I didn't say it wasn't creepy or stupid, but it isn't sexual harassment. It is incredibly stupid, but that is another issue entirely.umm no. If her Boss is texting her coworkers messages of a sexual nature about her, then it is 100% creating a bad working environment. Having the boss do this is essentially reinforcing that the behavior is acceptable in the workplace. Just because the person is unaware of the activity doesn't make it any less creepy, objectionable, or illegal. How hard is this to understand, women aren't going to work so that they can get "saved" by Mr. Right and can stop working. If you can't keep your "locker room" talk out of the office, then that's on you.
It amazes me how many people on here rushed to look up her personal pictures to justify sexual harassment in the work place. "Look, she went to a beach and wore a bikini and/or wore a dress with a plunging neckline in a setting that wasn't her job. She must be inviting her boss to say sexual shit about her."
Who said anything about "getting saved by Mr. Right"? This is about a personal craving for affirmation. She doesn't post that pic for any reason except affirmation on her looks. This isn't even a man vs. woman issue. There are guys who do the same exact thing.
But that isn't sexual harassment and her job is tied to her social media, so posting things like that reflects on her and the company. Many people keep those things completely separate. She doesn't because she is attractive and she obviously uses that to her advantage to build followers and get work. Good for her. However, her boss was dumb, but not criminal or liable. The problem is when women OR men use sexuality and attractiveness to gain position, but then complain when they are sexualized. We aren't talking about assault or even harassment, but private discussion without the "affected" party. Terribly stupid by a boss, but not harassment.