For those that like Heinz over on campus-Don't complain about scheduling

just a reminder for those not around or forget. We were ranked in the top 5 to start the 1984 season, playing at home against Brigham Young, and the attendance was 40K. So tell me again how the on-campus stadium is the magic elixer?
True story, that was my first game ever. Probably should have seen the omen.
I've expressed my thoughts over and over again on this topic and won't give up because I know moving back to Oakland will eventually happen. Besides, nobody moves off campus to play football and its proven to be a failure at every school. Colorado State is the latest school to move to an on campus stadium this coming fall however I guess playing at the Super Bowl Champion Broncos stadium did nothing for them. U of South Florida is next. Sound familiar. When you hear Chris Peak (pro Heinz Field) come out on his podcast a few weeks ago and state that Heather Lyke's number one priority is selling out Heinz you know damn well that it's having an affect on landing multiple 4/5 star recruits per class. Yes, the recruiting numbers don't lie as those players want atmosphere which doesn't exist at Heinz outside of one game a year. We've also heard the excuse of win and they'll come. Well we beat PSU and the National Champs in Death Valley and how was the student response after we beat Clemson vs Duke. I won't bother and send the pix of the student section because they've expressed their displeasure with the bus situation and we've seen the mass exodus after Sweet Caroline over the past few years get worse and worse which is embarrassing. This wouldn't happen on campus because they would walk to the game and not have to wait on a line for an hour to get back to campus. Chris's site is based on recruiting news and he's not going to come out and admit it but we can certainly read through the lines. Just ask many of the recent 4/5 star players local W. PA players who chose PSU, ND, UM, etc over Pitt who are our top competitors for elite players. When I see many Pitt fans who are in favor of playing at Heinz over on campus (mainly Steeler fans) complain about the Pirates scheduling WVU vs PSU in the middle of baseball, I laugh. You get what you deserve. Nobody including a mickey mouse franchise like the Pirates should be controlling Pitt's scheduling. This isn't a top franchise like the Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, Giants, etc. Last I checked, PSU, OSU, UM, ND, etc. does what they want from a football scheduling point of view. All I care about is Pitt football. Not the Pirates, Steelers, etc. The Steelers relationship with Pitt means nothing otherwise some of those 4/5 star players would have signed with Pitt unless perhaps they grew up idolizing the Cleveland Browns. H2P!
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just a reminder for those not around or forget. We were ranked in the top 5 to start the 1984 season, playing at home against Brigham Young, and the attendance was 40K. So tell me again how the on-campus stadium is the magic elixer?

Pitt was ranked Pre-season #3 in the AP and #7 in the Coaches Poll. BYU wasn't ranked in the top 20 (AP only ranked to 20 then), but had finished #7 in 1983.

Attendance was 40,263.

BYU was the eventual national champions.

After losing by 6, following week then #17 Pitt entertained #15 Oklahoma and drew 40,075. It was the start of a horrid year, but attendance later dipped into the 20s.
Pitt was ranked Pre-season #3 in the AP and #7 in the Coaches Poll. BYU wasn't ranked in the top 20 (AP only ranked to 20 then), but had finished #7 in 1983.

Attendance was 40,263.

BYU was the eventual national champions.

After losing by 6, following week then #17 Pitt entertained #15 Oklahoma and drew 40,075. It was the start of a horrid year, but attendance later dipped into the 20s.

Foge should have been fired after that year. I think beating the nitwits is the only thing that saved him. Or the incompetence of Ed Bozik.

And the Navy game that year was very reminiscent of the Houston bowl fiasco. I think we blew a 14 point lead with maybe 3 or 4 minutes to a very ordinary Navy team, I think pre-wishbone.
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