Curley and Schultz plead guilty to...

And they'll still finish with a top 5 recruiting class. Disgusting.

Disgusting for sure. Maybe, maybe not about the recruiting class. Still TBD and a long way until Feb. 2018.

But regardless, none of that will change what is soon to become very clear to the world once again in a court of law: that Penn State University was complicit in the enabling and covering up of child rape for decades. Done to try to hide what they were involved in allowing and to attempt to protect the football program. A program whose reputation during the Paterno years was built largely around lies and deceit; all the while having a key member of the coaching staff who was a serial pedophile and predator. Just horrific.
Child Endangerment charges.
They both will testify against spanier.
Poop is about to hit the fan in happy valley.
Time for the NCAA to re-open its investigation...
Said it all along and dead on, Schultz Attorney Farrel is known to be a Pleader and now it is done and good Lawyering. And it was done as predicted just days and weeks ahead of Trial. So much for all the BWI Cult Dolts Narratives, along with Hail Ziegler.

Almost done now, Spanier still may go to trial depending on details of Schultz & Curley Deal. Sandusky Appeal coming up may go to it!

They did the right thing and good lawyering all around!

Penn State University did the right thing too in Athletic Integrity 2012 Reforms forecd on them by Freeh Investigation, NCAA Sanctions Monitor, and Clery Act-Title DOE Fines!

This is why I feel Penn State and Alumni do not deserve PEDU but the Cult Dolts bring this on themselves and now have to eat crow that nothing happen and blame everyone including Posters on BWI, Lair, and Media telling them otherwise.

Those are the PSU Fans that hate PSU for admitting the Football Culture that Lack Institutional Control and Athletic Integrity for Decades were the true Nittany Liars!

20,001 and Done!
According to BWI, it's because the jury pool has been tainted, it's a kangaroo court, the judge is corrupt -- basically the fix is in. The lead post was some investigation that was done in 2012 to determine whether Spanier should have his security clearance revoked, which they are touting as evidence that everybody's innocent.

There are some people asking the others to take off the blinders, but many are clinging to the notion of Penn State as the victim -- of a feckless board, overzealous prosecutors, lying and greedy abuse victims, and a biased media. A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

The cult members among the nits will continue to do what they've always done regarding this issue: deny; deny; deny. Some have allowed themselves to be brainwashed for so long they're pretty much incapable of reason or thinking rationally for themselves. Even when the principals are now admitting their own guilt.
Nitwit trying to comprehend that their administration leadership orchestrated a cover up...

Honest question. Can the NCAA come in and levy more penalties if new evidence is uncovered through testimony? Or has that ship sailed?
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They're going to make Spanier the fall guy. Why plead guilty with no plea bargain in place? I thought the Nitters claimed all 3 were going to sue Louis Freeh at the end of all this? It's a huge glass of truth for the delusional idiots up in Pedo land. All 3 of these clowns knew, so did Paterno. The welfare of children was less important than football for many decades at Penn State. So so sad.
The President or Chancellor at every University are designated as the Sole Person responsible to enforce NCAA Rules, Title IX, Clery Act, and all other Laws, Rules, and Regulations. In the Freeh Report Graham Spanier admits he was not aware the Clery Act and Title IX was not being enforced.

In addition, the NCAA Sanctions were never removed in the PA Senate Lawsuit Consent Decrees just reduced. The PSU Trustees were right to fire Spanier because he refused to tell them anything and they had to hire Louis Freeh that did the investigation that uncover the email they thought was destroyed, proving they all knew but chose to do nothing.

Vindication for the Children Victims & their Lawyers Today as well and Penn State Trustees that did the right things to settle and put in Athletic Integrity 2012 Reforms while being sued by Spanier and others.
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Honest question. Can the NCAA come in and levy more penalties if new evidence is uncovered through testimony? Or has that ship sailed?

Think the NCAA involvement is done with. This is now pretty much strictly a public awareness issue.

What people choose to do with the factual information that the nit leadership - including (but certainly not limited to) the President, AD, Head of Security and HFC - ALL knew about and covered up what JS was doing is up to them.

