Curley and Schultz plead guilty to...

They're going to make Spanier the fall guy. Why plead guilty with no plea bargain in place? I thought the Nitters claimed all 3 were going to sue Louis Freeh at the end of all this? It's a huge glass of truth for the delusional idiots up in Pedo land. All 3 of these clowns knew, so did Paterno. The welfare of children was less important than football for many decades at Penn State. So so sad.
Figured this would happen. Those 2 never wanted a trial, despite all the BS that has been floated out there by their acolytes over the last 5 years.

Ball's in Spanier's court now, I guess.

I agree. I think they were following the arc that made the most sense. In the end, they played the smartest card in their hand.

Honestly, I want to hear their story. I know we'll never, ever, get all of it but they just plead guilty for not reporting McQueary's story to Joe. Means Spainier has to defend an orchestrated cover-up in court or he has to say that someone else was in charge of said cover-up.
This definitely puts the screws to Spanier. I would imagine that he knew it was coming but this is still a tough spot for he and his legal defense team.
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I just can't wait to hear what guys like Lubrano have to say. I am fascinated to see what Penn Staters 4 Responsible Cover Ups (which was contrived by a PR team to make the movement look larger than it actually is) come up with now?

I would also like to hear the Paterno family's response because it is almost certainly going to be a doozy. Can we look forward to another letter from the great beyond from Tupac Paterno that explains all this away? I can't wait to see what their high-priced Washington, DC-based crisis communications team (which created PS4RS as a classic AstroTurf organization) dreams up next.

Maybe this time Sue will wake up in the middle of the night and discuss issue with the ghost of Joe, where he will explain everything. Maybe it will be a baked good that Scott Paterno is about to eat that will be in Joe's image and that will finally explains all this away once and for all?

Stay tuned. I'm sure it will be amazing.

I know, how about a televised séance where Madame Paterneau (Jay in drag) speaks with Joe directly and reports back to the cameras exactly what he says? That's the only way to get to the bottom of this – a televised séance with Madame Paterneau, one of Central Pennsylvania's most respected fortune tellers.


Maybe they will use the oldest Washington trick in the book and demonize the men who pled guilty?

"You know, Paterno never did trust either of those snakes and this incident shows why he was so wise. They kept child rape a secret from him for decades."

You know it's going to be something inane like that. They are all in, they cannot admit guilt now, even if the guys actually sitting in the room conspiring with Paterno have already done so.

We all know how this goes. The Paterno's make an insane and completely unsubstantiated claim, hundreds of thousands of naive morons believe it as gospel, and the rest of the country shakes it's collective head incredulously wondering what the hell happened in Central Pennsylvania to make them all so batshit crazy?

Rinse. Wash. Repeat.
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Spanier SHOULD be the fall guy here. He is the boss of the other guys in question and he was the second most powerful person involved in the decision-making.

The most powerful person involved in the cover up died years ago of guilt or he would be facing a prison sentence as well.

Again, this is just my opinion, but there is and was something "off" about Spanier. Afterall, he fought for the head of NAMBLA to speak at Penn State well before any of the Sandusky stuff came out. I am not stereotyping, okay I guess I am, but he looked like well......weird.

I am now sure he is going to be made a fall guy, but part of me wondered if he thought this was a big deal and it wasn't that abnormal of behavior on Sandusky's part. Or again, was there a wide reaching, traffiking program among rich and powerful men.
I agree. I think they were following the arc that made the most sense. In the end, they played the smartest card in their hand.

Honestly, I want to hear their story. I know we'll never, ever, get all of it but they just plead guilty for not reporting McQueary's story to Joe. Means Spainier has to defend an orchestrated cover-up in court or he has to say that someone else was in charge of said cover-up.
Spanier will dump on Paterno. Joe's dead...well, except for spending eternity in Hell....but he's gone from this world and DEAD MEN DONT TALK...
But they sure can feel the heat...right Joe!
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They're going to make Spanier the fall guy. Why plead guilty with no plea bargain in place? I thought the Nitters claimed all 3 were going to sue Louis Freeh at the end of all this? It's a huge glass of truth for the delusional idiots up in Pedo land. All 3 of these clowns knew, so did Paterno. The welfare of children was less important than football for many decades at Penn State. So so sad.

The birds are finally about to begin singing. Under oath, too!
Again, this is just my opinion, but there is and was something "off" about Spanier. Afterall, he fought for the head of NAMBLA to speak at Penn State well before any of the Sandusky stuff came out. I am not stereotyping, okay I guess I am, but he looked like well......weird.

Specifically cited at the hearing was the November 2000 “C festival” (designed to reclaim a derogatory word for a woman’s body part) and the Womyn’s Sex Faire held in February 2001.....
A featured speaker at the Sex Faire was Patrick Califia-Rice, a transgender man who has advocated sex between adults and children on the website of the pedophile-advocacy group NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association)......

At the Feb. 28, 2001, committee hearing, Spanier was asked directly if he thought the Sex Faire was wrong or immoral. The PSU president apologized for certain parts of the event, but maintained that the university was committed to what he termed “free speech.” He added in pure Clintonesque style, “It depends on what your definition of immoral is.”
PSU has been a cesspool since paterno first took over. But the reality is it became more than a football story when Paterno started his grand experiment and success with honor BS. It blew up when ole Jer was finally caught. Now the back story is how much they really knew and did everything to protect paterno and his legacy. Under oath, they will face questions that hopefully will illuminate just how much pressure paterno would employ to keep the lies going. Spannier will blame the messengers who will blame him as the President. If I am Spannier, I attack everyone and the scum bag Paterno supporters who abused the University for money and corruption. I open the can of worms and make the case this is what I was dealing with.
What? PSU top administrators are PLEADING GUILTY to something that the nits had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH? (At least according to so many nits and nit sympathizers). Now why would they do that? :rolleyes:

According to BWI, it's because the jury pool has been tainted, it's a kangaroo court, the judge is corrupt -- basically the fix is in. The lead post was some investigation that was done in 2012 to determine whether Spanier should have his security clearance revoked, which they are touting as evidence that everybody's innocent.

There are some people asking the others to take off the blinders, but many are clinging to the notion of Penn State as the victim -- of a feckless board, overzealous prosecutors, lying and greedy abuse victims, and a biased media. A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
Uhh? What the hell are you blabbing about? Are you being sarcastic or are you a Pedo St fan?
? I am saying it's disgusting and shameful that despite all of the grotesque stuff done in that cesspool of a town that they currently have a top class. Clearly the culture did not change and football still reigns supreme even after the worst scandal in sports history. Don't call me a Ped St. fan again.
Relax, sarcasm is cool

? I am saying it's disgusting and shameful that despite all of the grotesque stuff done in that cesspool of a town that they currently have a top class. Clearly the culture did not change and football still reigns supreme even after the worst scandal in sports history. Don't call me a Ped St. fan again.