Narduzzi in the News

Journalists today all have a narrative to tell. All of them. There is not one that seems willing to have the intellectual curiosity, let alone journalistic chops to dig into things. Dan, you don't think this is happening? It is not feasible. Look, so many of these guys understood how upside down it was when coaches and schools got millions and the players couldn't get a free pizza legally. So it is "damn the man, let these players have whatever they want". They are cheering for this, not realizing even pro sports have rules on. how compensation is distributed. Every journalist seems to have graduated from the Che Guevara school of journalism.
There are no more journalist just people who are there to spread propaganda. They want everybody to go with the flow but it’s OK to have the wild wild West out here when it comes to compensating players even when they’re at another school and not in the portal. You can’t even tamper with a player in the NBA while he’s on a team and not in Free agency but for some reason it’s OK to do in college football and nobody wants to pointed out? There’s something wrong with that
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Mack Brown says teams reached out. Narduzzi said it was two for $5 million. Dan Orlovsky said he heard that as well. Maye said no one reached out to him specifically, but to the people around him. He promptly gets a fair deal from the UNC collective in a pay to play deal.

Narduzzi never comes out looking good in these things, but was he wrong and does he think differently than a lot of people on this issue? I’m fine with players getting paid, but it should be true NIL or the schools should be paying, not these collectives. There’s also no doubt tampering is going on. I find it amusing how these national college football writers completely dismiss things.
They have to suck up to the players
I honestly don't know if anything you posted would be relevant since it's talking about prospective student athletes, which enrolled non-transfer listed students are not. Unless that guidance specifically mentions SAs, I don't believe it applies to a non-transfer listed player.

But that doesn't mean I am correct either. The bylaw which triggers tampering with current student athletes is The definition that I was using did not include the phrase "representatives of the institution's athletics interest" that appears in the official bylaws and includes boosters/NIL collectives. So the NIL collectives can't mention transferring, but they can mention that they are looking for "exceptional members of the South Bend Community" to sponsor for the upcoming season. Current players, however can still recruit student athletes all they want which is probably why USC pushed the "old friends" angle so hard.
A student at Pitt would be a PSA in the transfer portal, at a minimum, for other schools like USC, Notre Dame, etc. See item #3 in the attached document.
A student at Pitt would be a PSA in the transfer portal, at a minimum, for other schools like USC, Notre Dame, etc. See item #3 in the attached document.
Yes, like I said a non-transfer listed player like Maye and Addison when the rumors began were an SA, not PSA so tampering allegations would be governed under bylaw and not any of the recruiting guidelines. Under that bylaw NILs would be treated as "representatives of the institution's athletics interest" and not be allowed to contact the player or representatives. I believe that has been bumped to a T2 violation, but not sure if that jump requires ;institutional knowledge or involvement to hit T2 or T1.
Sure, he certainly should. As long as he puts the real blame where it belongs. With his bosses.

I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that rant.
He blamed the appropriate people - other teams NIL agents (and maybe coaches) who violated the rules.

His bosses have nothing to do with the problem unless they allow Narduzzi to cheat and I don't believe they do.
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Yes, like I said a non-transfer listed player like Maye and Addison when the rumors began were an SA, not PSA so tampering allegations would be governed under bylaw and not any of the recruiting guidelines. Under that bylaw NILs would be treated as "representatives of the institution's athletics interest" and not be allowed to contact the player or representatives. I believe that has been bumped to a T2 violation, but not sure if that jump requires ;institutional knowledge or involvement to hit T2 or T1.
The definitions of SA and PSA seem in flux with the changing NIL/portal rules.

It does seem that you finally reversed your earlier position that all 3rd-party contact was legal. Thanks for that recognition.
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Did 2 schools offer him $5 million each? Does he have first-hand knowledge or proof? If so, be a man and say what institutions. If not, then I don't care what you heard Tammy and Mark did under the bleachers last tuesday.

This writer's entire point is that coaches are spreading rumors and exaggerations to forward their cause to a solution that is beneficial to themselves. If Narduzzi wants to come out and give facts about the Addison situation, then do it. But to every non-Pitt fan, and many Pitt fans, he is just coming across like an entitled sore loser.
Now we're getting to the important details. I want to know what Tammy and Mark did.
Why is the player any more believable than Narduzzi? Coaches reached out to his people is the same as offering him.
That’s the same thing I was thinking while reading this. It appears that Dan is writing as if there are no shenanigans in NCAA Football. Then his point about Addison underperforming and a terrible investment does not mean it didn’t happen.
The definitions of SA and PSA seem in flux with the changing NIL/portal rules.

