Toronto Raptors

That was a very weird sequence with the Raptor players looking for a TO - almost like they couldn't believe what was actually happening and that they would soon be NBA champs. Regardless of what the players wanted, it was Nurse's job to tell his guys to stick with it and keep up the momentum, knowing they were just a basket and a defensive stop away from likely slaying goliath for good. This was one time to be a leader and not a "players coach" - the Raptors had their moment and Nurse allowed them to let it slip away.
The timeout could have been fine if he had even used to to design an offense that wasn't Kawhi high screen and rolls going nowhere for three minutes (and one Marc Gasol high post four around look that actually got a wide open look).
The final 3:30 of the game Leonard took two shots, that just can’t happen. I think that Nurse has done a great job this year and possible just made a fatal mistake.

Just some quick numbers to think about. Toronto shot a horrid 8-32 from behind the arc and had a chance to win it at the end. They also went to the line 13 times more than GS but is more of a different style of play from both teams.

Line opened up for game 6 as GS -4.5. I’m sure it’ll move towards Toronto with KD being out.

So far great playoff basketball I’m happy that it didn’t end tonight.
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Toronto fans are absolute trash for cheering when KD went down hurt. Hilarious watching the Warriors come back and take Game 5 despite the refs pulling out all the stops to gift wrap a win with corny calls against Cousins and letting Leonard take 4 steps with the basketball. Would love to see Golden State hoist up another trophy right in front of Drake and company.

I like the Raptors but their low class fans actually make the venture capitalist punks and fair weather instagram fans at Oracle somewhat stomachable. Props to Lowry and Ibaka for scolding their own fans, they deserve to have better human beings cheering them on.

I mean... all fans are trash.
It was GS who absolutely needed a timeout at that moment, and when played stopped, my first thought was "how did GS get a timeout when Toronto has the ball?"
DT, across my phone and even the twittersphere, there was an adjective bantied about in regards to that time out.
The über rich Torontonians who make up the crowd for Raptors and Leafs games are up there with Philly fans in trashy behavior.
Oh trust me, as a hockey fan their sense of entitlement is amazing. They fancy themselves as the arbiters of hockey, yet haven't even been in the Finals in over 50 years let alone won one. So yeah, these are the same people. Crazy, Rich, Canadians.
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Raptors probably win that game without the push KD gave GS in the 1st quarter. I think they are still looking good, especially with KD out for good.
The timeout could have been fine if he had even used to to design an offense that wasn't Kawhi high screen and rolls going nowhere for three minutes (and one Marc Gasol high post four around look that actually got a wide open look).

Crowd going nuts with 3 min left and you're up 6 with the ball.. that's literally the worst spot ever to call a timeout. Don't let GSW make any defensive adjustments to stop Kawhi. The entire world knew he would have the ball. You don't call a timeout to let Kerr rest his guys and get the matchup he wants on Kawhi. You let him go ISO or high screen and roll with the crowd losing their minds
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My theory:

-KD actually hurt his Achillies in the Houston series. It was a partial tear - timetable is 2-3 weeks but can last up to 6 weeks. This matches KD's recovery time.

-I think he could have come back earlier and there was some pressure after game 4. He looked good but I think the issue was the risk, rather than him not being able to move around and play.

-Before Bob Myers took the podium, reporters were asking Steve Kerr about Durant. His response was "talk to Bob" - referring to GSW GM. It seemed really weird at the time. Kerr this entire time seemed like he was against Durant playing. There were reports during KD's recovery that Kerr and KD were growing frustrated with each other. They said it was because KD wasn't cleared, but I think Kerr had a say in Durant not practicing/playing.

-Bob Myers took the podium after the game and was crying. I think it was genuine but I also think he's responsible for this. At the end of the day, KD wanted to play. There's no doubt about it. I think Myers lead the charge in getting him cleared by doctors/overriding Kerr.
As big a win as this was for Golden State, I can't see them winning two more against Toronto. Both of GS's wins have been almost as much about Toronto playing poorly (the long scoreless stretch in game 2 and the bad end of game play yesterday) as it has been GS playing well.
As big a win as this was for Golden State, I can't see them winning two more against Toronto. Both of GS's wins have been almost as much about Toronto playing poorly (the long scoreless stretch in game 2 and the bad end of game play yesterday) as it has been GS playing well.

I still like GSW in 7. Toronto is better than GSW without KD but I think GSW is mentally tougher and they get this done.

At the very least I see 7 games.
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Okay? You can find trash behavior in every fanbase.

