Thoughts on Lyke/Stockey Interview

Panther Al

Aug 31, 2008
Firstly, I think Stockey knows Pitt VERY well and isn't in the ass kissing business like a few other reporters so I commend him on asking some open ended questions which clearly he knows are a big issue or question mark at Pitt.

Stadium: I've voiced my opinion on this matter multiple times and nothing has changed from my point of view. Stockey asked Lyke again about the on campus stadium because she didn't say NO in the initial media briefing and avoided the question to say we need to focus on other sports who don't have practice facilities? Do those other sports (she's not talking about basketball) make money and does anyone care about those sports outside of the athletes themselves? I'm frustrated because like many fans, we feel we have a really good coach who the recruits really like but am concerned he'll leave if he's not getting the top players. Heinz hasn't worked so we need to change like any business. Last I checked, we haven't landed 8 to 10 4/5 star players PER a year (these are SURE thing players like Boyd, Whitehead, Shady, Fitz, etc.) which in my opinion is what we need to compete for championships. Not one or two per class or one single year, every year to build depth. Btw, PSU already has 10 4 star players for 2018 with all the scandals that have gone on at that school. We all know there are 3 star or even two star players whether its Revis, Donald, etc. who turn out to be elite players however I want a sure thing rather than praying that this recruit has a "High Ceiling" and that slogan doesn't work. There is a reason why some guys are 4/5 star vs 3 star. Clearly Boyd, McCoy are a step above the other guys and we need to land more guys like them. Raines is 4 star and a step above or I call a difference maker. The bottom line is look at the recruiting rankings and most of those top recruiting teams are competing for championships because they get 8 to 10 4/5 star players per class PER year to build depth not depending on 3 star players with a high ceiling. We saw this issue with the 2017 class. Don't make excuses, but the bottom line is those elite players want atmosphere and that doesn't exist at Heinz outside of one game a season. Chris Peak said Lyke's MOST important job is to sell out Heinz and improve the atmosphere. He's in the recruiting business and talks to players all the time. I wonder why.

Selling out Heinz/relationship with the other Pittsburgh teams: I'm all about giving AD's a chance as SP was our biggest problem who was a know it all and a complete fool. The bottom line is Lyke needs to start answering more honestly because she will get burned in the end. She's playing the card like all of the other AD's did by saying the relationship with the Steelers, Pens, Pirates, etc. is extraordinary and such a big help to Pitt? What does that really do for us? Firstly, if the Steelers/Heinz Field meant something we would be landing all of the 4/5 star recruits. There are tons of those elite players who grew up Steeler fans (national team) who can go next door and see Ben, AB, Bell, etc. all the time. Are you telling me they grew up Browns fans instead? It means nothing because to me its all about recruiting and the results aren't there. The Pirates are never flexible with their schedule for our few Sept. games. Great relationship? I don't hear other schools like Ohio State or Michigan caring about the Columbus Blue Jackets or the Detroit Lions. Ohio State/Michigan worry about THEM. We need to WORRY about PITT. Also, don't tell us that you need to go to a Pitt football game at Heinz to understand what the issues are at Pitt or Heinz Field. Didn't you not do your research on the Heinz Field attendance/atmosphere issue before you took the job? Did the Chancellor not tell you or ask you about this issue in the interview process? Did you not speak to Scott Barnes or others who are still in athletic dept.? The problems haven't changed and some say win and they'll come? We beat Penn State this year. What happened the games after at Heinz? Did you see how the students didn't show up the following week after vs Duke after beating the Clemson (yes the national champions) on a nice fall day? It wasn't raining out and they hate taking the BUS. Don't prolong the inevitable. She went to U of M and worked at Ohio State so she knows damn well what a college football atmosphere should be like on campus. It doesn't exist off campus.

Firstly, I think Stockey knows Pitt VERY well and isn't in the ass kissing business like a few other reporters so I commend him on asking some open ended questions which clearly he knows are a big issue or question mark at Pitt.

