle your work situation costing you your family? I know it would impact me.

Maybe it would be something DT could overcome, I doubt I could.

Happy wife, Happy life.
I know I would gladly accept a case of Covid not requiring hospitalization for a Happy Wife.

Am I getting anywhere near using Happy Wife as much as Covid is being used?
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How would you handle your work situation costing you your family? I know it would impact me.

Happy wife, Happy life.
Who forced him to take this job? You act like Barnes put a gun to his head.

He was already a millionaire. He could have retired at the drop of a hat if he cared at all about his family life.
Who forced him to take this job? You act like Barnes put a gun to his head.

He was already a millionaire. He could have retired at the drop of a hat if he cared at all about his family life.
There was no reason for not taking the job before the press conference.

In case you missed it, his wife accompanied him to the press conference. I believe they even had plans to build a house.

He walked into an ambush. His family died in the attack. He emerged with survivors remorse.

Quit? Yeah, he could have, maybe should have quit. He probably would have if he knew his wife would never get “over” it.
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Can we agree he was not a bum or garbage? The man deserved a chance here. He did not get it.

His chances were fried Day One.

How would you handle your work situation costing you your family? I know it would impact me.

Maybe it would be something DT could overcome, I doubt I could.

Happy wife, Happy life.
He was a garbage hire, I don't call people themselves garbage or bums. Work situation costing you your family? Step down. I'd say my family wasn't happy being in Pittsburgh and leave. I don't know the ins and outs of his family situation, I gave up on the program when they hired him via the same analysis I just presented to you.
There was no reason for not taking the job before the press conference.

In case you missed it, his wife accompanied him to the press conference. I believe they even had plans to build a house.

He walked into an ambush. His family died in the attack. He emerged with survivors remorse.

Quit? Yeah, he could have, maybe should have quit. He probably would have if he knew his wife would never get “over” it.
His family died? Cmon man. I’m sure his wife was taken aback but life as a D1 family has all kinds of strains.

Doesn’t sound like survivors remorse - according to Stallings himself.

Does it? Or does it identify the character of your coach? Hell, I retired last year in the midst of covid, contracted COVID in January and sold my house and am moving to Tucson. So, in the midst of sh!t that was highly unusual my household thrived. So why not Jeff?
You sat in your house and hired a real estate agent , not exactly the same as managing 13 different individuals of college age .
Enjoy your retirement in Tucson !
You sat in your house and hired a real estate agent , not exactly the same as managing 13 different individuals of college age .
Enjoy your retirement in Tucson !
I don’t believe you are giving this posters encounter with Covid the respect it deserves. ;)
There are times when real life issues can overwhelm. I said something like that about Stallings.

Somehow he did not get a reset.

It appears some people get a “reset” while others don’t.

Covid not requiring hospitalization and an inability to control your players gets a reset. Immediate media and fan base vitriol and alienation of your family clearly did not.

I know which of the two situations I would have found easier to deal with. Anyone ever hear: happy wife, happy life? How would you feel if something that happened your first day on a new job cost you your family?

Weak gets a reset.Justifiably disgruntled does not.

An athletic director of character would have publicly apologized to Stallings for his treatment. Publicly acknowledged that the alienation and separation from his family impacted his performance. That AD would have stated we are going to change all that and pledged time to rebuild and complete support.

We know what did happen. Our AD stabbed him in the back, Turned her own coach in So she could claw back a few nickels and dimes in a suit to fire for cause.
Are you delusional , if KS personal life interfered with his performance than that’s an issue for him to deal with not the AD. If your putting a marriage you treasure at risk you resign for personal reasons. He didn’t need the money he’d been compensated very well at Vanderbilt for yrs .

I felt Pitt turning itself into the ncaa was pathetic, but he needed to go .
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I don’t believe you are giving this posters encounter with Covid the respect it deserves. ;)
Was he hospitalized? How sick was he ? Didn’t he just downplay JCs encounter . Most people who caught Covid who weren’t hospitalized fully recovered in 2-3 weeks . You need to get a grip .

Ps ..I knew two people who died from their encounter with Covid , so don’t tell me I don’t understand the seriousness of this virus .
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Was he hospitalized? How sick was he ? Didn’t he just downplay JCs encounter . Most people who caught Covid who weren’t hospitalized fully recovered in 2-3 weeks . You need to get a grip .

