I get the doubt based on Pitts history trust me I do after watching 30 years of stealing defeat from the jaws of victory
But come on. Pedigree has nothing to do with this. Give credit to the players and the staff for developing a dominant ground game. Foster had 9 men in the box early on and Pitt still ran in them. They mixed in enough splash plays in the pass game to make them respect that as well.
If wake chooses to play 9 in the box our passing game will burn them. I have no doubt Pitt will impose their will on wake on offense. Just have to hope what we’ve seen on D continues
I really like the vibe around the team.
When coaches tell players: "Do this well and if you do, you'll be successful" and it actually happens, it builds tremendous confidence in a team. Right now with Pitt's offense, it's a matter of consistency and continuing to build onto what has been established. Of course it has to be done on the field each and every game. Curious to see if this group can continue to do that.