Nittany97 is a good guy. Not a troll at all that likes to stir up anything. Always has brought straight football opinions here. I'm just speaking of people I've actually met in person, but the penn staters that constantly rip on OSU/tressel and act like they're everything wrong with college sports just make me sick beyond belief.
I'll say it again...tressel's downfall was his completely loyalty to his players at all times. He's a lot like narduzzi in that regard. Maybe a Youngstown thing? I truly believe he knew a lot of his players didn't have money, im sure he wasn't thrilled about what they did, but he understood why. He would've done anything to keep them from getting kicked out of school or having their lives ruined.
I think there's a lot to be admired about how tressel dealt with his players. An NCAA violation and show cause penalty does not neccasrialy mean he's a bad guy. I have more respect for tressel after everything that happened than I would if he came clean and told on his players. So let's be serious, Pitt or anyone else for that matter is not "too good" or on some moral high ground to avoid tressel.