Reasonable people with consciences and morals know right from wrong. What was enabled and covered up by the PSU leadership was not just criminal, but also horrificly wrong. Denials to the contrary are lies.
Wait a minute......this wasn't supposed to happen!
:rolleyes:;):cool:Well said, and you said it all along!:D:p:rolleyes:

Today, turns out you were right to the :eek::mad::confused:o_O:(:oops: Regret of many Cult Dolts on BWI! I said I would follow it too, be fair, and report just the Facts that are now coming out before the Criminal Trials. I never wish this on anyone either but it is clear Penn State did not have Athletic Integrity and that Penn State Football Culture of cover ups actually led to Criminal Activity over Decades!

Penn State University did the right thing to correct the Penn State Football Culture and Children are safe again and no one will be put forth before the Penn State University again. Now the Books, Documentaries, and Movies have a go light and Unsealed Documents will come out into the full light!

Well done PittDan77!:D:p:)
That's verbatim what is being said on BWI as we speak
The BWI Cult Dolts are now learning the truth about the Penn State Football Program from 1966-2011 being a Football Program of Ignorance & Arrogance of Intentionally Choosing the Practices of Don't Know and Don't Care about Children Welfare, it was all about 409 wins and protecting the money over doing the right thing and not shaming Penn State University Name.

This was a Total Penn State University Football Program Scandal of Penn Statres, by Penn Staters, and For Penn Staters protecting their Football Money and wins not for protecting anything else except Penn State themselves......until Penn State Trustees came to their senses with the help of the Freeh Report and Recommendations!

No one else and it is still the Worst College Football Scandal In History!
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Honest question. Can the NCAA come in and levy more penalties if new evidence is uncovered through testimony? Or has that ship sailed?
What is done is done no reason to look back now, and to be fair, the NCAA had its own complicity of not investigating Penn State when it many chances in 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, and in fact chose to impose 15 game Vacated Wins against FSU Bowden in favor of Paterno, that entire Compliance Enforcement Staff that did that were retired, resigned or replaced. The NCAA has had it own problems in its own limits of what it can do and now Baylor and UNC issues are still pending.

There are also the Civil Lawsuits still pending and i predict Settlements there too. The PMA-PSU Unsealed Documents have still not come out in full disclosure but once the Media gets them, the way it will depict what happen at Penn State in a Spotlight not becoming of Success with Honor!
Spanier will dump on Paterno. Joe's dead...well, except for spending eternity in Hell....but he's gone from this world and DEAD MEN DONT TALK...
But they sure can feel the heat...right Joe!
Dumping on Paterno will be hard to do since Spanier was supposed to be Joe's boss. If they killed this thing because Joe told them to it is even worse for Spanier.
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:rolleyes:;):cool:Well said, and you said it all along!:D:p:rolleyes:

Today, turns out you were right to the :eek::mad::confused:o_O:(:oops: Regret of many Cult Dolts on BWI! I said I would follow it too, be fair, and report just the Facts that are now coming out before the Criminal Trials. I never wish this on anyone either but it is clear Penn State did not have Athletic Integrity and that Penn State Football Culture of cover ups actually led to Criminal Activity over Decades!

Penn State University did the right thing to correct the Penn State Football Culture and Children are safe again and no one will be put forth before the Penn State University again. Now the Books, Documentaries, and Movies have a go light and Unsealed Documents will come out into the full light!

Well done PittDan77!:D:p:)

Thank you Captain. I take that as high praise coming from you.
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Dumping on Paterno will be hard to do since Spanier was supposed to be Joe's boss. If they killed this thing because Joe told them to it is even worse for Spanier.

Which is what some people don't get. Things like this are basically the only reason have a president in the first place. Otherwise, a university could essentially function on autopilot, on a day-to-day basis. If Spanier couldn't handle this problem, then there was literally no other other reason for him to have a job.
Dumping on Paterno will be hard to do since Spanier was supposed to be Joe's boss. If they killed this thing because Joe told them to it is even worse for Spanier.
1. Interesting thoughts but it was Spanier all along that was responsible and he was under Trustees that were in Business with Paterno and why one of the Athletic Reforms is a PSU Policies of no more Undisclosed Business Conflicts of Interests anymore.

