Wait! What?? All of that for FREE to entice? DANG!

The problem at Pitt is getting students to STAY. The usually do a half decent job at showing up.
Delicious! The Post Gazette and the Fan are all over this travesty, just like they were for Pitt's promotion ... hmm, what? They're not? Oh.
The difference is timing. PSU is advertising this before the games like Pitt did too. Pitt did not get backlash (at least what I remember but been wrong before) when they advertised it before the game.

The backlash at Pitt was posting a reminder to the students on the scoreboard during a game that Pitt was getting pounded by Okie St harder than Jenna Jameson ever got pounded. Fans were either already leaving or sleeping at the game. It was already bad optics that day. We all know that the administration planned that advertisement before that game to make the plug at that junction of the game. Somebody should have saw the situation at hand and realized the situation that day was not optimal to remind students of the perks. Somebody should have pulled the plug on the reminder. Instead you saw the reaction not just locally but NATIONALLY.