Stadium: I've voiced my opinion on this matter multiple times and nothing has changed from my point of view. Stockey asked Lyke again about the on campus stadium because she didn't say NO in the initial media briefing and avoided the question to say we need to focus on other sports who don't have practice facilities? Do those other sports (she's not talking about basketball) make money and does anyone care about those sports outside of the athletes themselves? I'm frustrated because like many fans, we feel we have a really good coach who the recruits really like but am concerned he'll leave if he's not getting the top players. Heinz hasn't worked so we need to change like any business. Last I checked, we haven't landed 8 to 10 4/5 star players PER a year (these are SURE thing players like Boyd, Whitehead, Shady, Fitz, etc.) which in my opinion is what we need to compete for championships. Not one or two per class or one single year, every year to build depth. Btw, PSU already has 10 4 star players for 2018 with all the scandals that have gone on at that school. We all know there are 3 star or even two star players whether its Revis, Donald, etc. who turn out to be elite players however I want a sure thing rather than praying that this recruit has a "High Ceiling" and that slogan doesn't work. There is a reason why some guys are 4/5 star vs 3 star. Clearly Boyd, McCoy are a step above the other guys and we need to land more guys like them. Raines is 4 star and a step above or I call a difference maker. The bottom line is look at the recruiting rankings and most of those top recruiting teams are competing for championships because they get 8 to 10 4/5 star players per class PER year to build depth not depending on 3 star players with a high ceiling. We saw this issue with the 2017 class. Don't make excuses, but the bottom line is those elite players want atmosphere and that doesn't exist at Heinz outside of one game a season. Chris Peak said Lyke's MOST important job is to sell out Heinz and improve the atmosphere. He's in the recruiting business and talks to players all the time. I wonder why.

Selling out Heinz/relationship with the other Pittsburgh teams: I'm all about giving AD's a chance as SP was our biggest problem who was a know it all and a complete fool. The bottom line is Lyke needs to start answering more honestly because she will get burned in the end. She's playing the card like all of the other AD's did by saying the relationship with the Steelers, Pens, Pirates, etc. is extraordinary and such a big help to Pitt? What does that really do for us? Firstly, if the Steelers/Heinz Field meant something we would be landing all of the 4/5 star recruits. There are tons of those elite players who grew up Steeler fans (national team) who can go next door and see Ben, AB, Bell, etc. all the time. Are you telling me they grew up Browns fans instead? It means nothing because to me its all about recruiting and the results aren't there. The Pirates are never flexible with their schedule for our few Sept. games. Great relationship? I don't hear other schools like Ohio State or Michigan caring about the Columbus Blue Jackets or the Detroit Lions. Ohio State/Michigan worry about THEM. We need to WORRY about PITT. Also, don't tell us that you need to go to a Pitt football game at Heinz to understand what the issues are at Pitt or Heinz Field. Didn't you not do your research on the Heinz Field attendance/atmosphere issue before you took the job? Did the Chancellor not tell you or ask you about this issue in the interview process? Did you not speak to Scott Barnes or others who are still in athletic dept.? The problems haven't changed and some say win and they'll come? We beat Penn State this year. What happened the games after at Heinz? Did you see how the students didn't show up the following week after vs Duke after beating the Clemson (yes the national champions) on a nice fall day? It wasn't raining out and they hate taking the BUS. Don't prolong the inevitable. She went to U of M and worked at Ohio State so she knows damn well what a college football atmosphere should be like on campus. It doesn't exist off campus.


I'm completely on your page. The Steelers have done nothing but use Pitt. Pitt better get aggressive and creative on the stadium issue instead of trying to avoid the pink elephant in the room.
Firstly, I think Stockey knows Pitt VERY well and isn't in the ass kissing business like a few other reporters so I commend him on asking some open ended questions which clearly he knows are a big issue or question mark at Pitt.

Stadium: I've voiced my opinion on this matter multiple times and nothing has changed from my point of view. Stockey asked Lyke again about the on campus stadium because she didn't say NO in the initial media briefing and avoided the question to say we need to focus on other sports who don't have practice facilities? Do those other sports (she's not talking about basketball) make money and does anyone care about those sports outside of the athletes themselves? I'm frustrated because like many fans, we feel we have a really good coach who the recruits really like but am concerned he'll leave if he's not getting the top players. Heinz hasn't worked so we need to change like any business. Last I checked, we haven't landed 8 to 10 4/5 star players PER a year (these are SURE thing players like Boyd, Whitehead, Shady, Fitz, etc.) which in my opinion is what we need to compete for championships. Not one or two per class or one single year, every year to build depth. Btw, PSU already has 10 4 star players for 2018 with all the scandals that have gone on at that school. We all know there are 3 star or even two star players whether its Revis, Donald, etc. who turn out to be elite players however I want a sure thing rather than praying that this recruit has a "High Ceiling" and that slogan doesn't work. There is a reason why some guys are 4/5 star vs 3 star. Clearly Boyd, McCoy are a step above the other guys and we need to land more guys like them. Raines is 4 star and a step above or I call a difference maker. The bottom line is look at the recruiting rankings and most of those top recruiting teams are competing for championships because they get 8 to 10 4/5 star players per class PER year to build depth not depending on 3 star players with a high ceiling. We saw this issue with the 2017 class. Don't make excuses, but the bottom line is those elite players want atmosphere and that doesn't exist at Heinz outside of one game a season. Chris Peak said Lyke's MOST important job is to sell out Heinz and improve the atmosphere. He's in the recruiting business and talks to players all the time. I wonder why.

