Young boys were raped. Millionares and their Minions let it happen so saturdays remained the symbol of a University. The stain will NEVER go away. And for their millions of investment here we sit. Really disgusting. We Are.........
BWI Posters befuddlement confusion and can't understand what happen, since the narrative was nothing went wrong?Young boys were raped. Millionares and their Minions let it happen so saturdays remained the symbol of a University. The stain will NEVER go away. And for their millions of investment here we sit. Really disgusting. We Are.........
What they recruit now is based on having real Athletic Integrity and they won't have a Top 5 Class, but they usually recruit in the Top 25 anyway. Last year they had a Top #1 Class but ended farther down. Franklin is a Great Recruiter but still behind Michigan and OSU! Not worried about PSU Fans hiding as Pitt posting otherwise.Disgusting for sure. Maybe, maybe not about the recruiting class. Still TBD and a long way until Feb. 2018.
But regardless, none of that will change what is soon to become very clear to the world once again in a court of law: that Penn State University was complicit in the enabling and covering up of child rape for decades. Done to try to hide what they were involved in allowing and to attempt to protect the football program. A program whose reputation during the Paterno years was built largely around lies and deceit; all the while having a key member of the coaching staff who was a serial pedophile and predator. Just horrific.
Throw in the Clery Act Investigation on Top of Freeh Report, then the entire Picture can be seen from Spanier to Paterno with Curry and Schultz in between, and Trustees in Business with Paterno and out of touch on Institutional Control.No he didn't. Again, we have the Freeh report. We know who did what.
The problem is, you are starting from the premise that Spanier had to be forced by Paterno to do this. What I'm telling you is, this is just who Spanier really is. The whole crew was "all-in" on this thing.
Not starting at that premise. Not saying Spanier wanted different. But if Curley said 'Joe says, 'call governor'- its over.
How can the ncaa not revisit this situation?
He would be tarred and feathered by the Cult or end up like Gricar.Have to wonder if a politician would have the guts to take this to the courts to force
ups to shut the program down?
If this isn't a total lack of institutional control what is?
A compete and total cover up by the complete administration of
a university!
The president, Ad, head of security and the football coach.
How can the ncaa not revisit this situation?
maybe wiki leaks could get involved.Maybe just maybe there is another Trump out there that wants the truth
about what happened and will drop the hammer on ups.
The NCAA's decision in July 2012 was based on Penn State accepting the Freeh Report's findings (and part of those findings are that Schultz/Curley/Spanier WERE guilty).
So, if they are found guilty in court? It doesn't change anything.
I'll bet anyone $1000 to a donut --- the NCAA isn't re-visiting. No chance.
I'll take that bet, and don't think if you win that you're getting anything other than a donut, no eclairs, no bear claws.... one donut.
Agree, but in no universe would that have happened. There all were in lock step that the football program, "Success with Honor" and national prestige would be protected at all costs.No he didn't. Again, we have the Freeh report. We know who did what.
The problem is, you are starting from the premise that Spanier had to be forced by Paterno to do this. What I'm telling you is, this is just who Spanier really is. The whole crew was "all-in" on this thing.
Not starting at that premise. Not saying Spanier wanted different. But if Curley said 'Joe says, 'call governor'- its over.
None of my selection pictures are meant towards the Great Posters on BWI that have been mocked by the Cult Dolt Posters, they are Vindication on the Lair and intended the many Cult Dolts that believed and made up false narratives, stories, and constantly came on the Lair challenging facts Posted over there, not allow over there.Agree, but in no universe would that have happened. There all were in lock step that the football program, "Success with Honor" and national prestige would be protected at all costs.
Agree, but in no universe would that have happened. There all were in lock step that the football program, "Success with Honor" and national prestige would be protected at all costs.
This is ironic. The Cult hated the "move on" crowd for not wanting to fight on to save the fable of Paterno and Old State. Now that five years have past, some of the Cult are finally get exhausted with the story, and with the guilty pleas by two, and either a plea or conviction at trial in sight for the third, resignation is setting in. The "truth" that they claimed they were wanting so badly is not going their way, so their attention will finally turn away from the scandal, and it will be "let's just 'move on' and focus on football." I think the fight for the statue and such things will die. A new era of football will be all they care about.Total irony - just got in and flipped on the TV to hear what the snow forecast is for the morning. They do a segment on the pleas and not 3 stories later - Big upgrades planned for Beaver Stadium!!!!! This is a non-story for any PSU supporter. In fact I'm sure they're thrilled they pled so that they would just go away.
