The Steve Pederson Era...

well let's see, there's small issue of playing at Heinz Field, the school colors and the deletion of the refrain in the school's hundred year old victory song...if you gave me more time I'm sure I could provide you more garbage this idiot left in his wake.

Nordy hired him not once but twice, he is more to blame in reality
You need to throw in Nordenberg...he was the BACKROOM guy pulling all the strings when Pedey boy was the loyal minion doing Nordy's dirty work. He was out front schmoozing folks and pretending that he supported FB and behind the scene he did nothing but screw FB every chance he had.... from the AD he hired, to the budgets he set for assts. and HCs, to his ridiculous involvement in HCing searches, he royally screwed FB for nearly his entire tenure as chancellor.

Nordy is on Mount Pittmore for worst leaders of big time sports ever
Nordy is on Mount Pittmore for worst leaders of big time sports ever
yea, the teflon man who pulled every string on his puppet, Pedersen, and screwed Pitt FB royally. We kknow in retrospect why Nerdy hired Pedersen the second time...after Nebraska he was a beaten man who pledged to his boss's bidding, take all the flack and keep his mouth shut...that's what Nerdy wanted, not a competent AD.
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silly move to hire him again. First go around had good and bad but to bring him back was a ridiculous hire.. Very rarely does it ever work out, re-hiring someone..
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Exactly. Great first tenure for Pederson bringing Pitt athletics back from the dead. Didn't really like the whole "Pittsburgh" thing but I can see why he thought it was a good idea at the time.

He almost destroyed a historic Nebraska program beyond repair though. How he was able to get another job after that is beyond me.
silly move to hire him again. First go around had good and bad but to bring him back was a ridiculous hire.. Very rarely does it ever work out, re-hiring someone..

entry into the ACC, PSU back on schedule, McConnell hired for woman's b-ball. We can and have done worse in the AD position
1. Saved the Pitt Football program from the likelihood of extinction. (Overblown Tripe. At no point was there ever a discussion at a Board of Trustees meeting about killing football.)
2. Hired Walt Harris (Who was like his sixth choice. Everyone else turned him down. See a pattern?) who worked under miserable conditions yet not only resuscitated the program, but made the team nationally competitive.
3. Built the premier college basketball arena in America. (Which came in at twice the budget and resulted in more negative publicity for the school which he could not answer for because he was at Nebraska)
4. Hired Ben Howland who led Pitt basketball to becoming a national power. (Hand delivered by Sonny Vaccaro)
5. Saved all Pitt athletics by cutting deal with ESPN to get us into the ACC when we were so close to being relegated to the AAC. (No athletic director has this kind of power. If anything, he encouraged Nordenberg to finally dump these Providence losers and go with the big dogs)
6. No scandals. (Okay, only because incompetence isn't scandalous)
Best Pitt AD in my lifetime.
entry into the ACC, PSU back on schedule, McConnell hired for woman's b-ball. We can and have done worse in the AD position
all that pales in comparison to the damage done to the FB program the last 10 years with the coaching carousel and the damage resulting from the destruction of Pitt stadium and having to play in a forum that's much too large.. Pedersen had nothing to do with Pitt's entry into the ACC other than fill in the application. Yea, he hired McConnell after renewing her predecessor's contract which Pitt is still paying off-what a joke your even suggesting that's a positive. Pedersen and Nerdy together were a complete disaster and Pitt FB would have never gotten off the mat with those two BUMS in place.
as I said, we can and have done worse. Jeff Long is considered to be one of the better AD's but was a complete dud here. Wonder why? Maybe problems are beyond AD office.

Pitt fans love to pin the blame on the lone boogey man theory.
Common denominator for both ADs, Nerdy, who also played a key role in mucking up anything related to athletics. And you are correct, the problems went beyond the athletics dept. because the guy making all the important decisions was a buffoon.
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Common denominator for both ADs, Nerdy, who also played a key role in mucking up anything related to athletics. And you are correct, the problems went beyond the athletics dept. because the guy making all the important decisions was a buffoon.

The Nordy/Pederson team look like an administrative team from Alabama when compared to Posvar/Bozik, who should be the ones receiving all of the venom. Those two are the culprits for no on-campus stadium, no eastern conference and no commitment to winning. The only thing scarier is they were followed up by O'Conner/Jaynes.