Selling out Heinz/relationship with the other Pittsburgh teams: I'm all about giving AD's a chance as SP was our biggest problem who was a know it all and a complete fool. The bottom line is Lyke needs to start answering more honestly because she will get burned in the end. She's playing the card like all of the other AD's did by saying the relationship with the Steelers, Pens, Pirates, etc. is extraordinary and such a big help to Pitt? What does that really do for us? Firstly, if the Steelers/Heinz Field meant something we would be landing all of the 4/5 star recruits. There are tons of those elite players who grew up Steeler fans (national team) who can go next door and see Ben, AB, Bell, etc. all the time. Are you telling me they grew up Browns fans instead? It means nothing because to me its all about recruiting and the results aren't there. The Pirates are never flexible with their schedule for our few Sept. games. Great relationship? I don't hear other schools like Ohio State or Michigan caring about the Columbus Blue Jackets or the Detroit Lions. Ohio State/Michigan worry about THEM. We need to WORRY about PITT. Also, don't tell us that you need to go to a Pitt football game at Heinz to understand what the issues are at Pitt or Heinz Field. Didn't you not do your research on the Heinz Field attendance/atmosphere issue before you took the job? Did the Chancellor not tell you or ask you about this issue in the interview process? Did you not speak to Scott Barnes or others who are still in athletic dept.? The problems haven't changed and some say win and they'll come? We beat Penn State this year. What happened the games after at Heinz? Did you see how the students didn't show up the following week after vs Duke after beating the Clemson (yes the national champions) on a nice fall day? It wasn't raining out and they hate taking the BUS. Don't prolong the inevitable. She went to U of M and worked at Ohio State so she knows damn well what a college football atmosphere should be like on campus. It doesn't exist off campus.

Excellent points all of them the entire post was great!

The danger of having an AD who was selected by a large group targeted candidate search is that PITT ends up with an AD who's comfortable focusing on the minor non revenue sports at the expense of improving the revenue sports which is a much more difficult and risky proposition! Its a take off of the " lets make them all equal" thinking.

At OSU Lyke was responsible for non revenue producing sports not football or basketball. She had nothing to do with the bigtime revenue producing sports. IMO her football experience at EMU isn't relevant to a P5 ACC football and basketball program.

As mentioned in the post above her job is to improve football and basketball attendance.
Its approaching kick-off day and Lyke hasn't released a thing concerning helping football or basketball programs except that she supports both coaches!

I hope not but she might make SP and Barnes "used cars" look like hall of famer AD's. If Lyke becomes a great AD both SP and Barnes " used cars" will be hall of flamer AD's so lets hope the latter happens.
Pitt needs a feasibility study to show that it is infeasible so that we can all shut up and enjoy Mustard Bowl Stadium.

I believe Pitt owes its fans this feasibility study. Its not enough to say the numbers dont work for 6-7 games per year without any real analysis.
Excellent points all of them the entire post was great!

The danger of having an AD who was selected by a large group targeted candidate search is that PITT ends up with an AD who's comfortable focusing on the minor non revenue sports at the expense of improving the revenue sports which is a much more difficult and risky proposition! Its a take off of the " lets make them all equal" thinking.

At OSU Lyke was responsible for non revenue producing sports not football or basketball. She had nothing to do with the bigtime revenue producing sports. IMO her football experience at EMU isn't relevant to a P5 ACC football and basketball program.

As mentioned in the post above her job is to improve football and basketball attendance.
Its approaching kick-off day and Lyke hasn't released a thing concerning helping football or basketball programs except that she supports both coaches!

I hope not but she might make SP and Barnes "used cars" look like hall of famer AD's. If Lyke becomes a great AD both SP and Barnes " used cars" will be hall of flamer AD's so lets hope the latter happens.

You clearly have an agenda against the new AD. It does not matter who the AD is. Pitt has a 35k base fanbase (including students). Winning might gain 5-10k more fans. An attractive opponent might bring another 5-10k. PS, WV, ND bring about 15k people.

Pitt is not going to build a new stadium in Oakland. There is no room. It is not that difficult to understand the only feasible option is to downsize Heinz.
Firstly, I think Stockey knows Pitt VERY well and isn't in the ass kissing business like a few other reporters so I commend him on asking some open ended questions which clearly he knows are a big issue or question mark at Pitt.

