Game Thread! Clemson vs Pitt

Of course every 3 Clemson throws up goes in. It’s ridiculous how teams hit 3’s against Pitt.
Scrapped their way back. I'd call a halftime tie win. We have to be frustrating to play against. Brown seems to still be solid though I haven't focused on him in defensive sets. He isn't blowing plays. Which is good.
No points in the last 4 minutes has Pitt down 8 at the half. Pitt has to play better in this 2nd half and quit giving up so many 3’s or they are not gonna win this game.
Hamilton is a big athletic guy he just puts his body into weird positions that aren't necessary and makes the easy difficult.

Down by 8 still in reach. This team is used to pain more than a lead. They'll be back it's just not going to be easy.