"GREGJACOBS, post: 1840201, member: 1172"]No one figured those two would plead guilty lion.
Good Post GJ:
I disagree a tad, I believed and did predict if anyone did plea it was going to be Schultz. It is in my Archives. I only said so knowing his Defense Team and how he was the one that did want to report it, but Spanier and Curry wanted to talk to the "COACH", that Cult Dolts quoted Paterno Report was not necessarily Paterno but could have been Sandusky? I agree with you that many on BWI are in shock that they did not think they would plea and would also not be convicted. But I can't improve minds over there and few can, only oneself can do it, and they are just not smart enough to know how this was Total Penn State Scandal due to Lacking Institutional control and Athletic Integrity compliance to protect anyone that challenged the Football Program.
I bet if I went over to the PSU board I'd see disbelief and spin control.
You are Correct Sir! Initially they were shocked, now it about Corrupt Courts, NCAA, PMA Insurance, Freeh, and Schultz & Curry were Blackmailed to do it??? The Trustees are still Corrupt and Covering Up according to Blehar. Ziegler now posted Spanier was proven to be innocent due to a National Security Background Check, but I know all about SF-312 Forms Checks and great difference between how and why some with Criminal Records are still allow to be employed in some cases and Spanier still has not plead guilty or convicted. Ziegler is still pushing Sandusky is innocent as well? Some Cult Dolts believe them over Children Victims under Oath.
With no plea bargain it becomes a kick in the balls to the Joe didn't know crew. There is now absolutely no question that Joe and the entire leadership knew exactly what was going on with Sandusky.
Correct again, and the Civil Lawsuits have stalled as well. Jay Paterno is seeking to be a Trustee. Lubrano is pretty quiet as well and Lord's RS4PS credibility has been badly damaged on his revelations on McCord and other College Loan Immunity.
They fell on the side of enabling and covering up child abuse. That's exactly what today's guilty pleas validated.
Exactly, and signed off on it.
The BOT had all of the information. No brainer. Dump the leadership responsible for horrible decision making, accept sanctions passively, pay off the victims, go silent and let PA painfully validate what BOT knows as silently as possible.
This is true with Freeh Report Recommendations confirmed by The Clery Act-Title IX Investigation Findings with Fines, and Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms put in under NCAA Sanction Monitors and still pending Media Litigation seeking all Unsealed Documents, but held up until Criminal Trial is over.
It's the opposite of what you say actually. The ball is not in Spanier's court. PA has him exactly where he belongs.
We shall see, and have no problem if you disagree. However, part of Spanier Work at National Security is on Global Warming and some critics felt that was another cover up by how it was investigated at Penn State under Spanier of course now all hushed up due to National Security? There is an Article on it!
He knew just like everyone up at State College knew. So the lying and silence is just about over.
This is the rub Spanier knows about how the Trustees limited his authority over Paterno since some were in Business with Joe during the critical 1998-2008 period. others made charges the Trustees some had or have other Business Interests and why Freeh Recommended some Trustee and PSU Employees Business Interest must be Disclosed now. The NCAA Defense Team in Discovery has been looking into prior Paterno's Business Interests?
Spanier will be singing like a bird and Joe Paterno will be exposed as the enabler that he was.
Not all true with some Defense wiggle room and trial tactic guesses, part of Spanier's Defense Team will have to prove why Spanier's Testimony at Grand Jury said he was told it was just "Horse Play" and that was Curry and Schultz Testimony as well, but that differs from what Paterno said under oath in what he was told was Sexual Inappropriate Touching and McQueary will back that up. In essence, that a big road block for Spanier Defense and now dependent on Curry & Schultz as Prosecution Witnesses being subject to Cross Examination.
Yet, you are correct it was no secret Spanier had some troubles with Joe not always agreeing with him, and could do little about it. This was just one aspect of the Lack of Institutional Control. it was Spanier that ended the Expense of Defending of Joe's Salary as a State Employee over Joe's Objection! Still, when it came to defending Penn State Players Alleged Crimes Spanier often took the lead, but somehow did not know the Clery Act required PSU to record all Arrests as Freeh report found and DOE Findings Confirmed with Fines?
Then Paterno's own words will come full circle......"I wish I would have done more". Unless Spanier wants to take the fall and go silent he sings like a bird. If not he will be neighbors with Sandusky for a very long time.
Or Spanier is found "Not Guilty" and he then goes on a Book Defense Tour or works out a deal with Trustees to leave in big buyout since he has tenure. Like PittLaw said above...."Spanier is/was one of the most arrogant pricks in academia and is/was reviled by the PA legislature." I will not be surprised if he goes to Trial and fights it and risk it all, even up against Curry & Schultz & Paterno's Testimony and his Defense is at the expense of Penn State. He could Plead anytime too even after the Trial starts and if found guilty will make every Appeal he can, and will end up blaming his Lawyers that have done a Great Job from what I have read and all it on Spanier now.
Yet, Spanier is scrapper from a South Africa Jewish Family that claims it fled Apartheid with other claims he had Family Victims of the Germany Holocausts and he himself was a Victim with Child Abuse Roots and grew up in Chicago and always list Northwestern as his Alma Mater but that is where he went to Graduate School earning a Ph.D in Sociology, his real Alma Mater was Iowa State where he got B.A., but he seldom mention it???
Spanier is known how to sell himself and worked in the Radio Media, defend himself by not telling everything, and thinks he is smarter than most, and in my opinion, these types think they can convince a Jury if given a chance and may even testify himself would not be out of the question. Spanier also knows the Power Structure at Universities and in Washington with National Security Credentials.
These are signs of an Intellectual Elitist that love to demonstrate of their perceived intellectual superiority, and absolved them of responsibility for their actions much like Chicago's Leopold and Loeb in the early 1900s.
In my view, Spanier thinks he can beat any Common Prosecutor but I would remind him he is going against one of the Best Children Abuse Prosecutors hired especially for this case, and her name is Ditka!
Like PittLaw said again, "Could not happen to a more deserving piece of crap. Should be fun to watch."
If I had to bet, unless Spanier gets the same deal of just One Count of a reduced Misdemeanor, he could make that plea like Greg Jacobs predicts, but if not, I still think he will choose going to Trial until he sees the Prosecutors Case with Schultz & Curry Testimony, and then still may choose to testify and defend himself against Ditka Cross Examination. And once again, PittLaw would be spot on, and that would be quite a show. I might even try and go to see it.
We will know soon!