Stadium: I've voiced my opinion on this matter multiple times and nothing has changed from my point of view. Stockey asked Lyke again about the on campus stadium because she didn't say NO in the initial media briefing and avoided the question to say we need to focus on other sports who don't have practice facilities? Do those other sports (she's not talking about basketball) make money and does anyone care about those sports outside of the athletes themselves? I'm frustrated because like many fans, we feel we have a really good coach who the recruits really like but am concerned he'll leave if he's not getting the top players. Heinz hasn't worked so we need to change like any business. Last I checked, we haven't landed 8 to 10 4/5 star players PER a year (these are SURE thing players like Boyd, Whitehead, Shady, Fitz, etc.) which in my opinion is what we need to compete for championships. Not one or two per class or one single year, every year to build depth. Btw, PSU already has 10 4 star players for 2018 with all the scandals that have gone on at that school. We all know there are 3 star or even two star players whether its Revis, Donald, etc. who turn out to be elite players however I want a sure thing rather than praying that this recruit has a "High Ceiling" and that slogan doesn't work. There is a reason why some guys are 4/5 star vs 3 star. Clearly Boyd, McCoy are a step above the other guys and we need to land more guys like them. Raines is 4 star and a step above or I call a difference maker. The bottom line is look at the recruiting rankings and most of those top recruiting teams are competing for championships because they get 8 to 10 4/5 star players per class PER year to build depth not depending on 3 star players with a high ceiling. We saw this issue with the 2017 class. Don't make excuses, but the bottom line is those elite players want atmosphere and that doesn't exist at Heinz outside of one game a season. Chris Peak said Lyke's MOST important job is to sell out Heinz and improve the atmosphere. He's in the recruiting business and talks to players all the time. I wonder why.

Selling out Heinz/relationship with the other Pittsburgh teams: I'm all about giving AD's a chance as SP was our biggest problem who was a know it all and a complete fool. The bottom line is Lyke needs to start answering more honestly because she will get burned in the end. She's playing the card like all of the other AD's did by saying the relationship with the Steelers, Pens, Pirates, etc. is extraordinary and such a big help to Pitt? What does that really do for us? Firstly, if the Steelers/Heinz Field meant something we would be landing all of the 4/5 star recruits. There are tons of those elite players who grew up Steeler fans (national team) who can go next door and see Ben, AB, Bell, etc. all the time. Are you telling me they grew up Browns fans instead? It means nothing because to me its all about recruiting and the results aren't there. The Pirates are never flexible with their schedule for our few Sept. games. Great relationship? I don't hear other schools like Ohio State or Michigan caring about the Columbus Blue Jackets or the Detroit Lions. Ohio State/Michigan worry about THEM. We need to WORRY about PITT. Also, don't tell us that you need to go to a Pitt football game at Heinz to understand what the issues are at Pitt or Heinz Field. Didn't you not do your research on the Heinz Field attendance/atmosphere issue before you took the job? Did the Chancellor not tell you or ask you about this issue in the interview process? Did you not speak to Scott Barnes or others who are still in athletic dept.? The problems haven't changed and some say win and they'll come? We beat Penn State this year. What happened the games after at Heinz? Did you see how the students didn't show up the following week after vs Duke after beating the Clemson (yes the national champions) on a nice fall day? It wasn't raining out and they hate taking the BUS. Don't prolong the inevitable. She went to U of M and worked at Ohio State so she knows damn well what a college football atmosphere should be like on campus. It doesn't exist off campus.

excellent, well thought out, post.someone has to get some hair on their ass and make a fundamental change-if you want to get to the next level. do I want to be lumped in with nitters, osu, Miami north Carolina, Clemson, missisippi state, usc....see where i'm going make a deal with the devil. seriously, a new on campus stadium. it that what you really want ?
IF we ever leave Heinz and build our own stadium, I think the realistic best case scenario is that the new stadium goes in Hazelwood. If people spent more time on alternative options, instead of "on-campus," then something might actually happen.
You clearly have an agenda against the new AD. It does not matter who the AD is. Pitt has a 35k base fanbase (including students). Winning might gain 5-10k more fans. An attractive opponent might bring another 5-10k. PS, WV, ND bring about 15k people.

