Twist to Porter Story

Not while I am drinking coffee


I know many Pittsburgh cops. Almost all are Pittsburgh sports fans and huge Steelers fans. The cop in question is a good guy from all that I've talked to. I know the stereotypes of cops and having an agenda but thats not the case. The cops in this area would need to have a good reason to arrest a Pittsburgh athlete/coach, especially a Steeler.

The cop is a good guy? Isn't this the same cop that was drinking and driving while off duty in the South Side, that got in an argument with some kids, got punched in the face, drove around looking for them only to find some random guy and start pistol whipping him in the head? Then after multiple hits with the gun in the back of the head, one of them caused the cop to discharge the weapon, shooting the innocent kid in the hand? The guy that blew a 0.111when police arrived to get his 2nd DUI since becoming a police officer? The guy who was investigated for claims that he pressured his wife into making false sexual assault allegations about his step-kids' biological grandparents? A guy that has multiple misconduct allegations against him and has been suspended multiple times? A guy that got into a fight inside the courthouse with his brother-in-law in front of his step-kids?

That's your definition of a "good guy"?
When porter was told he couldn't come in, that's that , anything he does after that is ON HIM ! You pull the shiiit he did, you are still waiting on bond to lower
I'm surprised the Steelers took a chance on him given all the baggage from his past. In Las Vegas alone he had the well publicized brawl with the Bengals player at the Palms, then just a couple years ago he was arrested for writing a bad check to pay off a casino debt. Guy has a reputation for playing craps for high stakes then not wanting to pay off his markers.

Why surprised? Do you think that the Steelers are the class organization they want to be portrayed as?
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Steeler fans really crack me up. The justifications they come up with to make heroes out of the Joey Porters, Pig Pens, Hines Womanizer Ward, and James Harrison's of the world is too much. Like most everywhere else, it's just all about winning. Let's not pretend that your franchise is any better or worse than the rest when it comes to the behavior of your star players.

Why surprised? Do you think that the Steelers are the class organization they want to be portrayed as?
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Why surprised? Do you think that the Steelers are the class organization they want to be portrayed as?

Not at all, the Steelers are no different than anyone else out there. I just assumed they would've been a little more leery of a guy that's been in trouble multiples times, including gambling related issues.
Steeler fans really crack me up. The justifications they come up with to make heroes out of the Joey Porters, Pig Pens, Hines Womanizer Ward, and James Harrison's of the world is too much. Like most everywhere else, it's just all about winning. Let's not pretend that your franchise is any better or worse than the rest when it comes to the behavior of your star players.
So true....You left out the Sodumizer!!
I agree - Porter should know better, but the other bouncer said it was blown out of proportion. Maybe this bouncer is the one instigating it. It would not be the first time a bouncer had an ego, and is trying to prove something.
So you pack up and take the "posey" ( good thing I spelt that right) elsewhere. Lots of great places on the southside.
Plus theres lots of ways to " settle up" ( if yu know what I mean) with the bouncer that are less obvious and don't involve the police.
Porter knows his schedule so there it is. He could be sitting on the bouncers car one night after closing time!
Or just forget it! His choice!

Oh yes the bouncer probably graduated from Hoopie U with honors from a top major. He's one of the high end alums with that bouncer job!
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How old do you need to be before you finally grow the hell up? Porter is 39 years old. And this isn't his first time being in trouble.

Totally agree why even put yourself in that position you have job most people would only dream of and you have to go looking for trouble. Not saying he's totally at fault but he had to know going there trouble could be in the air and just stop and think for a second is that what you want going into round 2 of the playoffs any type of distraction for the team going into this weeks prep. If you wanna go there fine go in a few weeks when the season is over.
I know many Pittsburgh cops. Almost all are Pittsburgh sports fans and huge Steelers fans. The cop in question is a good guy from all that I've talked to. I know the stereotypes of cops and having an agenda but thats not the case. The cops in this area would need to have a good reason to arrest a Pittsburgh athlete/coach, especially a Steeler.

