What’s the deal with soon to be announced PSU football rape scandal?

Its the North Korea of the NCAA.

Its geography is perfect for cover-ups:

1. Too far from major media centers for those outlets to report

2. The university and the town are one and the same. Everyone in State College either works at PSU or has some affiliation with the school.
I'm not saying there is any coverup. Just pointing out that negative information never really gets on its feet up there. I had to go look for any mention of the players getting dismissed in the local news.
That’s not really what happened there. A guy on the team got catfished, the catfish convinced him to take naked photos of his teammates in the locker room without them knowing, and sent them to the catfish. That person then tried to extort the player with the photos. The player also sent the catfish a video of what was described as a “group sex act,” but it wasn’t ever specified that it actually involved the player or any other player, nor was there any indication that it wasn’t consensual. The federal investigation referred to the player as a “victim” of sexual extortion, which they likely wouldn’t do if they found a video of him participating in a gang rape on his phone.
in my day we just ass snapped towels at each other, geez...
The amount of abuse Robert Windsor is getting on X from the Penn State cult is embarrassing.

And those are just the comments to his posts, I can't imagine how bad his DMs are.

As much as I'd like Windsor to have some big news, its probably going to be that the coaches made them play injured. While that's not a good look, that makes the ESPN headlines for a day maybe. Not that big of a deal.
New Book out detailing the unbelievable "return" of the 2012 PSU football team which had to endure the terrible hardship of 5 players transferring.

lol yeah, just saw this tweeted about. What a name for the book, and what a cringeworthy write up this was.

I'm sure the "free-lance" writer, Perry Munyon, has some connection to the dear Blue & White.

It's interesting a lot of the PSU fan boys are no longer at the PG. No more beat writers, Gigler, Cook, Micco all gone. Adam Bittner still there. And the biggest PSU fanboy, managing editor Dave Garth is still there. I guess that's why they get these wire service & free lance types to provide favorable coverage.

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