Pitt is not going to build a new stadium in Oakland. There is no room. It is not that difficult to understand the only feasible option is to downsize Heinz.
No agenda I'd just like to see Lyke give it the old " college try."
So far I havent noticed or heard of anything new regarding football or basketball the two revenue producing sports where Lyke should be spending 80% + of her time!
If PITT has a fixed fanbase why did we bother hiring anyone for the empty AD spot???
We could have just moved one of the existing Athletic Department non performers into that position.
Clearly most expect more than you do from the new AD!
Make me a list of her accomplishments so far!
Highlight the football and basketball accomplishments or big plans on that list!
Its a short or non existent list!
The rumor is that the Steelers could eventually leave Geinz for a new stadium in a suburb. Then Heinz could become the new Pitt Stadium.
The rumor is that the Steelers could eventually leave Geinz for a new stadium in a suburb. Then Heinz could become the new Pitt Stadium.
Ugh, no thanks. As long as Rooneys own steelers, they aren't leaving north shore.

Only rumors of steelers going to cranberry or Washington are from pitt fans on this board who think that would somehow trigger pitt to have to build a stadium in Oakland.

No one outside of this board do any rumors of steelers moving to suburbs exist. Literally no where else does this exist.
Once he hangs up the cleats after a Hall of Fame Steelers career we need James Conner to run for mayor. There's your political clout.
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You clearly have an agenda against the new AD. It does not matter who the AD is. Pitt has a 35k base fanbase (including students). Winning might gain 5-10k more fans. An attractive opponent might bring another 5-10k. PS, WV, ND bring about 15k people.

Pitt is not going to build a new stadium in Oakland. There is no room. It is not that difficult to understand the only feasible option is to downsize Heinz.
If criticizing the Steelers is going to persuade anyone, then I will eat my hat.
I don't like to kiss ass either, but picking fights I can't win is not an acceptable alternative.
You want to hang your hat on comparing what blue blood OSU does with respect to the CBJs, feel free. But that comparison is silly.
Money talks, bs walks. Win, get money and deal from strength.
It's over. There never will be a new Pitt Stadium in Oakland. And, even if there were one, it would do little or nothing to improve attendance. Pitt is better off economically and will AVERAGE HIGHER ATTENDANCE at Heinz than they ever would in a stadium in Oakland. Time to accept reality and drop the wishful thinking.
If criticizing the Steelers is going to persuade anyone, then I will eat my hat.
I don't like to kiss ass either, but picking fights I can't win is not an acceptable alternative.
You want to hang your hat on comparing what blue blood OSU does with respect to the CBJs, feel free. But that comparison is silly.
Money talks, bs walks. Win, get money and deal from strength.
Ha? What are you talking about?

Downsize = Pitt needs to tarp for their games to make capacity 50-55k for all games at Heinz.
You clearly have an agenda against the new AD. It does not matter who the AD is. Pitt has a 35k base fanbase (including students). Winning might gain 5-10k more fans. An attractive opponent might bring another 5-10k. PS, WV, ND bring about 15k people.

Pitt is not going to build a new stadium in Oakland. There is no room. It is not that difficult to understand the only feasible option is to downsize Heinz.
You sound like a true innovator. :)
Firstly, I think Stockey knows Pitt VERY well and isn't in the ass kissing business like a few other reporters so I commend him on asking some open ended questions which clearly he knows are a big issue or question mark at Pitt.

Stadium: I've voiced my opinion on this matter multiple times and nothing has changed from my point of view. Stockey asked Lyke again about the on campus stadium because she didn't say NO in the initial media briefing and avoided the question to say we need to focus on other sports who don't have practice facilities? Do those other sports (she's not talking about basketball) make money and does anyone care about those sports outside of the athletes themselves? I'm frustrated because like many fans, we feel we have a really good coach who the recruits really like but am concerned he'll leave if he's not getting the top players. Heinz hasn't worked so we need to change like any business. Last I checked, we haven't landed 8 to 10 4/5 star players PER a year (these are SURE thing players like Boyd, Whitehead, Shady, Fitz, etc.) which in my opinion is what we need to compete for championships. Not one or two per class or one single year, every year to build depth. Btw, PSU already has 10 4 star players for 2018 with all the scandals that have gone on at that school. We all know there are 3 star or even two star players whether its Revis, Donald, etc. who turn out to be elite players however I want a sure thing rather than praying that this recruit has a "High Ceiling" and that slogan doesn't work. There is a reason why some guys are 4/5 star vs 3 star. Clearly Boyd, McCoy are a step above the other guys and we need to land more guys like them. Raines is 4 star and a step above or I call a difference maker. The bottom line is look at the recruiting rankings and most of those top recruiting teams are competing for championships because they get 8 to 10 4/5 star players per class PER year to build depth not depending on 3 star players with a high ceiling. We saw this issue with the 2017 class. Don't make excuses, but the bottom line is those elite players want atmosphere and that doesn't exist at Heinz outside of one game a season. Chris Peak said Lyke's MOST important job is to sell out Heinz and improve the atmosphere. He's in the recruiting business and talks to players all the time. I wonder why.

