Curley and Schultz plead guilty to...


Trial for Graham Spanier begins begins tomorrow (and it is being reported in the PPG) that both Curley and Shultz will be testifying in the trial, so it will be very interesting to see what new information comes out or a confirmation of information that we know is true but Penn State (tin foil hat fans) refuse to accept.

Note that you are given every opportunity to discuss these issues freely on our Board but Pitt fans are not given the same opportunity on the BWI Bubble Board. BWI wants to keep outside opinion out so the tin foil hat fans can continue to live in their own false reality.

The Swastikas will be flying at half mast over on BWI.
My God, many on the BOT hated Joe. It's also why he didn't trust them. They weren't even smart enough to vet any of the claims. They are dirty as hell.

I know BOT members that sat on the board that night. Maybe there were members that hated him but to argue that these are not smart, accomplished people, is simply reactionary nonsense. If you read the Freeh report as a narrative that PSU wanted the world to believe instead of letting the world dig deeper, you'd understand what I'm trying to tell you. What's stupid is that you can't see what that report accomplished and how it kept a broader investigation from happening. That's what the BOT was doing the night they fired Paterno, the day they issued the report and accepted sanctions, and what they continue to do to this day. I'm assuming you graduated from Penn State so you should be smarter than this.

You are welcome to believe whatever version of history you choose. The BWI, tin-foil hat version included. Just don't run over here and accuse us of being idiots because we don't buy into it. Step back and let your zealotry go and you might see it. The "truth" you seek won't be the "truth" you'll get. Trust me. You won't like it.
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Mr. Schultz, Mr. Schulte said, will testify that he is “very regretful” of the decision not to report Mr. McQueary’s claim to the Department of Public Welfare, which the three men in an email exchange had originally planned to do.

“We messed up,” is what Mr. Schultz is going to say, according to Mr. Schulte.

That plan changed, the prosecutor said, after Mr. Curley discussed it with head football coach Joe Paterno, Mr. Schulte said.

The men decided they would bar Sandusky from bringing youths on campus, but that never happened, Mr. Schulte said. And, he said, Sandusky continued to sexually assault boys in Penn State’s showers, including a “John Doe” who will testify later in the week. “The showers at Penn State continued to be Jerry Sandusky’s sanctuary for child molestation,” Mr. Schulte said