So once again when everyone is railing against Nordy/Pederson, please review some history and realize things were alot worse.
The Nordy/Pederson team look like an administrative team from Alabama when compared to Posvar/Bozik, who should be the ones receiving all of the venom. Those two are the culprits for no on-campus stadium, no eastern conference and no commitment to winning. The only thing scarier is they were followed up by O'Conner/Jaynes.

So once again when everyone is railing against Nordy/Pederson, please review some history and realize things were alot worse.

You can be a fan boy , history is proving you very wrong. I think this administration gets it fully, hope they have the funds to pull it off. You could have gave Nordy and Pedey Alabama type money , and they would have still screwed it all up. See Pederson with Nebraska money , and Nordy hired him back at a harder situation. WOW!
Maybe some lingering Buyout Payments, most know that was his true expertise and paying consultants under the table with his many requests on changes in uniforms, logos, and wondering why they never too off at Pitt or Nebraska?
Don't forget about the 3 year contract extension for Agnus Berenato in 2008. If I remember correctly...her contract should be paid off this year.
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Kill Pitt football? I suggest you look at where Pitt football was the sixth years prior to his hiring and then since his hiring.

The program was on its death bed when he was hired, they are in the ACC now.

Participation in the ACC, by the way, is one thing that remains from the Peterson era, and far outweighs stadiums, uniforms, and logos in terms of importance.

Peterson helped us get into the ACC.....HA! HA! HA!
Our best AD was is easily forgotten Marc "gathering all of the facts" Boehm. He hired Jaime after Skip Prosser bailed. He slashed season ticket prices to ensure the stadium was packed for Fitz2003. He was also very instrumental the beginning of the ACC raid. He's also spoken very highly of the place in spite of the fact that he was passed over for a job he did for a year as interim AD.
Our best AD was is easily forgotten Marc "gathering all of the facts" Boehm. He hired Jaime after Skip Prosser bailed. He slashed season ticket prices to ensure the stadium was packed for Fitz2003. He was also very instrumental the beginning of the ACC raid. He's also spoken very highly of the place in spite of the fact that he was passed over for a job he did for a year as interim AD.

meh, got lucky with the Dixon hire. What was instrumental about what he did in ACC raid? Hold the door open for Miami to leave? He wasn't incompetent but I don't think any P5 has swooped him up since, have they?
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The Nordy/Pederson team look like an administrative team from Alabama when compared to Posvar/Bozik, who should be the ones receiving all of the venom. Those two are the culprits for no on-campus stadium, no eastern conference and no commitment to winning. The only thing scarier is they were followed up by O'Conner/Jaynes.

So once again when everyone is railing against Nordy/Pederson, please review some history and realize things were alot worse.
Bad is bad and incompetent is incompetent.... All Pitt administrators since Posvar have contributed to producing the mess that has been Pitt athletics. Who created the most embarrassing coaching carousel in NCAA history? Who relied on another school"s AD to select a HC who then used Pitt to train his coach in waiting? Nerdy and Pedersen deserve as much blame as any group of Pitt administrators.
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Our best AD was is easily forgotten Marc "gathering all of the facts" Boehm. He hired Jaime after Skip Prosser bailed. He slashed season ticket prices to ensure the stadium was packed for Fitz2003. He was also very instrumental the beginning of the ACC raid. He's also spoken very highly of the place in spite of the fact that he was passed over for a job he did for a year as interim AD.
Ackshully...Nordy hired Jamie (not Jaime). Boehm was OK.....probably would have done OK, as he wasn't offensive. Long was job-hopping, but bringing back SP was a major flaw...his huge buyout made it look even worse.
Don't forget about the 3 year contract extension for Agnus Berenato in 2008. If I remember correctly...her contract should be paid off this year.
Just glad he is gone and if anybody wants Pederson back then go to Cleveland and hire him for your own company! I am glad he is gone and stays gone. The University of Pederson, Of Pederson Ego, By Pederson Mismanagement and For Pederson's Pockets is 19 Years of Foolships!
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anyone who thinks Pederson is worse than Bozik is not too bright. Oh, wait a minute, PIK said that, never mind.
I can describe only one way.....Dumb & Dumber! Pederson proved it at Two Schools three time however and is why he is Dumber!

Pederson failures at his (Adopted Mother) Alma Mater Nebraska when he had all the assets, income, fan base, and still failed, made Boosters mad, changed traditions, and brought down All American Pictures lining the Walls of AD Department and put up current Players that accomplished nothing was an example of a stupid Athletic Director! Not Changing it was seven more stupid after getting mistakes on it. Same with Pitt Script Logo and changing Pitt to Pittsburgh, what a Dunce and paid Consultant's to come up with bone head ideas.