Selling out Heinz/relationship with the other Pittsburgh teams: I'm all about giving AD's a chance as SP was our biggest problem who was a know it all and a complete fool. The bottom line is Lyke needs to start answering more honestly because she will get burned in the end. She's playing the card like all of the other AD's did by saying the relationship with the Steelers, Pens, Pirates, etc. is extraordinary and such a big help to Pitt? What does that really do for us? Firstly, if the Steelers/Heinz Field meant something we would be landing all of the 4/5 star recruits. There are tons of those elite players who grew up Steeler fans (national team) who can go next door and see Ben, AB, Bell, etc. all the time. Are you telling me they grew up Browns fans instead? It means nothing because to me its all about recruiting and the results aren't there. The Pirates are never flexible with their schedule for our few Sept. games. Great relationship? I don't hear other schools like Ohio State or Michigan caring about the Columbus Blue Jackets or the Detroit Lions. Ohio State/Michigan worry about THEM. We need to WORRY about PITT. Also, don't tell us that you need to go to a Pitt football game at Heinz to understand what the issues are at Pitt or Heinz Field. Didn't you not do your research on the Heinz Field attendance/atmosphere issue before you took the job? Did the Chancellor not tell you or ask you about this issue in the interview process? Did you not speak to Scott Barnes or others who are still in athletic dept.? The problems haven't changed and some say win and they'll come? We beat Penn State this year. What happened the games after at Heinz? Did you see how the students didn't show up the following week after vs Duke after beating the Clemson (yes the national champions) on a nice fall day? It wasn't raining out and they hate taking the BUS. Don't prolong the inevitable. She went to U of M and worked at Ohio State so she knows damn well what a college football atmosphere should be like on campus. It doesn't exist off campus.

You seem focused ONLY on the stadium....

Surely Stockey asked about more than that?

Also I'm not sure you can adequately answer stadium questions and problems by looking at dry stats on paper? Connections to people and seeing atmosphere rank way higher
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Ha? What are you talking about?

Downsize = Pitt needs to tarp for their games to make capacity 50-55k for all games at Heinz.
To which post are you responding? Mine? Then connect the considerable missing dots. Again, if you think publicly criticizing the Steelers will persuade the people you need to persuade, please enligten me. Would love to hear how a tenant forces a landlord loved by millions to succumb to pressure.
You want to tarp the stadium....go ahead. All it does is hide warts.
To which post are you responding? Mine? Then connect the considerable missing dots. Again, if you think publicly criticizing the Steelers will persuade the people you need to persuade, please enligten me. Would love to hear how a tenant forces a landlord loved by millions to succumb to pressure.
You want to tarp the stadium....go ahead. All it does is hide warts.
You responded to me, and I responded back.

Where did I suggest we criticize the Steelers?
I live on planet Earth, and have a good grasp on reality. Pitt has NEVER averaged more than 60k people, and they play in a 68k seat stadium.

Absolutely true. But if we were to build a 45-50K capacity stadium we would have a lower average attendance because we would turn away people when we play PSU, ND, or any other opponent who attracts a bigger than usual crowd while still only getting 35-40K for the less interesting games. But for some, having a stadium look more full against less interesting opponents somehow will greatly improve recruiting. Delusional thinking, IMHO.
I live on planet Earth, and have a good grasp on reality. Pitt has NEVER averaged more than 60k people, and they play in a 68k seat stadium.
How does that answer me kidding around with you about the impossibility of an on campus stadium?

Try getting a grasp on the conversation before you worry about grasping the whole of reality.
Absolutely true. But if we were to build a 45-50K capacity stadium we would have a lower average attendance because we would turn away people when we play PSU, ND, or any other opponent who attracts a bigger than usual crowd while still only getting 35-40K for the less interesting games. But for some, having a stadium look more full against less interesting opponents somehow will greatly improve recruiting. Delusional thinking, IMHO.
If we had 50k seats or so at Heinz, then you would have a higher demand with a good team and an attractive schedule. Pitt would be able to sell more season ticket packages at a higher price, and people would be more likely to use them.
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excellent, well thought out, post.someone has to get some hair on their ass and make a fundamental change-if you want to get to the next level. do I want to be lumped in with nitters, osu, Miami north Carolina, Clemson, missisippi state, usc....see where i'm going make a deal with the devil. seriously, a new on campus stadium. it that what you really want ?
That was an excellent well thought out post??? Please, the second he tried to parallel Pitt's relationship with the Steelers to OSU and the Columbus BJ's, the OP completely lost any sliver of credibility and common sense thought.
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How many 4/5 star recruits do we currently have in 18 class and what's our recruiting ranking?
How many 4/5 star recruits did we land last year and what was our final recruiting ranking?
Win and they come excuse: We beat PSU and beat the National Champs in Death Valley? Not good enough wins? All I hear is signature wins.
Lastly, how many teams have moved off campus and been successful playing in pro or off campus stadiums? For those that don't know, USC is on campus. Five minute walk from their bookstore.