The cop is a good guy? Isn't this the same cop that was drinking and driving while off duty in the South Side, that got in an argument with some kids, got punched in the face, drove around looking for them only to find some random guy and start pistol whipping him in the head? Then after multiple hits with the gun in the back of the head, one of them caused the cop to discharge the weapon, shooting the innocent kid in the hand? The guy that blew a 0.111when police arrived to get his 2nd DUI since becoming a police officer? The guy who was investigated for claims that he pressured his wife into making false sexual assault allegations about his step-kids' biological grandparents? A guy that has multiple misconduct allegations against him and has been suspended multiple times? A guy that got into a fight inside the courthouse with his brother-in-law in front of his step-kids?

That's your definition of a "good guy"?

Lol that's the guy....
The cop is a good guy? Isn't this the same cop that was drinking and driving while off duty in the South Side, that got in an argument with some kids, got punched in the face, drove around looking for them only to find some random guy and start pistol whipping him in the head? Then after multiple hits with the gun in the back of the head, one of them caused the cop to discharge the weapon, shooting the innocent kid in the hand? The guy that blew a 0.111when police arrived to get his 2nd DUI since becoming a police officer? The guy who was investigated for claims that he pressured his wife into making false sexual assault allegations about his step-kids' biological grandparents? A guy that has multiple misconduct allegations against him and has been suspended multiple times? A guy that got into a fight inside the courthouse with his brother-in-law in front of his step-kids?

That's your definition of a "good guy"?

Yeah, I've since heard I was misinformed. The point still stands that Porter was at fault and the cop wouldn't have went out of his way to arrest a Steeler. The cop should not be under scrutiny for the idiotic mistakes of Joey Porter.
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Oh yes the bouncer probably graduated from Hoopie U with honors from a top major. He's one of the high end alums with that bouncer job!

You're aware bouncer isn't his full-time career, right? He's a cop for a day job and then moonlights for the extra cash as a bouncer, like lots of them do.
As a younger guy who actually frequents the south side, the flats' bouncers are extremely "selective" when enforcing their policies for admittance. The bouncer stopped him from meeting other Steelers staff and players already inside the bar due to a previous vendetta. Im not absolving porter of any blame, as they always catch the guy who reacts, but let's not demonize the guy.
So, a couple of Pitt football players are starting a #boycott the flats thing on twitter stating that the flats does not want black people in there. I wonder how that is gonna go over...
I don't know, but I'd guess it would start with them losing a lot of business. If that's the word that is spread around the town, people will buy into it. I would hope if that's not true though the bar would get out in front of this, not coming out and denying that would pretty much be saying "yeah, we'd prefer to not have black people here."

Nothing that could happen will change what porter did, he's a coach and was rightfully put on leave. But as much as porter seems to almost go out looking for confrontations, I think there's a lot more to this story than we've heard so far.
Why surprised? Do you think that the Steelers are the class organization they want to be portrayed as?
Not even close during these latter Tomlin years. They've become the Wild West. Not as bad as the bengals, who are a disgrace when you add in they can't even win a playoff game. But Tomlin simply doesn't care what anyone does anymore and for some reason the rooney's all of a sudden are just letting it slide.
Not even close during these latter Tomlin years. They've become the Wild West. Not as bad as the bengals, who are a disgrace when you add in they can't even win a playoff game. But Tomlin simply doesn't care what anyone does anymore and for some reason the rooney's all of a sudden are just letting it slide.

You're kidding, right? All of a sudden Pittsburgh Steelers are running crazy around town and it's all Mike Tomlin's fault?

#7 was a top shelf jerk around town under Cowher (later to go on to multiple sexual assault accusations). Jerome Bettis accused of sexual assault under Cowher. Joey Porter had arrests under Cowher. The entire Steelers offensive line were steroid abusers in the 1970s. They signed Najeh Davenport after he got arrested for taking a dump in some girl's laundry basket under Cowher. Super Bowl MVP Santonio Holmes choked a woman while a Steeler (and wasn't cut for it). We signed wifebeater Cedric Wilson. Bam Morris? Who signed #1 Sheetz customer Jeff Reed? These are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