2. Spanier will point to the Department of Education Title IX & Clery Act report and PMA-PSU Insurance Case showing Joe was told in 1970s and 1980s and dis not report it up to Penn State Administration back when and then. Spanier will also point to the Battery of Lawyers set up to get all PSU Players committing crimes out of trouble. As well as the Clery Report found Joseph Vincent Paterno influencing and demanding only he had power over his Players in spite of Laws, Compliance's, and NCAA Rules. The Paterno's can't run away from the Clery Report that is done and fines paid by PSU due to Spanier claims he was unaware it was not being enforced factually in the Freeh Report.

3. The Paterno's Lawsuit has been stalled since the PMA-PSU Unsealed Documents have been pending, and now Jay Paterno whom own Lawsuit was dismissed have chose to run to become a Trustee and now will try to work within the Trustees not filing lawsuits against them to get the Statue back up?

4. Actually, if Spanier continues to choose to go to Trial, it is Joseph Vincent Paterno's own Testimony under Oath at the Grand Jury along with Mike McQueary that Spanier Defense Team has to take on and impeach versus his own Testimony that he was told it was just "Horsing Around" that Schutz and Curry will now be recanting too and testify against him. Good Luck with that too?

5. It is my Narrative that Joe was told way back in 1970s and 80s and no reason for Children Victims to lie about it now or back then when they filed the Lawsuits....but Joe did not believe it and Sandusky like many Convicted Pedophiles was lying to all of them at Penn State, but Spanier honored Sandusky even after Paterno got rid of him to retire.

6. However, no matter how much I admire Joe's Coaching and building the Penn State Football Program and how he lived his own life for Family, College Football, and Penn State. At some point in time, Joe became bigger than Penn State itself, in Business with trustees that protected him, and ignored all laws and rules thinking only he knew what is best for PSU football and by not doing something to help Children Victims is what he meant he admitted He should have done more. At some point Joe himself realized Sandusky was lying and now as he wanted to pursue nothing but Football and during the 2000-2004 Four of Five Seasons refused to retire and when no one investigated further kept going for 409 and in Hindsight knew he made a mistake before he died.

Joe's Legacy was ruined at that time and at some point in time later Joe cried about his reputation would never be the same and that was his fate.

Someone on the Lair took a picture of Joe walking the Beach on his own and all alone, and I said then, that picture shows Joe had big concerns and it was written all over his face. Just a Guess back when, not just a Hunch then too, but now I think that it is a reasonable educated conclusion!
Thank you Captain. I take that as high praise coming from you.
I have read and followed your own Post and like me, I believe you have many Good Friends that are Penn State Fans like myself, and know they represent the Best of Penn State that know competing and playing Pitt made each other better and Joe was petty and foolish to put himself ahead of the historic series like we all do know was just outright wrong.

This is when Joe got bigger than Penn State University and the Trustees allowed Joe to get away with it because some of them were in Business with him. There is plenty of blame to go around that ended up Shaming Penn State Name and that includes those Trustees, Spanier, Curry, Schulz, NCAA, and Paterno and many more.

Still, the Penn State Alumni and Employees I know are truly Successful and live their lives with Honor every day and do it not because by slogan, but being fine people that know something badly went wrong at Penn State and don't excuse it just glad it has been fixed and playing Pitt again and should be renewed.
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Which is what some people don't get. Things like this are basically the only reason have a president in the first place. Otherwise, a university could essentially function on autopilot, on a day-to-day basis. If Spanier couldn't handle this problem, then there was literally no other other reason for him to have a job.

Joe had more influence than old main in this matter. Spanier was basically neutered.
Total irony - just got in and flipped on the TV to hear what the snow forecast is for the morning. They do a segment on the pleas and not 3 stories later - Big upgrades planned for Beaver Stadium!!!!! This is a non-story for any PSU supporter. In fact I'm sure they're thrilled they pled so that they would just go away.

Move along - nothing to see here!!! :rolleyes:
Joe had more influence than old main in this matter. Spanier was basically neutered.