Look forward to your responses.

In business when a plan doesn't work, you must change or you will eventually go out of business or have no chance for major growth. Pitt isn't going out of business but doesn't have a chance for major growth (playing for championships) based on the current setup . I've seen enough based on multiple tries, but its time to turn the page. Lyke and Gallagher know it because she would have said not happening to an on campus stadium and could have easily closed the door on the most talked about topic on this board by far. H2P!

In business when a plan doesn't work, you must change or you will eventually go out of business or have no chance for major growth.

Pitt = Yahoo. Lyke = Marissa Mayer. There isn't a thing she can do to make a real difference besides get a stadium on campus.

Oh it's true.

It's damn true.
You clearly have an agenda against the new AD. It does not matter who the AD is. Pitt has a 35k base fanbase (including students). Winning might gain 5-10k more fans. An attractive opponent might bring another 5-10k. PS, WV, ND bring about 15k people.

Pitt is not going to build a new stadium in Oakland. There is no room. It is not that difficult to understand the only feasible option is to downsize Heinz.
If you others keep saying this ( PITT has a 35k fanbase) people will start buying into this "bad" data.
PITT's fanbase is much larger.
The problem is PITT hasnt had competent athletic program leadership in decades.
We have a new person ( Lyke) leading the charge to Make PITT Great For The First Time so lets see where this ride takes us!
If Lyke buys into the limited fanbase, tarp Heinz, there's nothing else that can be done , PITT has tried it all, the fanbase will be 35k forever!
This is called learning to be a loser and being happy as a loser mentality!
IMO the reason Lyke's tenure is important is because PITT is running out of time to reverse the " there's nothing more we can do" thinking!
If you others keep saying this ( PITT has a 35k fanbase) people will start buying into this "bad" data.
PITT's fanbase is much larger.
The problem is PITT hasnt had competent athletic program leadership in decades.
We have a new person ( Lyke) leading the charge to Make PITT Great For The First Time so lets see where this ride takes us!
If Lyke buys into the limited fanbase, tarp Heinz, there's nothing else that can be done , PITT has tried it all, the fanbase will be 35k forever!
This is called learning to be a loser and being happy as a loser mentality!
IMO the reason Lyke's tenure is important is because PITT is running out of time to reverse the " there's nothing more we can do" thinking!
There is nothing to buy into. Go back through the attendance numbers over the past 50 years. You are out of your mind if you think there are tens of thousands of loyal Pitt fans just sitting around waiting to be convinced to attend games.
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Enjoy the view of Colorado State's new on campus stadium. At the time, they played in the same pro stadium building as Peyton Manning, Von Miller and the World Champion Broncos who are just as popular in that area as the Steelers are in the Northeast. Sounds like it didn't work and wonder why. You would think the Broncos would be such a great recruiting selling tool for CSU but clearly it had zero impact. I guess my thoughts are dumb but here's another case just like Baylor, Minnesota, etc. who didn't think it was dumb. This stadium opens in August.
There is nothing to buy into. Go back through the attendance numbers over the past 50 years. You are out of your mind if you think there are tens of thousands of loyal Pitt fans just sitting around waiting to be convinced to attend games.
And you obviously don't know or understand the history of Pitt athletics. Your conclusion about the size of the fan base is dead wrong!
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Trust me, I get it. Pitt should be playing in a 55,000 to 60,000 seat building on campus with the ability to expand if the demand grows. Heinz is too big however who made that decision rather than renovating Pitt Stadium which many schools do rather than moving off campus? The atmosphere sucks and you see all of the yellow seats on TV aerial shots which hurts recruiting 4/5 star elite players. Nobody plays off campus. Period. Many students don't go as we saw after beating Clemson because they don't want to take the bus. The bottom line is the students should be able to walk to their stadium like what goes on at just about every other school. Do you know its a 15 minute walk from the U of Michigan dorms to the stadium however they can at least walk. You can't walk to Heinz. If they want to leave early, that's on them however they shouldn't have to deal with the bus nonsense after the game. Sadly, this leads to a mass student exodus after the 3Q for the students who do go to the game which is also embarrassing. Again, this is why I blame SP and Nordy. It was the wrong move.
No matter what it's about building future fan bases ... attendance in the 70-80s which reached a high point for its time had numbers similar or less than last season tix sales

