That was JUST YOUR OPINION, and my opinion, WHICH AS JUST AN OPINION - IS AS VALID AS YOURS, maybe some of these overage guys participating does make them morons, but that is JUST YOUR OPINION, and maybe these guys IN MY OPINION, think it's worth it to experience participating in the OLYMPICS and have a shot at an Olympic medal, did they have no chance? That isn't true, if they had gone one round further, they would have been playing Egypt for the bronze, so maybe your opinion that they are morons is correct, but my opinion that an athlete might want to participate in the Olympics, even with little to gain, just to experience it and say they did, is also correct, or why would they be there? I forget his name, there was a 33-year-old guy from France that played, he has hundreds of career goals, is he a moron? Apparently, he wanted to be there, Georgi Mihalovic, his a mediocre USMNT player, probably barely hanging on and probably an afterthought by 2026, he won't lose his MLS spot over being here, is he a moron, I don't think so. But your opinion that they are morons is valid, as is my opinion that there are pro soccer players that want to be there and want to win an Olympic medal.