Joe reported it after he was told what happened. He kept quiet after he found out for himself
TO ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE PSU IS BEING TREATED UNFAIRLY: Would you, in his situation, EVER kept quiet? Would you, in ANY situation, keep quiet? If so, I challenge you to meet someone who was sexually abused at an early age and, if you still feel Joe did what an ordinary person should have done, there's a special place in hell reserved for you. That would mean you are someone without a conscience and any sense of morality, and I hope to God you haven't procreated.Joe reported it after he was told what happened. He kept quiet after he found out for himself
Would you, in his situation, EVER kept quiet? Would you, in ANY situation, keep quiet? If so, I challenge you to meet someone who was sexually abused at an early age and, if you still feel Joe did what an ordinary person should have done, there's a special place in hell reserved for you. That would mean you are someone without a conscience and any sense of morality, and I hope to God you haven't procreated.
I read it. I should have made it clearer that my response wasn't directed to you, but to anyone who thought Joe did enough. I fell way short of making that clear and I apologize. This subject gets me riled up and sometimes I think of nitter trolls when I post.Would you, in his situation, EVER kept quiet? Would you, in ANY situation, keep quiet? If so, I challenge you to meet someone who was sexually abused at an early age and, if you still feel Joe did what an ordinary person should have done, there's a special place in hell reserved for you. That would mean you are someone without a conscience and any sense of morality, and I hope to God you haven't procreated.
READ THE ****ING COMMENT PROPERLY. it's a shot at Paterno. He didnt report it until somebody told him about it. He clammed up until then, and likely would have stayed that way had McQ not reported the incident. WHAT PART OF MY POST SUGGESTS THAT I WOULD NOT REPORT CHILD MOLESTATION??????????????
I'm sorry but it's also about justice and part of justice is punishment. Their precious football program was the reason behind the cover up and it's only logical that the program should bear its fair share of the punishment to serve as a deterrent. A deterrent not only to PSU, but to every educational institution. Perhaps if PSU were adequately punished the first time, at least some of the crimes that occurred at Baylor might have been prevented. Justice is truth seeking, judgement, assisting the victims and prevention of senseless tragedies like this (and countless others) through the implementation of the appropriate punishment.
It's mostly the same 10-20 people in tinfoil hats that are posting.Whooops.....topped a thousand....LOL
The school and the football program are still thereI'm sorry but it's also about justice and part of justice is punishment. Their precious football program was the reason behind the cover up and it's only logical that the program should bear its fair share of the punishment to serve as a deterrent. A deterrent not only to PSU, but to every educational institution. Perhaps if PSU were adequately punished the first time, at least some of the crimes that occurred at Baylor might have been prevented. Justice is truth seeking, judgement, assisting the victims and prevention of senseless tragedies like this (and countless others) through the implementation of the appropriate punishment.
Regardless, everyone associated with the football program who was there during all of this is gone. Except the fans.
psu "fans" forget that joepa was to be fired but he didn't "allow or "approve" the firing. So who was in charge of psu if not joepa?1. Joe didn't control the BOT. That's all we know from what you just described. He told Spanier and Curley to get out of his house when they asked him to step down several years earlier.
2. The Freeh report was the story the BOT wanted the media to run with. That, my friend, is the "fact" that you guys can't grasp.
3. Gricar didn't prosecute in '98 because he was throwing a bone to the University. Politically, his best play when he would have been very alone in his efforts. It's actually pretty naïve to pretend otherwise knowing how a scandal involving a prominent person connected in some way to the football program might have been viewed by a rabid fan base.
4. Today, Mike would be a mandatory reporter. But he wasn't back then so that's really a silly point to make. But to that end, if Mike should have done more, the men he reported to had a heck of a lot bigger role to play in the outcome and failed.
Thank you for surmising the 700 post thread of excuses on BWI since most of the posters here have been banned.
Would you, in his situation, EVER kept quiet? Would you, in ANY situation, keep quiet? If so, I challenge you to meet someone who was sexually abused at an early age and, if you still feel Joe did what an ordinary person should have done, there's a special place in hell reserved for you. That would mean you are someone without a conscience and any sense of morality, and I hope to God you haven't procreated.
I read it. I should have made it clearer that my response wasn't directed to you, but to anyone who thought Joe did enough. I fell way short of making that clear and I apologize. This subject gets me riled up and sometimes I think of nitter trolls when I post.
I read it. I should have made it clearer that my response wasn't directed to you, but to anyone who thought Joe did enough. I fell way short of making that clear and I apologize. This subject gets me riled up and sometimes I think of nitter trolls when I post.
Understood. We all get a bit worked up about it
Wait....which Wicker are you?
It just amazes me that some think that since paterno is in hell, curley and shultz pled guilty.
Now spanier is up that this shouldn't apply to ups. Just because they are gone from ups
doesn't excuse ups for their actions. ups employed them and ups should pay the price for their
condescending actions.
Maybe the ncaa should have let this whole sordid corruption hang for the last 5 years and now make a ruling.
If this isn't total lack of institutional control nothing will ever be! Actually it is a total and complete
cover up of institutional corruption!!!!!!!
1. Joe didn't control the BOT. That's all we know from what you just described. He told Spanier and Curley to get out of his house when they asked him to step down several years earlier.
2. The Freeh report was the story the BOT wanted the media to run with. That, my friend, is the "fact" that you guys can't grasp.
3. Gricar didn't prosecute in '98 because he was throwing a bone to the University. Politically, his best play when he would have been very alone in his efforts. It's actually pretty naïve to pretend otherwise knowing how a scandal involving a prominent person connected in some way to the football program might have been viewed by a rabid fan base.
