Weird things I think of. But anytime I noticed Gragg on the field, or more likely along the sideline (cuz he usually couldn't rate getting on the field), I admittedly bizarrely channeled his walk and stature to the distinctive strut that Dennis Rodman would have wandering nervously between plays for the Pistons and Bulls. Old school NBA watchers hopefully will know what i mean. Kind of a back arched, shoulders squared, chest out and nervous alternating perching on the balls and toes of his feet as he walked.
And as sad as it is that this weird impression occurred to me, it's even sadder that this is absolutely the sole, only, single impression the guy made on me in an entire season. He might have the moves like Rodman ("ooo ahh ooo eee ooo, he got the moves like Rodman") but brother, he doesnt play like Rodman.
So, I'll predict even with a TE friendly OC it's pretty unlikely he's going to blossom into a weapon this year.