Steve Pederson

Saw this on Twitter and have to ask: Has there been any one single AD, for any school, who has singlehandedly ruined a once proud football school? Being under 25 I never got the privilege of seeing a game at Pitt Stadium and seems like the move to Heinz wasn't that warm welcomed then and we know it isn't now. can you forget Ed Bozik? We wouldn't be having this conversation if Bozik had re-enlisted in the air force. Pederson was bad, but had his moments (getting the nits back on the schedule, the ACC, bringing football back from the dump heap, Ben Howland). There were no moments at all for Bozik. None, zero, nada.
This is the same guy who took the “penn state sucks” part out of the fight song because it was “disrespectful” to Penn State.

That was the ****ing point!
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I think many are forgetting history here.....Heinz wasn't a slam dunk. Tax payers voted it down originally. Rooney's & the city needed more weight behind their Plan B to make it viable. They really needed Pitt to sell that Heinz would be more of a community asset. I think Rooney's & the city influencing played more of a role than any crusade by Pederson.

And to note it is one of the few times Pitt had this sh*t-hole city government by the balls. Should have pushed for more things like closing Bigelow and other things that are past due but let that opportunity just go by the wayside.
Which is also why Pitt got a sweetheart deal-
As the maintenance cost of Pitt stadium are about our lease rate.
And because it wasn’t the words

Man I really don’t like that guy. You know what else he did he rebranded Pitt PITTSBURGH and now during hoops and football broadcasts you NEVER see the cameras in Oakland @ the Cathedral or any of the historic buildings. It’s all about downtown and the entrance from the Fort Pitt Tunnels. It’s crap. No one realizes outside of the alumni what a beautiful campus Pitt has. All Steve P’s fault.

But I know that Pitt will return to Oakland for football in my lifetime (I’m 36). I believe it in my heart.
Man I really don’t like that guy. You know what else he did he rebranded Pitt PITTSBURGH and now during hoops and football broadcasts you NEVER see the cameras in Oakland @ the Cathedral or any of the historic buildings. It’s all about downtown and the entrance from the Fort Pitt Tunnels. It’s crap. No one realizes outside of the alumni what a beautiful campus Pitt has. All Steve P’s fault.

But I know that Pitt will return to Oakland for football in my lifetime (I’m 36). I believe it in my heart.
I don’t realize it-
I’m 40.

I love Pitt-
But a beautiful campus isn’t one of the variable
It’s an urban university in the heart of the city .

Campus isn’t the right term.

It’s not for everyone.

And back on topic-
The troglodytes who wouldn’t embrace our actual fight song words are to blame .
Man I really don’t like that guy. You know what else he did he rebranded Pitt PITTSBURGH and now during hoops and football broadcasts you NEVER see the cameras in Oakland @ the Cathedral or any of the historic buildings. It’s all about downtown and the entrance from the Fort Pitt Tunnels. It’s crap. No one realizes outside of the alumni what a beautiful campus Pitt has. All Steve P’s fault.

But I know that Pitt will return to Oakland for football in my lifetime (I’m 36). I believe it in my heart.
And don't forget the requisite steel mill footage. Probably of a mill that has been gone since 1987.

But come on, that's network laziness, not on anyone at Pitt. It's always been this way.
This is the same guy who took the “penn state sucks” part out of the fight song because it was “disrespectful” to Penn State.

That was the ****ing point!

It was taken out because it employed crude language that was unbecoming of the university. I don't know if that came from Nordenberg or Pederson, but I'd guess the former. Pederson repeatedly took shots at PSU over the years in public statements.
Man I really don’t like that guy. You know what else he did he rebranded Pitt PITTSBURGH and now during hoops and football broadcasts you NEVER see the cameras in Oakland @ the Cathedral or any of the historic buildings. It’s all about downtown and the entrance from the Fort Pitt Tunnels. It’s crap. No one realizes outside of the alumni what a beautiful campus Pitt has. All Steve P’s fault.

But I know that Pitt will return to Oakland for football in my lifetime (I’m 36). I believe it in my heart.

Pitt vs Pittsburgh has zero to do with which establishment shot, location stock footage is used by the media.

Many publication style guides insist on "Pittsburgh" regardless of Pitt's preferred moniker. It really just depends on the media outlet.
Because it’s fun. Don’t you like fun or would you rather be “skiing”?

1: You aren't clever.

2: Why is it fun? We barely play Penn State. I don't see how focusing on Pitt rather than a former rival makes something more fun.
Putting the words PSUCKS into the fight song when we are not playing PSU is idiotic and reinforces the "little brother" image.