It does seem that you finally reversed your earlier position that all 3rd-party contact was legal. Thanks for that recognition.
Don't know, haven't read any guidance on interchangeability between the two in regards to NIL stuff, but they have historically clearly defined the two and have different regulations depending on which of the two categories a player falls under. Yeah, I said that I was wrong in the previous post about third parties being able to directly talk about transferring.

The recognition you receive is the same as if you had said the world is round because fish swim. The result is correct but not because of your reasoning.
Don't know, haven't read any guidance on interchangeability between the two in regards to NIL stuff, but they have historically clearly defined the two and have different regulations depending on which of the two categories a player falls under. Yeah, I said that I was wrong in the previous post about third parties being able to directly talk about transferring.

The recognition you receive is the same as if you had said the world is round because fish swim. The result is correct but not because of your reasoning.
While on scholarship a player is a SA.

As soon as he enters the Portal, the player once again becomes a PSA, same as a HS recruit. Because he is effectively off scholarship and allowed to be contacted/recruited by anyone.

The important aspect is when/if a player enters the Portal.

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What was the purpose of Dan Wetzel's article anyway?

His opening paragraph made it sound like the integrity of the sport was under attack. I think most people have long viewed college football as a dysfunctional cesspool.
He blamed the appropriate people - other teams NIL agents (and maybe coaches) who violated the rules.

His bosses have nothing to do with the problem unless they allow Narduzzi to cheat and I don't believe they do.

His bosses have everything to do with the problem. They are the ones responsible for the system that we have now, which encourages people to bend and break the rules, and they are the ones who have almost entirely abdicated their responsibility to enforce the rules. Instead of addressing the problems with the system, the people in charge have spent the last year desperately pleading with federal politicians to fix their problems for them, and unfortunately for them, so far they haven't found anyone dumb enough to even attempt to do the job.

All of this would end the day that the schools start considering athletes employees and have a collective bargaining agreement with the athletes and put the athletes under contract that spells out exactly what the athletes can and cannot do and what the schools can and cannot do. Literally, it stops at the moment those agreements are signed. Instead, the schools have set up a system that encourages schools and boosters to "cheat", and then everyone acts shocked when schools and boosters "cheat".

There has been tampering going on in college athletics for decades. In fact pretty much from day one. If the people running things want to stop that, the way forward is not to make it easier for tampering to occur and to stop penalizing tampering. It's to enact measures that will fix the problem, not to ignore them and hope that someone else does your job for you.
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Don't know, haven't read any guidance on interchangeability between the two in regards to NIL stuff, but they have historically clearly defined the two and have different regulations depending on which of the two categories a player falls under. Yeah, I said that I was wrong in the previous post about third parties being able to directly talk about transferring.

The recognition you receive is the same as if you had said the world is round because fish swim. The result is correct but not because of your reasoning.
I posted a link that showed the expanded definition. My reasoning was better than from the beginning.
His bosses have everything to do with the problem. They are the ones responsible for the system that we have now, which encourages people to bend and break the rules, and they are the ones who have almost entirely abdicated their responsibility to enforce the rules. Instead of addressing the problems with the system, the people in charge have spent the last year desperately pleading with federal politicians to fix their problems for them, and unfortunately for them, so far they haven't found anyone dumb enough to even attempt to do the job.

All of this would end the day that the schools start considering athletes employees and have a collective bargaining agreement with the athletes and put the athletes under contract that spells out exactly what the athletes can and cannot do and what the schools can and cannot do. Literally, it stops at the moment those agreements are signed. Instead, the schools have set up a system that encourages schools and boosters to "cheat", and then everyone acts shocked when schools and boosters "cheat".

There has been tampering going on in college athletics for decades. In fact pretty much from day one. If the people running things want to stop that, the way forward is not to make it easier for tampering to occur and to stop penalizing tampering. It's to enact measures that will fix the problem, not to ignore them and hope that someone else does your job for you.
So you’re blaming Lyke and the Chancellor. Interesting choice when they didn’t violate any rules.