Ps ..I knew two people who died from their encounter with Covid , so don’t tell me I don’t understand the seriousness of this virus .
I apologies.Trying to be funny or sarcastic is not my strong suit, others do that much better than I.
When hugely was Suspended the trouble started there we didn’t have a big they can walk and chew gum at the same time and command space in the middle. Then the chemistry was off because players were banging the other players girlfriends that would create quite a problem for the chemistry of a team. Would you wanna play let alone pass the ball to the player that was doing that to your girl I don’t think so.
First off....I'd get a new girlfriend. Hugley had one decent game, and looks more like a 4 than 5.
I nominate this for most unhinged post of all time.
You can’t handle the truth?

i have credited you with being the fairest poster regarding both coaches.

Seriously, how would you have acted if your wife said F these A-holes. I am outta here and never coming back?
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You can’t handle the truth?

i have credited you with being the fairest poster regarding both coaches.

Seriously, how would you have acted if your wife said F these A-holes. I am outta here and never coming back?
I never would have been greedy or stupid enough to put myself in that situation.

Your premise is that it was so critical to him to go 0-18 at Pitt that he was willing to irrevocably break up his family. It is beyond insane.
I never would have been greedy or stupid enough to put myself in that situation.

Your premise is that it was so critical to him to go 0-18 at Pitt that he was willing to irrevocably break up his family. It is beyond insane.
You don’t think he expected his wife to eventually relent?

Mid season when she had not, he quits on the spot? Any possible legal repercussions in that? Any damage to his manhood in that?

Howcan there be empathy for Capel but not a sliver for Stallings?
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Are you delusional , if KS personal life interfered with his performance than that’s an issue for him to deal with not the
AD . If your putting a marriage you treasure at risk you resign for personal reasons. He didn’t need the money he’d been compensated very well at Vanderbilt for yrs .

I felt Pitt turning itself into the ncaa was pathetic, but he needed to go .
It was pathetic.
You don’t think he expected his wife to eventually relent?

Mid season when she had not, he quits on the spot? Any possible legal repercussions in that? Any damage to his manhood in that?

Howcan there be empathy for Capel but not a sliver for Stallings?
It’s beyond weird the lengths you’re going to over this. Absolutely bizarre. I could see a family member doing it or someone who had a very personal interest. But this is an extremely odd agenda to keep carrying on for a random internet fan.
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Capel was actually a garbage hire as well, IF IF IF you are being honest
He's been a failed hire but was not a garbage hire. I was pretty excited..thought he could get us some quality players quickly. The pro's of Stallings that I heard were his X's and O's..but I was so tired of X's and O's by the end of JD's tenure and didn't care. I still don't care about X's and O's, just want to see a team full of good players, which sleepy jeff has failed to obtain so far. But based off the initial perception, he can't be a garbage hire, only a failure. And he's clearly on the brink of failure.
He's been a failed hire but was not a garbage hire. I was pretty excited..thought he could get us some quality players quickly. The pro's of Stallings that I heard were his X's and O's..but I was so tired of X's and O's by the end of JD's tenure and didn't care. I still don't care about X's and O's, just want to see a team full of good players, which sleepy jeff has failed to obtain so far. But based off the initial perception, he can't be a garbage hire, only a failure. And he's clearly on the brink of failure.

He failed at his last school , not just failed, was a known failure when he couldn't cheat , and we hired him anyways and won't let him cheat , makes sense to me
He failed at his last school , not just failed, was a known failure when he couldn't cheat , and we hired him anyways and won't let him cheat , makes sense to me
That's a good point, I wasn't thinking of him as the failed OK head coach, just as the Duke Assistant, also who recruited blake griffin to OK. I still think there was reason to hope he'd be able to pull quality recruits to Pitt..but if another P5 program took him after Pitt fires him, that'd be a garbage hire. Spending those years at Duke with Coach K gets you some goodwill.
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Wait, so now Gary is contending that Stallings got a raw deal basically because his wife didn't understand the pressures of being a D1 coach and what comes with the big salary that they get? And so we are all on the same page, a D1 coach who the school he was working for was trying to figure out a way to get rid of him without having to fire him and pay him his severance (hmmm, that sounds familiar).

If Kevin Stallings' wife hadn't figured out by then that the media can be tough (fairly or unfairly) on P6 college basketball coaches then she must be dumber than a stump.

Maybe that should be a question of any potential hire for our next coaching search. "Is your wife so damn dumb that she's going to get pissed off and run home to mommy if the media criticize you?"
Does it? Or does it identify the character of your coach? Hell, I retired last year in the midst of covid, contracted COVID in January and sold my house and am moving to Tucson. So, in the midst of sh!t that was highly unusual my household thrived. So why not Jeff?

I'm tired of Capel's lame excuses. He needs to get a spine and do his job. He's getting paid a helluva lot of money to do his job and he's not doing it. Everyone has had to cope with COVID in one way or another. I don't want to hear that coaching a basketball team makes him any different than the next guy or any of us who contracted COVID, like you and me.