Changing the fight song to prevent idiots from putting the words PSUCKS into the fight song is equally idiotic...........The fight song is not near as good without the rest of the real song.
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Pitt would have definitely left if they were invited, however none of us will never know for sure. And of course Pitt was front and center of Miami, BC, and VT leaving because they were worried about their future

There is no way to prove or disprove Pitt's thoughts if an offer was on the table. But ask yourself, why BC and why were they a few months behind VT and Miami if it was a no brainer? I mean, would you go after BC first when you had your pick of anyone who was available in the northeast back then and if the ACC was such a great deal, why did BC come in so late?
Putting the words PSUCKS into the fight song when we are not playing PSU is idiotic and reinforces the "little brother" image.

Changing the fight song to prevent idiots from putting the words PSUCKS into the fight song is equally idiotic...........The fight song is not near as good without the rest of the real song.
Agreed - The only time it makes sense to use it is when we are playing PS. Otherwise - fahgetaboutit.
There is no way to prove or disprove Pitt's thoughts if an offer was on the table. But ask yourself, why BC and why were they a few months behind VT and Miami if it was a no brainer? I mean, would you go after BC first when you had your pick of anyone who was available in the northeast back then and if the ACC was such a great deal, why did BC come in so late?
The rumor at the time is that Miami ( remember how good Miami was when they were in the Big East ) made adding BC a condition of their acceptance of an ACC invite.
No...Pitt was not invited. Pitt wasn't interested and wanted to keep the Big East together.


BC was likely the choice for the third spot because the ACC really didn't want West Virginia so BC was the best team available and had the biggest television market.
Perhaps we should replace the word "sucks" with something more accurate, like "child rape enablers" or "murder enablers"? But those terms are difficult to fit with the beat, so really, sucks is a pretty good word.
Or how about
“Fight , Pitt, Fight!”
“Fight, Pitt, Fight!”


The actual words mr tradition is sacrosanct?
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There is no way to prove or disprove Pitt's thoughts if an offer was on the table. But ask yourself, why BC and why were they a few months behind VT and Miami if it was a no brainer? I mean, would you go after BC first when you had your pick of anyone who was available in the northeast back then and if the ACC was such a great deal, why did BC come in so late?

In 2002, BC was part of the original target package of Miami, Syracuse, and BC. Pitt, coming off the 90s, was far down the list.

BC was added to the ACC after the Miami and VT addition because of how UVA, forced by the Virginia state government, blocked expansion until VT was included. With Duke and UNC in opposition to any expansion, and UVA's deciding vote tied up by its state, the ACC only had votes for Miami and VT. VT effectively replaced Syracuse, which was a reluctant participant in the first place. BC was invited as soon as Miami and VT were added as voting members and were able to provide additional votes to override UNC and Duke .

BC was a preferred partner of Miami. Shalala and Leahy were tight and negotiating with the ACC behind the Big East's back with the full intent to cause the ACC to usurp the Big East's BCS autobid and media contracts.
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And for the record, SP's exact quote to the PG:

  • "The first time I broached this idea with him [Nordenberg], I was glad that I was under contract," Pederson said. "He wasn't real enthusiastically embracing it."

Yes, SP might have been the fallguy for a decision that was not his to make, but I still hold him as most responsible. Mark gave him the parachute so he could feel better in retirement.
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Our recruiting has slipped with our stability with Narduzzi because he doesn’t value it.

I have news for you-
That was the state of the program before and after Steve pederson.

He wasn’t a variable.

The constant is a lack of financial commitment from fans.

Our recruiting has slipped with our stability with Narduzzi because he doesn’t value it.

Of all the dumb things ever said on this board this has to be up there as one of the dumbest......
Narduzzi has recruited about the same as the other Pitt coaches did, and unless we bring in Nick Saban, it will likely be the same for the next coach.
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In 2002, BC was part of the original target package of Miami, Syracuse, and BC. Pitt, coming off the 90s, was far down the list.

BC was added to the ACC after the Miami and VT addition because of how UVA, forced by the Virginia state government, blocked expansion until VT was included. With Duke and UNC in opposition to any expansion, and UVA's deciding vote tied up by its state, the ACC only had votes for Miami and VT. VT effectively replaced Syracuse, which was a reluctant participant in the first place. BC was invited as soon as Miami and VT were added as voting members and were able to provide additional votes to override UNC and Duke .

BC was a preferred partner of Miami. Shalala and Leahy were tight and negotiating with the ACC behind the Big East's back with the full intent to cause the ACC to usurp the Big East's BCS autobid and media contracts.

That's all swell. The point was, there were northeastern schools that didn't want to go to the ACC. There's no reason to assume that Pitt would have been in favor of it either.
Yeah, sure, BC was the best the ACC could do.

