What kind of sanctions should the NFL levy on the Patriots?


Feb 15, 2012
Why is a K-State fan posting on the PITT board about the Patriots????????????????? Things that dull in the middle of nowhere?

I couldn't care less about the Patriots or Tom Brady, but I do find the venom being spewed by many fans and media to reek of sour grapes. Yeah, the guy broke the rules when he really didn't need to, and shame on him, but a bit of pressure in the footballs wouldn't have made any difference in the game at question. That doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished. He/they certainly will be, but it's not going to change the outcome of any game.

I know my opinion won't be well-received by the electronic lynch mob, but if anyone thinks a deflated football is the worst type of cheating (rule book or not) in the history of the NFL, you really aren't thinking clearly. The use of steroids, by ALL teams in the past/present, including our Steelers, is a FAR greater issue for scrutiny, imo, not to mention the failure to properly/honestly deal with the concussion issue.

The righteous indignation by some fans and media over this issue is a sad commentary if you consider the rather comparatively mild angst concerning other issues.

Just my likely minority opinion.
I couldn't care less about the Patriots or Tom Brady, but I do find the venom being spewed by many fans and media to reek of sour grapes. Yeah, the guy broke the rules when he really didn't need to, and shame on him, but a bit of pressure in the footballs wouldn't have made any difference in the game at question. That doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished. He/they certainly will be, but it's not going to change the outcome of any game.

I know my opinion won't be well-received by the electronic lynch mob, but if anyone thinks a deflated football is the worst type of cheating (rule book or not) in the history of the NFL, you really aren't thinking clearly. The use of steroids, by ALL teams in the past/present, including our Steelers, is a FAR greater issue for scrutiny, imo, not to mention the failure to properly/honestly deal with the concussion issue.

The righteous indignation by some fans and media over this issue is a sad commentary if you consider the rather comparatively mild angst concerning other issues.

Just my likely minority opinion.
So true. This stuff goes all the way down to hign school. I can remember when a team would put grease on their uniforms. Or a player would stand by his coach (hs) and at the snap go on the field and become a receiver. The rules were changed so these things couldn't happen again. The point is the world didn't end and it wasn't that big a deal.
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I agree with DC and Flair in that much of the media's and non-sporting world's reaction to this is way over the top.
And as I said elsewhere, I doubt they were the only ones who have done this.

As far as the punishment, don't care. If the NFL really thinks this is a severe issue, strip them of the Super Bowl, draft picks, and/or fine them severely. That will send a message for no one to ever do it again.

Give them a slap on the wrist, and you're saying that this is ok. Which is fine by me.
I'm sure most of us here, in the NFL's quest for more offense, would prefer to see it bolstered this way than by the league constantly neutering what the defense can do.