Cleveland will reject him too, he may try and change names again, but he should consider to change only his own name to get a job!

By the way, he is and was no longer welcomed at Pitt, but he is hated at Nebraska his Adopted Mother, and Unemployed, so he is a Orphan now roaming wondering how he got it so wrong.
I can describe only one way.....Dumb & Dumber! Pederson proved it at Two Schools three time however and is why he is Dumber!

Pederson failures at his (Adopted Mother) Alma Mater Nebraska when he had all the assets, income, fan base, and still failed, made Boosters mad, changed traditions, and brought down All American Pictures lining the Walls of AD Department and put up current Players that accomplished nothing was an example of a stupid Athletic Director! Not Changing it was seven more stupid after getting mistakes on it. Same with Pitt Script Logo and changing Pitt to Pittsburgh, what a Dunce and paid Consultant's to come up with bone head ideas.

Cleveland will reject him too, he may try and change names again, but he should consider to change only his own name to get a job!

By the way, he is and was no longer welcomed at Pitt, but he is hated at Nebraska his Adopted Mother, and Unemployed, so he is a Orphan now roaming wondering how he got it so wrong.

And who hired him twice ? Is the guy that hired him twice and allowed him to mess most things up, get any of the blame ?
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We're still stuck at Heinz Field thanks to Smilin' Steve, right?

We've still got to play Oklahoma State at home next year after a road game at PSU. Certainly was real smart to schedule a road trip to Stillwater after a home game against PSU this year, wasn't it?

We've still got the return trip to Huntington, W.Va. to play Marshall on future schedules too.
Yeah why would any team want to play Top 25 teams OOC? Bring on New Hampshire and Youngstown State.
And who hired him twice ? Is the guy that hired him twice and allowed him to mess most things up, get any of the blame ?
If Pearlman hired SP at Nebarska and gave SP a Buyout too, I won't attack Nordenberg that did the same thing. The failure is on SP Ego putting himself ahead of the university with horrible misjudgements not them.

Nordenberg did so many things right than wrong at Pitt, and gets the credit for rebuilding Pitt Sports, surviving Pitt during ACC raid on BEC, and then working to get Pitt into the ACC. If Nordy felt he needed Pederson advice twice to do all of that I won't second guess Nordy. Nordy got it done in spite of Pederson's mistakes.

Pederson let Nordenberg & Pearlman down that killed off Booster Support, misspent Pitt money on consultants on Re-Branding that was an absolute failure and gone today as proof, and SP stubbornness not to change cost his dismissal at 2 Universities. Pederson firing and hiring of Coaches was terrible too.

Pederson & Howland used Pitt, and left it when it was at peril, and that is on them, then failed at NU & UCLA, while Nordenberg saved Pitt without them, and added better Coaches in Dixon and Wannstedt.

Pederson has no respect today at Pitt or Nebraska because how he acted so badly to others yesterday. Nordenberg has immense respect forevermore.

Nordenberg worked on many accomplishments that needed advice from many places and Alumna too. What Nordy did at Pitt in Athletics and Academics, Endowments, Research Funding and Rankings was remarkable and without Athletic or Academic Scandals like what happen at PSU & WVU!

Nordenberg like at Miami, BC, and VT, Cuse, and ULou did get Pitt into the ACC, just like Nebraska and Rutgers got into the Big Ten. WVU & TCU into Big-12 too.

Pederson was great promoter of Pederson before Pitt and Nebraska and is in Cleveland today as an Unemployed Consultant because he has no place at Pitt or Nebraska nor any other place in Athletics?

Nordenberg made Pitt thrive and survive and is still honored and respected from yesterday and today. Pederson can't say that, so don't blame Pederson's mistakes on Nordy in my view. Pederson was small part of it of Nordy's success, by no means all of it and survived SP mistakes.

Nordy did it his way and deserves respect in every way and if Pederson did his own job better he would still be at Nebraska, that was his target all the time, not staying at Pitt!
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You read some of these defenses of Pederson in this thread and you have to wonder---why hasn't any other university hired him to be its athletic director?

If he did so well (I think one described him as our best athletic director??), why can't he get another AD job?
Maybe he doesn't want to.