** “I‘ve been a Pitt fan for 51 years so this is nothing.”
** I had a great deal of fun tonight, and the entire fun night was capped off by a chance meeting with the most elite of elite Pitt fans, Mr. Atch. The quote above is what Mr. Atch said to me, and this made the whole night make sense.
** Turns out, Mr. Atch had a great deal of fun tonight as well.
** So as we walked out in our mutual enjoyment of the game, we agreed on one other thing. We are both tired of the ridiculous polarized arguing on the message board we usually both enjoyed.
** We are both tired of the constant complaining about Coach Stallings. We agreed that either Coach Stallings will get things back on track or he won’t. The results will speak for themselves. But we aren’t going to worry about these things now.
** And we speculated not for a second about what this game means in the long run.
** On my own, I’ll elaborate. I won’t suggest that this game marks any significant step forward or provides any indication that repeated better performances will come this year.
** I know that this is a very substandard UC Santa Barbara team who really got the best of us for a good part of the game. I know that Gauchos might have been the winner had they not missed 12 of 22 shots from the line.
** I also know that UCSB was a notably smaller team than our already small Panthers, and they truly got the best of us on the glass. I mean … 5 offensive rebounds? Really?
** And even teams who just aren't very good like tonight's opponent still drove and scored way too many layups that seemed all too easy.
** If you watched the game, you can decide for yourself if UCSB played very poorly in the final 10 minutes or so. Or maybe you think, like my Son did, that the Panthers played much better defense down the stretch. I think I’ll go with my Son’s thoughts.
** Maybe you also know that the chances that the Panthers can ride Jonathan Milligan to any kind of important success this are relatively low.
** However, even if you do think such about Millie, wasn’t it just a blast watching him lead the Panthers to victory tonight?
** And I loved watching Jared Wilson-Frame celebrating to the Zoo when his three pointer off an assist from Millie provided the points that made tonight’s difference.
** Once again, Ryan battled, led and produced at a greater level than perhaps anyone would have suspected when he first came to Pitt. Or at least, much more than I ever suspected.
** Even for a team such as our Panthers who looking to start from scratch, seniors still matter.
** In a close game, everything matters.
** Once again, I was able to sit right in front of our first class fans Oakland Zoo. We even got the impression that their constant ribbing of the Gaucho players might have even gotten under their skin. Heck, I even gave them a few ideas which I'm proud to say they used!
** But there’s no doubt that NO student section will ever get under the skin of legendary and notorious referee TV Teddy Valentine.
** With about five minutes to go, Teddy held up inbounding the ball for some unknown reason. The Zoo screamed: “What are you doing Teddy! We want to get out of here at some point.” Teddy yelled back: “I know what I’m doing, I want to get out of here too!”
** Later TV Teddy could be seen taking selfies with some of the folks sitting first row courtside. Just another reason to love college hoops.
** The final moments of a close win, regardless of the opponent, may always be the best reason to love College Hoops. And all of us who joined for tonight’s fun game stood and applauded Pitt’s win. That includes the Zoo, me and my family, others sitting courtside, and of course, Mr. Atch (but probably not TV Teddy).
** There likely won’t be many Pitt wins this year. Maybe even fewer than for any Pitt Hoops season in the last 51 years. It’s my intention to do my best to enjoy the ones we do.
** I had a great deal of fun tonight, and the entire fun night was capped off by a chance meeting with the most elite of elite Pitt fans, Mr. Atch. The quote above is what Mr. Atch said to me, and this made the whole night make sense.
** Turns out, Mr. Atch had a great deal of fun tonight as well.
** So as we walked out in our mutual enjoyment of the game, we agreed on one other thing. We are both tired of the ridiculous polarized arguing on the message board we usually both enjoyed.
** We are both tired of the constant complaining about Coach Stallings. We agreed that either Coach Stallings will get things back on track or he won’t. The results will speak for themselves. But we aren’t going to worry about these things now.
** And we speculated not for a second about what this game means in the long run.
** On my own, I’ll elaborate. I won’t suggest that this game marks any significant step forward or provides any indication that repeated better performances will come this year.
** I know that this is a very substandard UC Santa Barbara team who really got the best of us for a good part of the game. I know that Gauchos might have been the winner had they not missed 12 of 22 shots from the line.
** I also know that UCSB was a notably smaller team than our already small Panthers, and they truly got the best of us on the glass. I mean … 5 offensive rebounds? Really?
** And even teams who just aren't very good like tonight's opponent still drove and scored way too many layups that seemed all too easy.
** If you watched the game, you can decide for yourself if UCSB played very poorly in the final 10 minutes or so. Or maybe you think, like my Son did, that the Panthers played much better defense down the stretch. I think I’ll go with my Son’s thoughts.
** Maybe you also know that the chances that the Panthers can ride Jonathan Milligan to any kind of important success this are relatively low.
** However, even if you do think such about Millie, wasn’t it just a blast watching him lead the Panthers to victory tonight?
** And I loved watching Jared Wilson-Frame celebrating to the Zoo when his three pointer off an assist from Millie provided the points that made tonight’s difference.
** Once again, Ryan battled, led and produced at a greater level than perhaps anyone would have suspected when he first came to Pitt. Or at least, much more than I ever suspected.
** Even for a team such as our Panthers who looking to start from scratch, seniors still matter.
** In a close game, everything matters.
** Once again, I was able to sit right in front of our first class fans Oakland Zoo. We even got the impression that their constant ribbing of the Gaucho players might have even gotten under their skin. Heck, I even gave them a few ideas which I'm proud to say they used!
** But there’s no doubt that NO student section will ever get under the skin of legendary and notorious referee TV Teddy Valentine.
** With about five minutes to go, Teddy held up inbounding the ball for some unknown reason. The Zoo screamed: “What are you doing Teddy! We want to get out of here at some point.” Teddy yelled back: “I know what I’m doing, I want to get out of here too!”
** Later TV Teddy could be seen taking selfies with some of the folks sitting first row courtside. Just another reason to love college hoops.
** The final moments of a close win, regardless of the opponent, may always be the best reason to love College Hoops. And all of us who joined for tonight’s fun game stood and applauded Pitt’s win. That includes the Zoo, me and my family, others sitting courtside, and of course, Mr. Atch (but probably not TV Teddy).
** There likely won’t be many Pitt wins this year. Maybe even fewer than for any Pitt Hoops season in the last 51 years. It’s my intention to do my best to enjoy the ones we do.