Trouble in paradise with Dejan

That's easy. Go to work and do your job. Friendly but not familiar.
well put. go one step further, assume the attractive girl in your office wants no parts of you, I mean absolutely nothing to do with you or your advances. I bet in 99.9999% of the time, you'll be correct.

women don't go to work looking for a date or a boyfriend. An attractive woman has a thousand opportunities to meet a guy outside of work, they don't want you or I coming on to them at 9:30am on a Tuesday in the break room. trust me, the chick in A/P doesn't care if you like her haircut, the girl in accounting doesn't care what you think of her boots.
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Seems very likely. Is all this seriously about someone texting a co-worker that another co-worker looked hot in a sweater? OK, he's a jerk, fair enough but so what? This is ridiculous. I had a secretary make a suggestive comment to me once. We both just laughed it off. A couple months ago she tried to quit and sue the company because a supervisor said almost the exact same thing to her. As a result, I had to spend over an hour in a room with a bunch of lawyers being video taped about some stupid encounter 10 years ago.

Wow....that sucks.

I know a few small business owners that have told me over a malted beverage that the answer is to avoid hiring women if at all possible.

Nobody wants that but these guys feel backed into a corner at times.
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Wow....that sucks.

I know a few small business owners that have told me over a malted beverage that the answer is to avoid hiring women if at all possible.

Nobody wants that but these guys feel backed into a corner at times.
I had a female engineering manager one time tell me straight to my face, never hire a female engineer who I'd sleep with sober. lol, she said it would be too much of a distraction and she wanted no parts of it. little did she know my standards are lower than the avg man.
Yeah, first off, I don't appreciate the personal attacks by Ski. If you disagree and want to argue and debate, fine. Do that. But the name calling is as abhorrent of a behavior as the one you feel so appalled by. It is also a violation of this site, you do that again and I will report you. If you have intelligent debate, disagreement, you should be able to do this without personal attacks.

Second Ski, it is a take by me. You don't know me. At all.

Thirdly, long before #Metoo and this new movement, I have long exhibited only the best behavior in the workplace and also personally. I was brought up to respect women, my mom was fairly successful, so I never had that male dominated, meathead environment when I was raised. Both parents cooked dinner for us dependent on who was there first. I have long been an advocate for women who I thought were being taken advantaged both professional and personal and have confronted guys. That being said, I also know how when you get these "movements", you also get people settling personal scores and taking advantage of the situation. If you don't think so, then you are extremely naive.

But debate, find holes in my arguments, but don't you dare personally insult me.

And again, if you're equating me calling you a moron for your hot take with sexual harassment, I really question if you're coming to this discussion in good faith.

Of course I've commented on good looking women before. Do we know that's all that happened in this case? And again, it's possible to comment on someone's looks or flirt with them without harassing them. I can't help but feel you're being deliberately obtuse.

We don't know this for sure. And is "harassment" making comments to another coworker without intentions of it getting back to the female?? Not trying to be an ass here Ski, just trying to determine what is what anymore. I mean, if I am in a car, with another coworker and I see say will say "Polly Wannacracker" in a tight sweater and short skirt walking across the parking lot and I remark how attractive she looks, and the coworker then goes tells Polly. Is that harassment? Or is that just being a guy? what do you think of Sara? Just curious.
I think she needs to buy tops that fit her better.

It sounds more the issue is him discussing her looks with fellow staff members.
Which is dumb.

I work with some very attractive women.
Including an intern who is literally a model.

You know who at work I’ve ever discussed it with? Nobody- because I like my management job.

That’s what friends outside the workplace are for
The fact that you would come on a message board and acknowledge what you did in your post signals you have your own set of problems....ironic!
And again, if you're equating me calling you a moron for your hot take with sexual harassment, I really question if you're coming to this discussion in good faith.

I am trying to determine what exactly constitutes sexual harassment. So yes, that is in good faith. And I think you are assuming guilt before innocence. I mean DK is definitely guilty of being stupid and apparently is a giant asshole. But did he really commit sexual harassment?
If women are harassed or worse yet, assaulted, I applaud them for coming forward, especially the ones that do it on the spot. Those that wait until they are fired, or passed over, etc... should have filed sooner. I say that more for the harassed....I am sure the assaulted is more difficult to come forward.

It will be curious to see what the general populated thinks or does when a Man comes forward with the same accusations. I would hope the situations are treated equally, but I have my doubts.

Again, I applaud the women for coming forward, but some of this stuff is locker room talk and should be treated as such. Yes, guys can be boneheads, but this PC society needs to use some common sense.
If women are harassed or worse yet, assaulted, I applaud them for coming forward, especially the ones that do it on the spot. Those that wait until they are fired, or passed over, etc... should have filed sooner. I say that more for the harassed....I am sure the assaulted is more difficult to come forward.