Move along - nothing to see here!!!![]()
This is ironic. The Cult hated the "move on" crowd for not wanting to fight on to save the fable of Paterno and Old State. Now that five years have past, some of the Cult are finally get exhausted with the story, and with the guilty pleas by two, and either a plea or conviction at trial in sight for the third, resignation is setting in. The "truth" that they claimed they were wanting so badly is not going their way, so their attention will finally turn away from the scandal, and it will be "let's just 'move on' and focus on football." I think the fight for the statue and such things will die. A new era of football will be all they care about.
Have to wonder if a politician would have the guts to take this to the courts to force
ups to shut the program down?
Why? What would that accomplish? The horse has long been out of the barn now........
I would think that the hope would be so this NEVER EVER happened again. Otherwise, why not sweep these things under the rug if the worst that will happen is a two year bowl ban.
And when I say NEVER EVER. I do not just mean at PSU. I mean anywhere.
I certainly think they are guilty, but this is oh, so false.If he says he isn't a Pedo St fan then I believe him. These idiots are so brainwashed they can't deny themselves.
I said for months that the 3 amigos have to be guilty since they delayed this for so long. Innocent people rush to justice to clear their god names and move on with their lives....guilty people....not so much!
I certainly think they are guilty, but this is oh, so false.
Much of this boils down to being familiar with Paterno and PSU and his history of being in control of everything. Paterno was not told what to do for the last 30 years he was at PSU, but you think he had no prior Sandusky knowledge or was overruled or not involved in the decision making to cover this up? There is no chance."Call the governor" is saying he threatened something.
Here's my point. Let me give you this analogy. This would be like you saying all the coaches should be fired after the Clemson game, because you didn't win by enough.
We know what Paterno did, and what he knew, and it stands on its own. What you are trying to do is add even more onto Paterno's end. That's a problem for two reason: 1) You are doing the same thing as the Penn St fans, just in the opposite direction. 2) If you want ammo against Paterno, then just the facts as they are is all you need.
I am not wrong. Your premise is false. Many, many innocent people delay for years to give them the best chance to win or beat some of the charges. Many innocent people also plead guilty to lesser charges. In fact, more people than ever do that, as our legal system has more pleas now than it has ever in our history.Well in this are wrong. They delayed and then pleaded guilty! My contention is that innocent people don't delay for 5 years unless they are guilty. You are entitled to your opinion and I, mine.
The BWI discussion is taking a weird turn. There's is someone who has "outed" themselves claiming that Ray Gricar let the University "handle" Sandusky themselves in exchange for not prosecuting. That this information was in writing and turned over to the OAG.
If that's true, that's pretty huge. Would set the timeline back on how soon everyone definitely knew there was a problem back a few years.
I am not wrong. Your premise is false. Many, many innocent people delay for years to give them the best chance to win or beat some of the charges. Many innocent people also plead guilty to lesser charges. In fact, more people than ever do that, as our legal system has more pleas now than it has ever in our history.
I thought I heard something like that when all of this first came out. But...who killed Gricar?
Yep. Seemed kind of orchestrated to me too. And besides, how much can you improve an erector set.Total irony - just got in and flipped on the TV to hear what the snow forecast is for the morning. They do a segment on the pleas and not 3 stories later - Big upgrades planned for Beaver Stadium!!!!! This is a non-story for any PSU supporter. In fact I'm sure they're thrilled they pled so that they would just go away.
Move along - nothing to see here!!!![]()
Living in middle of Montana in the Witness Protection Program.Who said he's dead?
Yeah, but see, here is the point a lot of people are missing. The entire reason you have president (and vice-president, and so on) is to keep decisions affecting someone's "meal ticket" out of their own hands. You can't trust that person to be objective, so you have an administrator who is in charge of the entire university (i.e. the president), so he can make a decision for the good of the entire school, and not one little fiefdom. (Granted, you would think when it comes to something this serious, a coach or whoever would not look at this as something as trivial as crip courses, but the idea still holds.)
The point is, if the coach can make an entire university cover up for the football team, the problem isn't the's the entire structure of the university. If you put the blame 100% on Paterno, it still doesn't solve the problem. The next coach will just be Paterno, Part II. Blaming Paterno might make you feel better, but it won't solve the problem. The problem is the failure of the chain of command, and a failure of the institution to reign in out of control elements, before this particular scandal even happened.