Female Athletic Directors Slowly Making Inroads At Big Colleges, LINK


Dec 25, 2006
Female athletic directors slowly making inroads at big colleges
April 21, 2015 — 1:08 AM EDT
Last July, when Penn State finally replaced an interim athletic director who had endured 987 days in the turbulent wake of the Jerry Sandusky scandal, it hired a woman.

A year earlier, when a videotaped tirade by the men's basketball coach surfaced and cost Rutgers' athletic director his job, the New Jersey school did the same. So did Arizona State in 2005 after a football player was charged with murder.

When other Division I schools, such as Penn and Eastern Michigan, have experienced sharp downturns in athletic fortunes, they too have turned to women to reinvigorate their slumping programs.

It's one of the more curious trends in college sports: While advancement in big-time athletic administration remains tricky for women, Division I schools requiring major makeovers seem eager to make them their ADs.

"That's the reality," said Patti Phillips, CEO of the National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators. "When bad things happen, that's when leadership looks at each other and says, 'OK, we need to go in a different direction.' And the easiest way to think about going in another direction is to hire a woman."

Not that Phillips is complaining. Her organization has long advocated for more female administrators. And even a job fraught with difficult challenges beats no job at all................

Seems like some of the posters on this board don't like the fact that this AD is a woman. Get over it

I keep trying to tell myself that this can't be it, but it's tough to otherwise explain many of the way over-the-top and irrational reactions on the board. Sad.
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