Underwood leaves pitt at halftime of super bowl

I don't really know what the hell you were watching last year.

Canada has been a mostly successful college OC.

Mayo would hire a buddy, even if he thought he sucked?

What are you smoking? As Wolf mentioned, most position coaches are interchangeable, coaching-wise. The big difference is recruiting. How many WR's did we bring in in the last class?

As for your other points...

Canada - Fired from LSU, Fired from NCST, Didn't get the Maryland HC job even though he was the interim HC, Named Steelers OC with no pro football experience.

Mayo would hire a buddy, even if he thought he sucked? Yes, Mayo's in over his head too.
Can we please defund football and go all in on basketball? We can go 6-6 in most years in football spending pennies.
We did go all in on basketball to the detriment of football. It's called the Petersen Events Center. And, other than a few outlier years, it was a bad move.

So can we please go all-in on football? Our mediocre basketball program will hardly be a selling point when (not if) the ACC implodes.