As of last year, the Steelers had the 7th fewest arrests over a 5 year period of anyone in the NFL under Tomlin. This includes the Cheech and Chong incident. Division

Please stop with the silliness. The Steelers have never been about having a squeaky clean roster. That's Penn St level propaganda. Doesn't mean other organizations aren't worse, but we don't only employ saints and there is no proof that the Steelers are running afoul with the law at a higher rate these last few years than they used to.
Who do these Eagles fans running down the Steelers think runs a class organization?
You're aware bouncer isn't his full-time career, right? He's a cop for a day job and then moonlights for the extra cash as a bouncer, like lots of them do.
For a Hoopie it could be a fulltime career!

Good bouncers ( termed security analysts) can make a career in the job since they usually work as security for owners, visiting entertainers and key employees.

Fyi most police departments these days forbid officiers from jobs like bouncers since its highly likely they will be involved in dust-ups that could impact their careers or the reputation of the department. They do secure 'moonlight" jobs such as private security, general security, etc.

The reason I know this is I'm Risk Management/ Security professional and I work with alot of Corporations, businesses and municipalities including police departments.
If a cop beats the cr-p out of someone in his or her night bouncer job and it gets in the news they and the department end up with huge issues.There's also the potential cloud of a police officier being accused of assault, racial bias, sexual harrassment, using a firearm, etc in bouncer jobs.

In the old days this wasnt an issue but it is today!

Retired police take bouncer jobs but they better have a good Professional Liability Policy.

But some police take the risk and do it anyway!
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Not even close during these latter Tomlin years. They've become the Wild West. Not as bad as the bengals, who are a disgrace when you add in they can't even win a playoff game. But Tomlin simply doesn't care what anyone does anymore and for some reason the rooney's all of a sudden are just letting it slide.

Were you alive in the 70s? That team was comprised of some of the biggest hell raisers the city has ever seen. I seriously doubt that Tomilin's teams behave worse than those teams. It is just that back then, acting like a drunken lunatic was just eccentric, especially when the Super Bowls are getting won.
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Jerome Bettis accused of sexual assault under Cowher.

No problem with your post in general, however I think you have it wrong on Jerome. You are factual when you say he was accused of sexual assault, but what you didn't say was that he not only was exonerated, the woman and her boyfriend were arrested for an extortion plot against Jerome. It is very unfair to list Bettis as an example in the point your are trying to make.
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west virginia is steeler country, the bouncer's being a WVCC grad has nothing to do with anything

peezy was a drunk ass before in this bar and he threatened that bouncer and was told never come back here

that's the entire story as far as why the bouncer might not like peezy
No problem with your post in general, however I think you have it wrong on Jerome. You are factual when you say he was accused of sexual assault, but what you didn't say was that he not only was exonerated, the woman and her boyfriend were arrested for an extortion plot against Jerome. It is very unfair to list Bettis as an example in the point your are trying to make.

That was a long time ago and all I remembered were the charges being dropped (not the details on why they were dropped), so not the best example in retrospect and my apologies to Jerome if he's on Pantherlair!

However, my point remains the same (excluding Jerome). The Steelers have had meatheads and other who have broken the law for years going back a long time. Not nearly as many as other teams, but to say they are somehow less disciplined citizens now under Tomlin is just not accurate at all.

Some people don't like Tomlin, which is their prerogative, but it's not his fault Joey Porter did something stupid just like it's not Bill Cowher's fault that Santonio Holmes choked a woman and Big Ben was at best, a gigantic d*ckhead in his first few years. At some point you're accountable for your own stupidity.
You're kidding, right? All of a sudden Pittsburgh Steelers are running crazy around town and it's all Mike Tomlin's fault?