No he didn't. Again, we have the Freeh report. We know who did what.

The problem is, you are starting from the premise that Spanier had to be forced by Paterno to do this. What I'm telling you is, this is just who Spanier really is. The whole crew was "all-in" on this thing.
No he didn't. Again, we have the Freeh report. We know who did what.

The problem is, you are starting from the premise that Spanier had to be forced by Paterno to do this. What I'm telling you is, this is just who Spanier really is. The whole crew was "all-in" on this thing.

Not starting at that premise. Not saying Spanier wanted different. But if Curley said 'Joe says, 'call governor'- its over.
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No he didn't. Again, we have the Freeh report. We know who did what.

The problem is, you are starting from the premise that Spanier had to be forced by Paterno to do this. What I'm telling you is, this is just who Spanier really is. The whole crew was "all-in" on this thing.

Not starting at that premise. Not saying Spanier wanted different. But if Curley said 'Joe says, 'call governor'- its over.

Yeah, and that's the problem. Joe didn't say "call the governor." Paterno definitely discussed this with the administrators. That's clear. Paterno threatening to go over Spanier's head is something you are adding in on your own.
Again, this is just my opinion, but there is and was something "off" about Spanier. Afterall, he fought for the head of NAMBLA to speak at Penn State well before any of the Sandusky stuff came out. I am not stereotyping, okay I guess I am, but he looked like well......weird.

I am now sure he is going to be made a fall guy, but part of me wondered if he thought this was a big deal and it wasn't that abnormal of behavior on Sandusky's part. Or again, was there a wide reaching, traffiking program among rich and powerful men.
I recall watching PCN one day when Nordy, Spanier the Pres of Temple and Lincoln testified before the PA House.
Nordy effused energy and optimism while Spanier displayed all the charm of a seasick crocodile. I mean this guy was dour.
He will not look good in front of a jury.
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No he didn't. Again, we have the Freeh report. We know who did what.

The problem is, you are starting from the premise that Spanier had to be forced by Paterno to do this. What I'm telling you is, this is just who Spanier really is. The whole crew was "all-in" on this thing.

Not starting at that premise. Not saying Spanier wanted different. But if Curley said 'Joe says, 'call governor'- its over.

Yeah, and that's the problem. Joe didn't say "call the governor." Paterno definitely discussed this with the administrators. That's clear. Paterno threatening to go over Spanier's head is something you are adding in on your own.

Not saying he threatened anything. He didn't have to. He punted for probably the only time ever regarding State. Partly the point. Really the whole point.
If he says he isn't a Pedo St fan then I believe him. These idiots are so brainwashed they can't deny themselves.

I said for months that the 3 amigos have to be guilty since they delayed this for so long. Innocent people rush to justice to clear their god names and move on with their lives....guilty people....not so much!

didn't seem like sarcasm to me.
Not saying he threatened anything. He didn't have to. He punted for probably the only time ever regarding State. Partly the point. Really the whole point.

"Call the governor" is saying he threatened something.

Here's my point. Let me give you this analogy. This would be like you saying all the coaches should be fired after the Clemson game, because you didn't win by enough.

We know what Paterno did, and what he knew, and it stands on its own. What you are trying to do is add even more onto Paterno's end. That's a problem for two reason: 1) You are doing the same thing as the Penn St fans, just in the opposite direction. 2) If you want ammo against Paterno, then just the facts as they are is all you need.
A "not guilty" verdict in the Spanier trial would be disasterous for the prosecution at this point. Have to assume the newfound witnesses provide critical information in sealing Spanier's guilty fate. What an absolutely terrible portion of our nation's and Commonwealth's history.
From an article:

Curley refers to a meeting scheduled that day with Spanier and indicates they apparently discussed the Sandusky incident two days earlier.
Curley indicates he no longer wants to contact child welfare authorities just yet. He refers to a conversation the day before with Paterno. It's not known what Paterno may have said to Curley.

Curley allegedly writes: "After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday, I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps."
The athletic director apparently preferred to keep the situation an internal affair and talk things over with Sandusky instead of notifying the state's child welfare agency.
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