It will be curious to see what the general populated thinks or does when a Man comes forward with the same accusations. I would hope the situations are treated equally, but I have my doubts.

Again, I applaud the women for coming forward, but some of this stuff is locker room talk and should be treated as such. Yes, guys can be boneheads, but this PC society needs to use some common sense.

Your last paragraph is my point.
I just saw her Instagram account. She may as well be nude in some of those photos. I want to see what Dejan said, but that’s insane too.
Apparently some former Nitter Sara Civian who worked for Dejan was sexually harassed by Dejan. Apparently Deadspin has texts from Dejan to others about Sara’s body and it makes Trump look like a Boy Scout. In preparation, Dejan like a true coward has made his personal twitter account and the DK twitter account private. He’s also given his wife complete control of the company and he is going back to writing articles. This should mark the end of the Dejan years in Pittsburgh. He’s a true creep.

Whether it is the end of the Dejan years in Pittsburgh is probably up to his subscribers, since he does work for himself. Does he provide enough value for his subscribers to ignore this incident?
Wow. I am glad DKonSports came onto the scene because it has provided great drama and fun for Pittsburgh sports media fans. It is like one big soap opera there.

And evidently, men are no longer allowed to be attracted to women. Which is great because this will solve world hunger, climate control and urban crawl as we die off as a species because soon it will be illegal for men and women to procreate.

There is a lot of truth to this , one gender , gender neutral, can't even be a man anymore , it's happening right before our eyes.
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It sounds more the issue is him discussing her looks with fellow staff members.
Which is dumb.

I work with some very attractive women.
Including an intern who is literally a model.

You know who at work I’ve ever discussed it with? Nobody- because I like my management job.

That’s what friends outside the workplace are for

This is the second time that I every agreed with you.

I always tell Mrs Buffett I don't go to work to meet or make friends it's strictly business.

Sexual harrassment is so rules based we had a female VP get in serious trouble when her husband ( not an employee of the company) made some "you look great or worse " comments to another female employee at a kids soccer game.

The co worker reported it to HR on Monday and the VP from our company was told the actions of her husband constituted sexual harrasssment that she was responsible for his behavior and if it continues ..............

The same applies if you host a Christmas party or summer outing at your home. You better know and trust the people attending.

Business dinners when traveling have become exactly that totally business. It's not worth the risk of discussing anything that can be construed as creating a Hostile Work Environment since when on business that's still considered work.

Mrs Buffett always reminds me when I go on business travel "keep the mouth and the zipper zipped until you get home". Good advise!

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go Pitt & CSU Rams!
that bar gets lower by the day, it's a moving target and you are right, a lot of men don't realize this.

my advice to men in the workforce was perfect, don't talk to anyone, don't look at anyone, don't socialize in any way, shape or manner. Say hello and keep moving. don't look down, eye contact only with a slight smile. never compliment a person of the opposite sex ever, not on clothing, hair, nothing, ever. never be in an office or conference room with a member of the opposite sex with a closed door, ever.

less is more, always..

Bingo, cause what got her the job in some cases, as she walked into the interview with cleavage, will get you fired for looking at it once she is hired
Stop hiring women because of their looks. When a lot of them have to get jobs based on their work and not their looks I'm sure things will be different.
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The day some pretty boy goes to jail for harassment will be the day this movement is for real.

I’ve see pretty boys make lewd comments to women and the response was nothing more than a giggle. If I made a similar comment I would have been marched to HR.

But as I was told by a female co-worker later what I witnessed was “consensual “. Ahhh... okay.
This is the second time that I every agreed with you.

I always tell Mrs Buffett I don't go to work to meet or make friends it's strictly business.

Sexual harrassment is so rules based we had a female VP get in serious trouble when her husband ( not an employee of the company) made some "you look great or worse " comments to another female employee at a kids soccer game.

The co worker reported it to HR on Monday and the VP from our company was told the actions of her husband constituted sexual harrasssment that she was responsible for his behavior and if it continues ..............

The same applies if you host a Christmas party or summer outing at your home. You better know and trust the people attending.

Business dinners when traveling have become exactly that totally business. It's not worth the risk of discussing anything that can be construed as creating a Hostile Work Environment since when on business that's still considered work.

Mrs Buffett always reminds me when I go on business travel "keep the mouth and the zipper zipped until you get home". Good advise!

"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go Pitt & CSU Rams!

That's true and that's sad and that's where we are at. I mean some things are no brainers, like not meeting a coworker in their hotel room. That just reeks of bad things even if it is on the most up and up. You can't put yourself in that situation. Sometimes if traveling, you might have to have dinner with a woman coworker, again you just can't put yourself in a bad situation.

