Firstly, I think Stockey knows Pitt VERY well and isn't in the ass kissing business like a few other reporters so I commend him on asking some open ended questions which clearly he knows are a big issue or question mark at Pitt.
Stadium: I've voiced my opinion on this matter multiple times and nothing has changed from my point of view. Stockey asked Lyke again about the on campus stadium because she didn't say NO in the initial media briefing and avoided the question to say we need to focus on other sports who don't have practice facilities? Do those other sports (she's not talking about basketball) make money and does anyone care about those sports outside of the athletes themselves? I'm frustrated because like many fans, we feel we have a really good coach who the recruits really like but am concerned he'll leave if he's not getting the top players. Heinz hasn't worked so we need to change like any business. Last I checked, we haven't landed 8 to 10 4/5 star players PER a year (these are SURE thing players like Boyd, Whitehead, Shady, Fitz, etc.) which in my opinion is what we need to compete for championships. Not one or two per class or one single year, every year to build depth. Btw, PSU already has 10 4 star players for 2018 with all the scandals that have gone on at that school. We all know there are 3 star or even two star players whether its Revis, Donald, etc. who turn out to be elite players however I want a sure thing rather than praying that this recruit has a "High Ceiling" and that slogan doesn't work. There is a reason why some guys are 4/5 star vs 3 star. Clearly Boyd, McCoy are a step above the other guys and we need to land more guys like them. Raines is 4 star and a step above or I call a difference maker. The bottom line is look at the recruiting rankings and most of those top recruiting teams are competing for championships because they get 8 to 10 4/5 star players per class PER year to build depth not depending on 3 star players with a high ceiling. We saw this issue with the 2017 class. Don't make excuses, but the bottom line is those elite players want atmosphere and that doesn't exist at Heinz outside of one game a season. Chris Peak said Lyke's MOST important job is to sell out Heinz and improve the atmosphere. He's in the recruiting business and talks to players all the time. I wonder why.
Selling out Heinz/relationship with the other Pittsburgh teams: I'm all about giving AD's a chance as SP was our biggest problem who was a know it all and a complete fool. The bottom line is Lyke needs to start answering more honestly because she will get burned in the end. She's playing the card like all of the other AD's did by saying the relationship with the Steelers, Pens, Pirates, etc. is extraordinary and such a big help to Pitt? What does that really do for us? Firstly, if the Steelers/Heinz Field meant something we would be landing all of the 4/5 star recruits. There are tons of those elite players who grew up Steeler fans (national team) who can go next door and see Ben, AB, Bell, etc. all the time. Are you telling me they grew up Browns fans instead? It means nothing because to me its all about recruiting and the results aren't there. The Pirates are never flexible with their schedule for our few Sept. games. Great relationship? I don't hear other schools like Ohio State or Michigan caring about the Columbus Blue Jackets or the Detroit Lions. Ohio State/Michigan worry about THEM. We need to WORRY about PITT. Also, don't tell us that you need to go to a Pitt football game at Heinz to understand what the issues are at Pitt or Heinz Field. Didn't you not do your research on the Heinz Field attendance/atmosphere issue before you took the job? Did the Chancellor not tell you or ask you about this issue in the interview process? Did you not speak to Scott Barnes or others who are still in athletic dept.? The problems haven't changed and some say win and they'll come? We beat Penn State this year. What happened the games after at Heinz? Did you see how the students didn't show up the following week after vs Duke after beating the Clemson (yes the national champions) on a nice fall day? It wasn't raining out and they hate taking the BUS. Don't prolong the inevitable. She went to U of M and worked at Ohio State so she knows damn well what a college football atmosphere should be like on campus. It doesn't exist off campus.
Stadium: I've voiced my opinion on this matter multiple times and nothing has changed from my point of view. Stockey asked Lyke again about the on campus stadium because she didn't say NO in the initial media briefing and avoided the question to say we need to focus on other sports who don't have practice facilities? Do those other sports (she's not talking about basketball) make money and does anyone care about those sports outside of the athletes themselves? I'm frustrated because like many fans, we feel we have a really good coach who the recruits really like but am concerned he'll leave if he's not getting the top players. Heinz hasn't worked so we need to change like any business. Last I checked, we haven't landed 8 to 10 4/5 star players PER a year (these are SURE thing players like Boyd, Whitehead, Shady, Fitz, etc.) which in my opinion is what we need to compete for championships. Not one or two per class or one single year, every year to build depth. Btw, PSU already has 10 4 star players for 2018 with all the scandals that have gone on at that school. We all know there are 3 star or even two star players whether its Revis, Donald, etc. who turn out to be elite players however I want a sure thing rather than praying that this recruit has a "High Ceiling" and that slogan doesn't work. There is a reason why some guys are 4/5 star vs 3 star. Clearly Boyd, McCoy are a step above the other guys and we need to land more guys like them. Raines is 4 star and a step above or I call a difference maker. The bottom line is look at the recruiting rankings and most of those top recruiting teams are competing for championships because they get 8 to 10 4/5 star players per class PER year to build depth not depending on 3 star players with a high ceiling. We saw this issue with the 2017 class. Don't make excuses, but the bottom line is those elite players want atmosphere and that doesn't exist at Heinz outside of one game a season. Chris Peak said Lyke's MOST important job is to sell out Heinz and improve the atmosphere. He's in the recruiting business and talks to players all the time. I wonder why.
Selling out Heinz/relationship with the other Pittsburgh teams: I'm all about giving AD's a chance as SP was our biggest problem who was a know it all and a complete fool. The bottom line is Lyke needs to start answering more honestly because she will get burned in the end. She's playing the card like all of the other AD's did by saying the relationship with the Steelers, Pens, Pirates, etc. is extraordinary and such a big help to Pitt? What does that really do for us? Firstly, if the Steelers/Heinz Field meant something we would be landing all of the 4/5 star recruits. There are tons of those elite players who grew up Steeler fans (national team) who can go next door and see Ben, AB, Bell, etc. all the time. Are you telling me they grew up Browns fans instead? It means nothing because to me its all about recruiting and the results aren't there. The Pirates are never flexible with their schedule for our few Sept. games. Great relationship? I don't hear other schools like Ohio State or Michigan caring about the Columbus Blue Jackets or the Detroit Lions. Ohio State/Michigan worry about THEM. We need to WORRY about PITT. Also, don't tell us that you need to go to a Pitt football game at Heinz to understand what the issues are at Pitt or Heinz Field. Didn't you not do your research on the Heinz Field attendance/atmosphere issue before you took the job? Did the Chancellor not tell you or ask you about this issue in the interview process? Did you not speak to Scott Barnes or others who are still in athletic dept.? The problems haven't changed and some say win and they'll come? We beat Penn State this year. What happened the games after at Heinz? Did you see how the students didn't show up the following week after vs Duke after beating the Clemson (yes the national champions) on a nice fall day? It wasn't raining out and they hate taking the BUS. Don't prolong the inevitable. She went to U of M and worked at Ohio State so she knows damn well what a college football atmosphere should be like on campus. It doesn't exist off campus.