Who do you blame when a store is robbed? The mayor?
So you’re blaming Lyke and the Chancellor. Interesting choice when they didn’t violate any rules.

Who do you blame when a store is robbed? The mayor?

I am blaming the school, all of the schools, including Pitt, for putting their collective heads in the sand and doing everything they can to ignore the issue.

And if a town passes a law that forbids stores to lock their doors at night when they close and none of the store owners do anything about it, when the store gets robbed I say "well what did you morons think was going to happen?".
why were they so late in getting back. I think he has a bad bowl record because they do not take the game seriously. this yEAR A chancE to finish in the Top 25for only the sixth time in 40 years and a ninth win.
How many sports journalists uncovered any of the crap of pay to play before NIL?

None? That’s about right

So don’t expect them to get it right now either.. they won’t because they aren’t journalists…

They get more clicks by writing nonsense like this rather than doing actual investigative work
What was the purpose of Dan Wetzel's article anyway?

His opening paragraph made it sound like the integrity of the sport was under attack. I think most people have long viewed college football as a dysfunctional cesspool.
A national d-bag who wants the status quo of the same 15 programs dominating the sport.

The only time these reprehensible pieces of feces raised a concern is when Ohio State lost a recruit due to money.
I am blaming the school, all of the schools, including Pitt, for putting their collective heads in the sand and doing everything they can to ignore the issue.

And if a town passes a law that forbids stores to lock their doors at night when they close and none of the store owners do anything about it, when the store gets robbed I say "well what did you morons think was going to happen?".
Pitt can do nothing alone. That's why Narduzzi leading is a good thing.

Bad analogy. The criminals are always the ones to blame, just as the rule-violators are always the ones to blame in the NCAA.
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They need to go back to having to sit out a year if you transfer unless for a specific list of acceptable reasons. Or play a year at fcs. Keep NIL. This will slow the portal/NIL fiasco. NCAA can control it that way
They need to go back to having to sit out a year if you transfer unless for a specific list of acceptable reasons. Or play a year at fcs. Keep NIL. This will slow the portal/NIL fiasco. NCAA can control it that way
The NCAA will face lawsuits they likely will not win if they try that. The individual conferences would likely have to be the ones to impose that rule on incoming transfers. Even then they will have to weather the lawsuits, but would likely have a better chance of winning. But conferences can't be seen to be coordinating on it and what conference is going to be the first to hamstring their own schools?

The answer is the same as it is in every major sport, collective bargaining.
Pitt can do nothing alone. That's why Narduzzi leading is a good thing.

But right now all he is leading is the whining. He isn't leading the people that could solve the problem to a solution, he's just bitching about it to people who have nothing to do with a solution.
The man is asked questions and he answers honestly. The Wetzel piece was nothing more than a hit piece written for the very schools doing the poaching.

I'm pretty sure Narduzzi doesn't care what these media slaps think. Not sure why Pitt fans get bent out of shape about it.
And guys like Wetzel love to treat this as if it should be a wide open free-for-all while ignoring that in the real world, that's not really how it works. You just can't tamper with someone who is under an exclusive contract so we're somewhere in haze of defining what a scholarship commitment really is. I'm all for allowing transfers but I don't believe tampering should be allowed. Let kids enter the portal and take their chances or turn them into contracted employees.
And guys like Wetzel love to treat this as if it should be a wide open free-for-all while ignoring that in the real world, that's not really how it works. You just can't tamper with someone who is under an exclusive contract so we're somewhere in haze of defining what a scholarship commitment really is. I'm all for allowing transfers but I don't believe tampering should be allowed. Let kids enter the portal and take their chances or turn them into contracted employees.
But it is how it work in 22/23. This is the world in general these days
But it is how it work in 22/23. This is the world in general these days
Yes, a complete disdain for the rules and a general attitude of, I'll do whatever I want because nobody is going to even try to come at a big, popular entity because it's just too much trouble.

The irony is that people are claiming that they just love college football because it's just so different from all of the other major sports while simultaneously rooting for their school to become more and more like programs in the other major sports.
Yes, a complete disdain for the rules and a general attitude of, I'll do whatever I want because nobody is going to even try to come at a big, popular entity because it's just too much trouble.