By the way largest attendance in Pittsburgh ever is still a Pitt game....
And you obviously don't know or understand the history of Pitt athletics. Your conclusion about the size of the fan base is dead wrong!
How so? Pitt was a dominant program from 1975-1983 and still did not average 50k people in an on-campus stadium. Why did attendance drop dramatically after the PS game last year? We beat PS last year and after beating Clemson Heinz only had about 40k for the next game. I am not sure who you are trying to fool, but I have been at the games in person for over 30 years.
Trust me, I get it. Pitt should be playing in a 55,000 to 60,000 seat building on campus with the ability to expand if the demand grows. Heinz is too big however who made that decision rather than renovating Pitt Stadium which many schools do rather than moving off campus? The atmosphere sucks and you see all of the yellow seats on TV aerial shots which hurts recruiting 4/5 star elite players. Nobody plays off campus. Period. Many students don't go as we saw after beating Clemson because they don't want to take the bus. The bottom line is the students should be able to walk to their stadium like what goes on at just about every other school. Do you know its a 15 minute walk from the U of Michigan dorms to the stadium however they can at least walk. You can't walk to Heinz. If they want to leave early, that's on them however they shouldn't have to deal with the bus nonsense after the game. Sadly, this leads to a mass student exodus after the 3Q for the students who do go to the game which is also embarrassing. Again, this is why I blame SP and Nordy. It was the wrong move.

Miami plays off campus. UCLA plays off campus. NC State plays off campus. South Carolina plays off campus. Northwestern plays off campus. Pitt plays off campus.
How so? Pitt was a dominant program from 1975-1983 and still did not average 50k people in an on-campus stadium. Why did attendance drop dramatically after the PS game last year? We beat PS last year and after beating Clemson Heinz only had about 40k for the next game. I am not sure who you are trying to fool, but I have been at the games in person for over 30 years.
a 7 yr. year stretch of excellence sandwiched between decades of incompetence, indifference and outright hostility toward athletics. Why did Sherrill leave? Because he was chased away by stupid Pitt administrators...there's your answer. You don't build a fan base in 7 years after you've abused them for decades and you surely don't win them back after 2 pretty nice're pretty naive!
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Enjoy the view of Colorado State's new on campus stadium. At the time, they played in the same pro stadium building as Peyton Manning, Von Miller and the World Champion Broncos who are just as popular in that area as the Steelers are in the Northeast. Sounds like it didn't work and wonder why. You would think the Broncos would be such a great recruiting selling tool for CSU but clearly it had zero impact. I guess my thoughts are dumb but here's another case just like Baylor, Minnesota, etc. who didn't think it was dumb. This stadium opens in August.

CSU has played at 50 year-old, 32K seat Hughes Stadium. They never played at Mile High, which is about 60 miles away from Fort Collins.

You think it is legitimate to compare a school with 583 acres and no medical center in a town of with under 3K residents per sq mile to one with 140 acres with one of the nation's largest medical centers and multiple other neighboring institutions sitting in the state's third densest urban area in a town with over 5.5K residents per sq mile?
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CSU has played at 50 year-old, 32K seat Hughes Stadium. They never played at Mile High, which is about 60 miles away from Fort Collins.

You think it is legitimate to compare a school with 583 acres and no medical center in a town of with under 3K residents per sq mile to one with 140 acres with the nation's largest medical centers and multiple other neighboring institutions sitting in the state's third densest urban area in a town with over 5.5K residents per sq mile?
Well Al not to Pick on you but 99% of what you state as facts are wrong. I can tell just by some of your thoughts your a fan and probably one that cares a lot but you really do not know what your talking about. The renovate the stadium people are just like the cult at State Penn and can not see the truth if it hit them in the face. Well it probably did but who cares . Dale I think you like to complain just to here yourself complain. Come on now. Dale you are completely right on the 7 year run and very little support after that. So all are people who complain get on board start giving and when you start after a couple years and more then $300 a year we can approach the AD and I will set the meeting up because I can
I have been on Colorado State campus, I remember that being real far from Denver. I may be wrong but that's got to be at least 30 to 40 miles north of the city of Denver.

Land is not an issue up there in that part of Colorado. you guys ever seen the movie red Dawn? that's what it reminds me of. country with mountains in the background.

Northwestern definitely has their own football stadium I can see it from airwhen I flying to Chicago