Mr. Schultz, Mr. Schulte said, will testify that he is “very regretful” of the decision not to report Mr. McQueary’s claim to the Department of Public Welfare, which the three men in an email exchange had originally planned to do.
“We messed up,” is what Mr. Schultz is going to say, according to Mr. Schulte.
That plan changed, the prosecutor said, after Mr. Curley discussed it with head football coach Joe Paterno, Mr. Schulte said.
The men decided they would bar Sandusky from bringing youths on campus, but that never happened, Mr. Schulte said. And, he said, Sandusky continued to sexually assault boys in Penn State’s showers, including a “John Doe” who will testify later in the week. “The showers at Penn State continued to be Jerry Sandusky’s sanctuary for child molestation,” Mr. Schulte said