Wow, game plan is great!!

Absolutely... that's why I really wish we let Browne throw it last week, he needed the seasoning. You can tell he is extremely rusty
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nomine can deny that. We are solidly outplaying them.

If only we had guys that can catch and a qb that stepped into throws
Definitely. I thought there would be some gimmicks thrown in but ollison going for a 100 and running all game was good. If Browne didnt throw off that back foot and flutter passes the game plan would have looked even better.
Definitely. I thought there would be some gimmicks thrown in but ollison going for a 100 and running all game was good. If Browne didnt throw off that back foot and flutter passes the game plan would have looked even better.

I agree, thought we would pull out the stops, but the early turnover I think hurt us and hurt the confidence in Browne opening it up