Given another chance they again passed on West Virginia and settled for Pitt, Syracuse and Louisville. So, yeah, BC was the best the ACC could do. And they lost Maryland in the process.
There is no way to prove or disprove Pitt's thoughts if an offer was on the table. But ask yourself, why BC and why were they a few months behind VT and Miami if it was a no brainer? I mean, would you go after BC first when you had your pick of anyone who was available in the northeast back then and if the ACC was such a great deal, why did BC come in so late?

Others have explained, but the original targets were Miami, Cuse and BC. VA government got involved and VT replaced Syracuse. They were voted in and then the next year BC was voted in. BC was an original target but got delayed due to the chaos that ensued during the initial raid. BC had strong support from Miami and insisted BC came in order for Miami to go.

That is why Swofford does everything on the downlow now. There are plenty of interviews and articles out there to support that.
That's all swell. The point was, there were northeastern schools that didn't want to go to the ACC. There's no reason to assume that Pitt would have been in favor of it either.

Pitt would have been like Syracuse. The writing was on the wall with Miami leaving and they would have reluctantly followed other teams into the ACC. But like Syracuse circa 2001/2002, and unlike BC and Miami, Pitt wouldn't have actively worked to undermine the Big East. But Pitt never had the opportunities of such options in the early 2000s.

Fast forward to 2009-2010 and the push by basketball-only schools (and some football schools) to move Villanova into a Big East football slot according to the actually termed "Duke plan" instead of going after UCF. As fallout to that battle, Pitt put the rest of the Big East on notice, in writing, that it was exploring options. Pitt's allies in that fight were WVU and Rutgers. But that Villanova "Duke plan" was the nail in the Big East's coffin and Pitt actively started exploring an exit, as did other football-playing members.

And I'll note here that Nordenberg was the major reason Pitt football moved forward from 1996, then after the 2003 ACC raid he became the defacto leader of Big East football and was the major reason Pitt football and the rest of the football playing members maintained their BCS/power conference status, and then circa 2010 he was a driving force in deciding that the Big East's future status as a major football conference was a losing cause and initiated the movement to find Pitt a new home in a different power conference. Pedersen was involved in the first and third actions. People that purport Nordenberg didn't value football or athletics are unbelievably and utterly clueless.
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Pretty sure there were talks about Pitt dropping out of Division 1 football before Pederson arrived. So no, Pederson did not destroy Pitt football.

Bozik did far more damage to Pitt football.

Bozik was probably worse, but the notion that Pitt was ever going to drop Division I football has always been a big fat myth.

Bob Smizik wrote one harebrained column on the idea 25 years ago, and that has somehow given life to Pitt this fantasy that Steve Pederson came in and saved us all from ourselves and D-III oblivion.

It’s a big, fat fish tale and it always has been.

I don’t know if Pederson was the worst athletic director Pitt has ever had, but he was certainly the most divisive.
Bozik was probably worse, but the notion that Pitt was ever going to drop Division I football has always been a big fat myth.

Bob Smizik wrote one harebrained column on the idea 25 years ago, and that has somehow given life to Pitt this fantasy that Steve Pederson came in and saved us all from ourselves and D-III oblivion.

It’s a big, fat fish tale and it always has been.

I don’t know if Pederson was the worst athletic director Pitt has ever had, but he was certainly the most divisive.

There was an internal push within some quarters of the university to drop football to IAA circa 1996. Pretty much that was squashed when the new administration took over and football fortunes turned in 1997. If football had continued to be awful, the movement could have gained additional steam. You have the wrong people in charge at this juncture, there is no predicting what might have happened.
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Yeah, there’s always an internal push from academicians whenever they think you’re throwing good money after bad.

It’s the same old tired trope of, “Sheesh, with as bad as they are every year, just imagine how many professors they could hire with all that money or how many programs they could help with all of that money?”

Rutgers goes through this every single time they hire a new football coach.

Every time.

However, that’s very different than saying Rutgers is considering dropping football.
Yeah, there’s always an internal push from academicians whenever they think you’re throwing good money after bad.

It’s the same old tired trope of, “Sheesh, with as bad as they are every year, just imagine how many professors they could hire with all that money or how many programs they could help with all of that money?”

Rutgers goes through this every single time they hire a new football coach.

Every time.

However, that’s very different than saying Rutgers is considering dropping football.

And then there is Temple, that had the wrong leadership at the wrong time and cost them a place, probably forever, in a power conference.
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Temple is a totally different case. They have never drawn well and they have never fully supported their program – regardless of their administration. And yet even they — even poor little Temple, did not drop football.
Temple is a totally different case. They have never drawn well and they have never fully supported their program – regardless of their administration. And yet even they — even poor little Temple, did not drop football.

They dropped out of major football. Absolutely and intentionally. And came very close to dropping football all together.

If Pitt hadn't regained competitiveness in football, and renewed its facilities, it would be in the same place as Temple, whether it came internally or externally.

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