This is why I like divisions


Athletic Director
Oct 25, 2021
Cincy and Tulane playing today to see who hosts the AAC Championship when they play again... Next week. Pretty sure this also happened a few years ago with Memphis and UCF. Aside from the fact that it really detracts from today's game and is sort of unfair to the winner (they have to win twice in a row), it's kind of silly to re-decide a conference that has already been decided (by virtue of finishing in first place when all teams were already included). I understand why the championship games exi$t, but put me down for the winners of two divisions facing off feeling more purposeful.
If you have an 8 team, or even 10 conference, I can buy the no division. But you get 12 or more? No.
That is why NCAA football needs to under go massive changes otherwise the sport will continue to self-destruct. There needs to be a 16 team playoff format that includes every FBS conference champion (Last time I looked I believe there were 10 conferences) and 6 wild card teams. Involve the highest bidding bowl games to be the site of these playoff games. All conferences should be no more then 9 teams and make sense in a geographical manner.
If you have an 8 team, or even 10 conference, I can buy the no division. But you get 12 or more? No.

I don't even love it with ten. Like the Big 12 basically started doing it for the sole purpose of giving Oklahoma another quality win to bolster their playoff resume. Just seems so contrived.

I think it'd have been kind of cool for the ACC to do something like keeping the divisions but switching them up every 2-3 years. But I realize it was all about creating a more appealing tv matchup by ensuring the two best teams are in it. I still don't love it, though.
Cincy and Tulane playing today to see who hosts the AAC Championship when they play again... Next week…
The odds are that they aren’t playing again.

The value of having a CCG can certainly be debated. Just think if a conference is going to have one, might as well make sure the two most successful teams are playing to determine its champion.
Cincy and Tulane playing today to see who hosts the AAC Championship when they play again... Next week. Pretty sure this also happened a few years ago with Memphis and UCF. Aside from the fact that it really detracts from today's game and is sort of unfair to the winner (they have to win twice in a row), it's kind of silly to re-decide a conference that has already been decided (by virtue of finishing in first place when all teams were already included). I understand why the championship games exi$t, but put me down for the winners of two divisions facing off feeling more purposeful.

Yep. Cant wait for back to back Michigan/OSU games the next 10 years. If this was OSU/Michigan next year, would you play any starters?
Yep. Cant wait for back to back Michigan/OSU games the next 10 years. If this was OSU/Michigan next year, would you play any starters?

Certainly not if I needed the conference championship to qualify for the 12-team field (like if Michigan was #15, for instance). I would play third stringers and might not even throw a pass all day.

I guess I could see an argument for trying if you were like #7 and really just needed to win one of the two to get an at-large or an automatic spot with the BIG championship.

Definitely would be zero incentive for Cincy and Tulane to try to win today, as the top 6 conference champs get into the playoff which means next week is all that matters.
Cincy and Tulane playing today to see who hosts the AAC Championship when they play again... Next week. Pretty sure this also happened a few years ago with Memphis and UCF. Aside from the fact that it really detracts from today's game and is sort of unfair to the winner (they have to win twice in a row), it's kind of silly to re-decide a conference that has already been decided (by virtue of finishing in first place when all teams were already included). I understand why the championship games exi$t, but put me down for the winners of two divisions facing off feeling more purposeful.

Yup, agree there. big 10 or whatever they are called now used to always be the same too, osu vs michigan was the championship every year. Now they play each year to see who will beat up on the cupcake in the other division