Sorry but your every fanbase has a few bad apples argument doesn't apply when the team's own players have to scold their home crowd for trashy behavior. The Warriors have a billionaire brat that thinks he can be a tough guy and shove opposing players. Steelers have a psychopath that would choke a pregnant Chargers fan. But the behavior in question last night was so widespread that guys like Lowry, Ibaka and Siakum looked out upon their own home arena in disgust. That isn't a few bad apples, that's a culture of amoral entitlement that takes glee in any advantage that could lead to victory, even if other people are in pain or the career of one of the game's great players is in jeopardy. Durant went out there for his team even if it was against his own personal, financial interest. That is class and decency. The Raptors fans reaction of joy at his injury was the exact opposite.
Crowd going nuts with 3 min left and you're up 6 with the ball.. that's literally the worst spot ever to call a timeout. Don't let GSW make any defensive adjustments to stop Kawhi. The entire world knew he would have the ball. You don't call a timeout to let Kerr rest his guys and get the matchup he wants on Kawhi. You let him go ISO or high screen and roll with the crowd losing their minds

Before the timeout Kawhi was in a super human zone and in the midst of what looked like a Jordanesque Finals performance for the ages. After the timeout Kawhi airballs a desperate fadeaway jumper at the end of a sloppy offensive set. I watched Steph snatch Kawhi's airball out of the air and it was like a shark sniffing blood in the water. Rest is history...
Before the timeout Kawhi was in a super human zone and in the midst of what looked like a Jordanesque Finals performance for the ages. After the timeout Kawhi airballs a desperate fadeaway jumper at the end of a sloppy offensive set. I watched Steph snatch Kawhi's airball out of the air and it was like a shark sniffing blood in the water. Rest is history...

Imagine having $500 on the Warriors ML +105.. I about had a heart attack last night
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KD can make 3's on one leg but it was clear to me he wasn't ready even though the ding dong announcers were saying he was moving around good.
Sorry but your every fanbase has a few bad apples argument doesn't apply when the team's own players have to scold their home crowd for trashy behavior. The Warriors have a billionaire brat that thinks he can be a tough guy and shove opposing players. Steelers have a psychopath that would choke a pregnant Chargers fan. But the behavior in question last night was so widespread that guys like Lowry, Ibaka and Siakum looked out upon their own home arena in disgust. That isn't a few bad apples, that's a culture of amoral entitlement that takes glee in any advantage that could lead to victory, even if other people are in pain or the career of one of the game's great players is in jeopardy. Durant went out there for his team even if it was against his own personal, financial interest. That is class and decency. The Raptors fans reaction of joy at his injury was the exact opposite.

I'm not talking about one or two bad apples. I'm saying all fanbases are trash. Full stop. The Raptors fans cheering KD's injury are no more or less egregious than the fans who taunted Kerr because his father was assassinated. Or Pitt fans taunting Scottie Reynolds for being adopted. Shitty fan behavior is shitty fan behavior.
At least one announcer (Van Gundy?) was sharp enough to point out that the illegal timeout call was actually their only chance to win as the clock would’ve run out otherwise. A slim chance obviously, but better than none at all.
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Fun if you're a Raptors fan. But for the casual basketball fan kind of a downer end to what could have been a great series. Klay's injury, erratic reffing, sloppy play on both sides in the last two minutes. Felt like the entire universe was trying to give Toronto the win and they almost choked it away again. Not a pretty end to the NBA season.
At least one announcer (Van Gundy?) was sharp enough to point out that the illegal timeout call was actually their only chance to win as the clock would’ve run out otherwise. A slim chance obviously, but better than none at all.
And also committing a foul on the ensuing inbounds without any time coming off the clock.
Fun if you're a Raptors fan. But for the casual basketball fan kind of a downer end to what could have been a great series. Klay's injury, erratic reffing, sloppy play on both sides in the last two minutes. Felt like the entire universe was trying to give Toronto the win and they almost choked it away again. Not a pretty end to the NBA season.

Not unlike the end of the game when the Cavs won a couple years ago, at least the sloppy play part.
Don't you think if he had just thrown the ball out of bounds that would have given them a better chance?
That way the Raptors don't get the extra free throw from the technical. Regardless, it would have still been a very, very slim chance.

At least one announcer (Van Gundy?) was sharp enough to point out that the illegal timeout call was actually their only chance to win as the clock would’ve run out otherwise. A slim chance obviously, but better than none at all.