The irony is that people are claiming that they just love college football because it's just so different from all of the other major sports while simultaneously rooting for their school to become more and more like programs in the other major sports.
Agree with you 100 sad
In the current environment, with the rules clearly being ignored, the Pitt admin should give Duzz and his staff the green light to adjust and allow them to tamper/poach to upgrade their roster and remain competitive.

Suck it, Wetzel.
The man is asked questions and he answers honestly. The Wetzel piece was nothing more than a hit piece written for the very schools doing the poaching.

I'm pretty sure Narduzzi doesn't care what these media slaps think. Not sure why Pitt fans get bent out of shape about it.
Yes, a complete disdain for the rules and a general attitude of, I'll do whatever I want because nobody is going to even try to come at a big, popular entity because it's just too much trouble.

The irony is that people are claiming that they just love college football because it's just so different from all of the other major sports while simultaneously rooting for their school to become more and more like programs in the other major sports.
The media is a big part of it. It’s obvious there is rampant cheating going on … but they never, ever mention it. Today, assuming the Payola Bruins stomp our backups as is the design, the d-bag CBS announcers will be saying nothing but how dominant UCLA is. Maybe ridiculing our walk on backups as well.
LOL. He has no power other than the media statements. He's using it.

Well that's so obviously wrong that I'm not sure it's worth a response, but the notion that it simply is not possible for Pat Narduzzi to do anything other than occasionally whine to the media about the problem, that it's not possible for him to lobby his bosses for changes, that it's not possible for him to hold the NCAA and the schools to the fire for abdicating their responsibilities on NIL, that he can't propose solutions or at least make suggestions to get a discussion started, that he simply can't do anything other than whine when things don't go his way, well, that's really, really dumb.

You can't seriously believe that, can you?
Well that's so obviously wrong that I'm not sure it's worth a response, but the notion that it simply is not possible for Pat Narduzzi to do anything other than occasionally whine to the media about the problem, that it's not possible for him to lobby his bosses for changes, that it's not possible for him to hold the NCAA and the schools to the fire for abdicating their responsibilities on NIL, that he can't propose solutions or at least make suggestions to get a discussion started, that he simply can't do anything other than whine when things don't go his way, well, that's really, really dumb.

You can't seriously believe that, can you?
You do realize that your statement "hold the NCAA and the schools to the fire for abdicating their responsibilities on NIL" is exactly what he's done with media opportunities, right?

He has no role in developing proposals. He's a coach.
You do realize that your statement "hold the NCAA and the schools to the fire for abdicating their responsibilities on NIL" is exactly what he's done with media opportunities, right?

No, it's not what he's doing. If he were doing that he'd be naming the NCAA in his whining. He'd be calling them out for abdicating their responsibility. If he were calling out the schools he wouldn't speak in generalities, he'd actually call the schools out. "USC offered Addison $3 million before he entered the portal. Alabama offered Maye $5 million and he never entered the portal." But he's not doing that. He's doing the old "well someone said that someone else is doing something bad, but I won't say who and I won't say what they actually did, I'll just refer to rumor and innuendo and assume that people will get my point, which is that I don't like something and I want everyone to know it."
Well that's so obviously wrong that I'm not sure it's worth a response, but the notion that it simply is not possible for Pat Narduzzi to do anything other than occasionally whine to the media about the problem, that it's not possible for him to lobby his bosses for changes, that it's not possible for him to hold the NCAA and the schools to the fire for abdicating their responsibilities on NIL, that he can't propose solutions or at least make suggestions to get a discussion started, that he simply can't do anything other than whine when things don't go his way, well, that's really, really dumb.

You can't seriously believe that, can you?
Realistically though, I don't think that would be a wise career move. The institutions that employ coaches don't want change that will cost them money. I don't think there is really anything he can do that will bring about any meaningful change.

There's more whining about him whining than anything. It's not like he's been on a constant soapbox.
Realistically though, I don't think that would be a wise career move. The institutions that employ coaches don't want change that will cost them money. I don't think there is really anything he can do that will bring about any meaningful change.

I don't disagree with that at all. It wouldn't be a wise career move for him to do what he could be doing, so he doesn't do it. That doesn't mean that he couldn't be doing something different, just that he's decided not to.