#7 was a top shelf jerk around town under Cowher (later to go on to multiple sexual assault accusations). Jerome Bettis accused of sexual assault under Cowher. Joey Porter had arrests under Cowher. The entire Steelers offensive line were steroid abusers in the 1970s. They signed Najeh Davenport after he got arrested for taking a dump in some girl's laundry basket under Cowher. Super Bowl MVP Santonio Holmes choked a woman while a Steeler (and wasn't cut for it). We signed wifebeater Cedric Wilson. Bam Morris? Who signed #1 Sheetz customer Jeff Reed? These are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

As of last year, the Steelers had the 7th fewest arrests over a 5 year period of anyone in the NFL under Tomlin. This includes the Cheech and Chong incident. Division

Please stop with the silliness. The Steelers have never been about having a squeaky clean roster. That's Penn St level propaganda. Doesn't mean other organizations aren't worse, but we don't only employ saints and there is no proof that the Steelers are running afoul with the law at a higher rate these last few years than they used to.
Oh I agree with you. I'm just saying Martavis Bryant for instance, guy has been active for like 25% of the games he's been employed by the steelers for. Yet they just keep his spot open until he returns. I mean we all know why Cedric Wilson was cut, yet James Harrison stayed. But they've really gotten to the point where they don't even try and hide it, they just flat out do not care. It's not Tomlin's fault, these guys will do what they've always done.

There's just an attitude lately of the organization not caring. If you look around the NFL though that may have something to do with it. I mean I have no problem at all with what Martavis Bryant has done, other than the stupidity to just not show up for a test. I just can not see how anyone is worth keeping around when they miss so many games over 2 seasons.
Were you alive in the 70s? That team was comprised of some of the biggest hell raisers the city has ever seen. I seriously doubt that Tomilin's teams behave worse than those teams. It is just that back then, acting like a drunken lunatic was just eccentric, especially when the Super Bowls are getting won.
No but I've heard all the stories. My only point was as I mentioned in the next post, whether it's the NFL now or maybe the organization, rarely were those guys suspended. I mean in all reality nobody on the steelers has done anything recently all that bad. The only problem I have is they aren't afraid to just get suspended and that's that. Probably is the NFL though, some of the stuff those guys did back then I really can't see a player getting away with in 2017.
And now he's only getting charged with disorderly conduct and public drunkenness, all other charges are being dropped.

Curious what's on the surveillance that the cops saw to make this decision and what role the bouncer played. Almost have to question which pieces of the initial report are actually true.

Get him back on the sidelines, I couldn't care less about a public drunkenness.
And now he's only getting charged with disorderly conduct and public drunkenness, all other charges are being dropped.

Curious what's on the surveillance that the cops saw to make this decision and what role the bouncer played. Almost have to question which pieces of the initial report are actually true.

Get him back on the sidelines, I couldn't care less about a public drunkenness.
Deals get made. The Rooney's got Fats Holmes off after shooting at a State Cop, this is miniscule compared to that and in this town the Rooney's get what they want.
Deals get made. The Rooney's got Fats Holmes off after shooting at a State Cop, this is miniscule compared to that and in this town the Rooney's get what they want.

Lol you make these claims with 0 to back it up.
Got him off? Holmes spent two months in a Psych Ward then went back to Ohio and pled guilty to assault with a deadly weapon. He got 5 years probation after a doctor from the Psych Ward testified that he suffered from mental issues.
Were you alive in the 70s? That team was comprised of some of the biggest hell raisers the city has ever seen. I seriously doubt that Tomilin's teams behave worse than those teams. It is just that back then, acting like a drunken lunatic was just eccentric, especially when the Super Bowls are getting won.
are you talking about the Steelers of the Panthers? From what I heard it was pretty much a wash in terms of hell raising...and when the Panthers hit bourbon street back in the day, look out....
Is he good enough for employing as a coach at the highest level of football? Seemed unlikely. Seemed for a favor for an old Steeler pal who needed a job, honestly. The OLB aren't particularly outstanding and when they are, it's more because of their natural talent more than any kind of erudite strategy or technique a wise student of the game like Joey Porter is purveying.

He did undeniably win them the Bengal playoff game last year by baiting their morons into PFs, though. Earned his keep if only for that. Of course he probably should have cost them a bench penalty for that, but luckily NFL officiating is equally dense.

I feel similarly about "Pitt guys" getting coaching or admin jobs for us. That's a nice thing and all, but they gotta produce. Take Hank Poteet. Glad to give an old Panther a coaching job, but is he any good at it?

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