4. Today, Mike would be a mandatory reporter. But he wasn't back then so that's really a silly point to make. But to that end, if Mike should have done more, the men he reported to had a heck of a lot bigger role to play in the outcome and failed.
Thank you for surmising the 700 post thread of excuses on BWI since most of the posters here have been banned.
I do have to respond to this dribble, because that's what it is. Joe never tossed anyone out of his house. Ask Graham Spanier, as he is on record stating that never happened, but you know because you were there, right? Please continue with baseless fabrications. Everyone gets you hate Penn State, but constantly stating baseless claims doesn't make them true. It constantly amazes me that people believe such bs as gospel to fit their own agenda, because the truth be damned.
There isnt a single shred of evidence Joe knew, and the moment he did hear, he reported just as the law and policy advises. Enjoy your faux outrage all you want, but if you dont follow the law or your company protocol, it's likely you'll be either reprimanded or fired. Every company, state and feds have reporting policies, that is a fact. The subject you never discuss, which is quite sad, is the utter failure of the state of PA. From a DA who did nothing, an AG who sat on it for years, adoption agencies who allowed more adoptions, CYS who ignored other reports, TSM who's CEO was a mandatory reporter, boss of JS, and did nothing. And to this day, nothing is better. Look at the corruption in the AG's office, the corruption of judges who've been forced to resign. But yeah, this is about football. No, this is far bigger, TSM and Raykovitz just walked away, and many were not held responsible.
And to your point 4. In 01, the mandatory reporter was Dr Dranov and Dr Raykovitz, not the administrators. Point 3, thats your opinion with zero facts to back that up. Still doesn't give reason. He was the damn DA, he makes the call. The Freeh report isnt believed by anyone, and wouldn't stand up in a court for two minutes. So now you use the BOT, yet it's not an excuse. Lol. The BOT and Corbett wanted Freeh. Hello? Name one report that sob did that wasnt complete and utter bs? Like i said, this isnt about football or Joe's power. My God, many on the BOT hated Joe. It's also why he didn't trust them. They weren't even smart enough to vet any of the claims. They are dirty as hell.
Hotshoe is a devote to the cult. He adds absolutely nothing and I have no idea why he posts here. We have our eyes and ears...he has a belief
Let me explain something to someone with obviously little reality. I don't worship any man. Do you get that? My life revolves around my family, not sports. That's not what Joe said. Of course you know that, but it doesn't fit your agenda.hootshoe, I do feel sorry for you. I know that your supreme leader and all worshipping
paterno has failed you. I guess the "i should have done more" quote doesn't resonate
with you, but that is alright. After all you are just another snowflake in the ups cesspool of
Let me explain something to someone with obviously little reality. I don't worship any man. Do you get that? My life revolves around my family, not sports. That's not what Joe said. Of course you know that, but it doesn't fit your agenda.
Let me explain something to someone with obviously little reality. I don't worship any man. Do you get that? My life revolves around my family, not sports. That's not what Joe said. Of course you know that, but it doesn't fit your agenda.
Do you get that?
Correct. He said "I wish I had done more".Let me explain something to someone with obviously little reality. I don't worship any man. Do you get that? My life revolves around my family, not sports. That's not what Joe said. Of course you know that, but it doesn't fit your agenda.
I have on my desk and read The PAOAG Sandusky Presentment, The Freeh Report Investigation and Recommendations, The Penn State University 2012 Athletic Reforms Policies, NCAA Monitor Consent Decree and Recommendations, The Paterno Report, The Revised Consent Decree Agreement and The Department of Education Athletic Integrity Clery & Title IX Findings and Fines. Including following most of the Criminal Motions, Appeals, many Civil Lawsuits as well as Trustees Public Meetings.For years and years, PSU fans pumped out the story that Joe threw the President of the school out of his house when Spanier came to talk to Joe about retiring. But now the incident never happened. Amazing how PSU fans and alumni built Paterno up to be all knowing and all seeing. But now these same fans would have the world believe that Paterno was this bumbling fool who had no power and no knowledge of anything taking place.
The man admitted under oath that he was told something "sexual in nature" was taking place in the shower. But, hey, if a person notifies law enforcement that a child is being sexually molested, the person will be fired from his job.
What kind of monster actually tries to peddle the horseshit that the sexual abuse just had to continue because notifying law enforcement was outside the chain of command for Paterno? It is not out of protocol for anyone that has a soul and is not evil.
The entire world outside central Pennsylvania thinks it is a failure of humanity to hide behind the organizational chart as a reason Paterno could not notify law enforcement. The quibbling over who was or was not a mandatory reporter is appalling to anyone that is not morally bankrupt as a human being. The reason the outside world will never understand the Cult is because of disgraceful rationalizations like only mandatory reporters should stop child sexual abuse.
I guess organizational charts everywhere need to be rewritten so that if an employee knows a child is being raped, perhaps law enforcement should be notified within 10 years
Excellent question: Did their plea deal allow them to keep their pensions? Perhaps a lawyer can answer if by them pleading to a misdemeanor charge, do they automatically lose the right to their pension? I thought Jerry and Dottie successfully lobbied the state to allow his pension to be reinstated, so nothing would surprise me.
I'm not sure what to make of all of this. Did the prosecutors do this so that they would have their testimony to go after Spanier? I predict Spanier is going to plead too, but maybe the AD is unwilling to lessen his charges. They ALL were clearly complicit, so I'm not sure why just going after one of them makes any sense.