uh, yes...men used to be called out for being cads. they were taught to be gentlemen. Then the billy jean kings and Helen Reddy's of the world came into being. I am woman hear me roar. True gentleman now became condescending sexists. The sexual revolution where they wanted to act like men and carouse like men. They wanted to jump from bed to bed and not be ostracized for doing so. The wanted to be treated equally. They wanted to work on road crews because they were as hard and as tough as men (we all know this has morphed into the stop/slow sign gal). The wanted to be physically weak fire-persons and police-persons that society bent over backwards to put in place. Now, these tough gals are utterly shy little violets unable simple to tell a guy to f'off without making a federal case out of it...give me a break, either strive to be ladies that any man will respect or take as a man because that is what you wanted. you can't have it both ways.
Right on, right on , right on "brother."
These comments do not apply to sexual assault or rape. They apply to situations where a person has the option of saying
Today Mrs Buffett owns her own media business but worked for many firms to learn the business starting out at J Walter Thompson in NYCity to smaller privately owned firms.
As she told me she had to straighten out lots of guys, and
lost a few jobs over the years for saying " no get lost" which goes with the territory of being an attractive woman in business.
One of the reasons I married her was that she was a real woman who controlled her destiny. I experienced that control a number of times early on in our relationship which impressed me.
Most of her friends had professional jobs and were just like her, real women who controlled their lives which seems to be a quality in
short supply these days.
If a guy said something, or did something that she didn't like the guy would be sure to know in a number of different ways that he was going down the wrong road without making as you said a
federal case out of the situation.
A prime example is Matt Lauer's production asst who he called to his office and told her to take off your blouse, she did so and the rest of the story is well documented.
Her answer should have been NO!
More woman need to take control of their lives rather than relying on others to rescue them!
"it's five o'clock somewhere"
Signed: Mr Buffett
Go Pitt & CSU Rams!