And it is true now, social functions, parties at home, you got to watch and invite only friends. Not a good way to build office or company comadry or teamwork, but I can see people becoming less and less connected to their coworkers as this stuff continue to comes up. You just don't know what comment you may have made that maybe stupid, but was innocent that can now be used against ya, because while we have created a culture of coming out and not being afraid, we also have created a culture of "gotcha".
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The "locker room talk" is not only men, women talk in the same way. I think though if a man saw texts from women talking about how hot he is, the man just gets a swelled head.

If women are harassed or worse yet, assaulted, I applaud them for coming forward, especially the ones that do it on the spot. Those that wait until they are fired, or passed over, etc... should have filed sooner. I say that more for the harassed....I am sure the assaulted is more difficult to come forward.

It will be curious to see what the general populated thinks or does when a Man comes forward with the same accusations. I would hope the situations are treated equally, but I have my doubts.

Again, I applaud the women for coming forward, but some of this stuff is locker room talk and should be treated as such. Yes, guys can be boneheads, but this PC society needs to use some common sense.
We don't know this for sure. And is "harassment" making comments to another coworker without intentions of it getting back to the female?? Not trying to be an ass here Ski, just trying to determine what is what anymore. I mean, if I am in a car, with another coworker and I see say will say "Polly Wannacracker" in a tight sweater and short skirt walking across the parking lot and I remark how attractive she looks, and the coworker then goes tells Polly. Is that harassment? Or is that just being a guy?
More likely a discussion with 'Polly' about proper workplace attire would be in order.
My Dad sat me down as I was about to begin my career after graduating from PITT. His #1 rule that he conveyed to me was that you never date anyone that you work with.

I asked him why not? His reply was simple and to the point,
"Because you don't sh*t where you eat!"

Advice taken...
You know, this may be shocking to you, but it's possible to be attracted to someone and, gasp, still behave in a respectful manner.

You're a moron.
While I agree (and it was stupid to talk to other employees about it when you are the boss) if it wasn't to her then there isn't really anything crossing the line. It is dumb, but not harassment. And, yes, if you are constantly flaunting your chest all over social media, which is connected to her work, you are asking for affirmation and talk about that. That isn't the same as "asking to get raped" but it is asking for those comments. Same as a guy posting shirtless and flexing selfies.
I can agree. I think there are others who think you just sexually harassed her. She DID NOT post pictures of 3/4s of her breasts, so you would think she was hot!
well to make all things equal, if she posts on the psu board about how attractive I am, I wont be upset.
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It is not a rant, it is a take. I don't rant. I am not emotionally appalled, I am actually amused. Amused by the whole thing. And I totally agree with you it is dumb, especially for DK who obviously if they make a Bad Bosses III, he must be in it, because there is a litany of crap from both men and women regarding their departures from his site. But I am also amused at the usual suspects, Hi Ski, coming out in outrage! Again!
you are ranting about not ranting?
While I agree (and it was stupid to talk to other employees about it when you are the boss) if it wasn't to her then there isn't really anything crossing the line. It is dumb, but not harassment. And, yes, if you are constantly flaunting your chest all over social media, which is connected to her work, you are asking for affirmation and talk about that. That isn't the same as "asking to get raped" but it is asking for those comments. Same as a guy posting shirtless and flexing selfies.
umm no. If her Boss is texting her coworkers messages of a sexual nature about her, then it is 100% creating a bad working environment. Having the boss do this is essentially reinforcing that the behavior is acceptable in the workplace. Just because the person is unaware of the activity doesn't make it any less creepy, objectionable, or illegal. How hard is this to understand, women aren't going to work so that they can get "saved" by Mr. Right and can stop working. If you can't keep your "locker room" talk out of the office, then that's on you.

It amazes me how many people on here rushed to look up her personal pictures to justify sexual harassment in the work place. "Look, she went to a beach and wore a bikini and/or wore a dress with a plunging neckline in a setting that wasn't her job. She must be inviting her boss to say sexual shit about her."
Even that, that could be construed as sexist if it comes from a guy. It is tough walk right now that we have created.
I think you've jumped the shark a bit here.
It would only be brought up if there was a company policy.
Office decorum is one thing, hostile workplace/sexual harassment it another.
One is actionable by the employer, the other is a crime.
Business needs to be conducted during work hours. People need to get along and work well together to make that happen. Comments on looks or dress are generally out of bounds, and especially when such comments are unwanted. If the subject of such comments expresses they are uncomfortable with such banter, it has to stop, otherwise it crosses over to the hostile work environment arena, and the employer starts to become liable.

When these rules are violated, people are usually counseled and given a chance to adjust their behavior. If that fails, they may be subject to stiffer disciplinary measures.

What women are seeking is simply the opportunity to be judged on their work product and abilities. They want the same opportunities for advancement and equal pay for equal work.
This isn't complicated, and only made so by those who don't accept that such things are and have been problems.
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