Horton arrested

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Not Capel's fault at all. Nor was the Hugley ordeal. So I hope no one tries playing that angle just because stuff like that got pinned on Wannstedt.

The product ON the court, however...
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What a mess. Very disappointed. I just hope the players who stuck around will play with a lot of grit no matter how many games we lose.
Not Capel's fault at all. Nor was the Hugley ordeal. So I hope no one tries playing that angle just because stuff like that got pinned on Wannstedt.

The product ON the court, however...
You are right, it’s not Capel’s fault, he can’t be babysitting these guys all the time.

But at some point, you have to just say this isn’t going to work out. Turmoil of some sort with or between players on his roster every year.
You are right, it’s not Capel’s fault, he can’t be babysitting these guys all the time.

But at some point, you have to just say this isn’t going to work out. Turmoil of some sort with or between players on his roster every year.

I agree that he hasn't worked out here at all. And I think this also furthers the narrative that Capel wasn't some unfortunate victim of having to settle for 11th hour recruits who were head cases (Johnson, McGowens, and Toney). The culture here legitimately sucks, and Capel might be gone already had he followed any act but Stallings.

I just hate the notion of pinning something like a drunken incident involving a 21-year-old on the coach just to further other agendas. As bad as the results have been, I'm sure Capel has warned his team against this type of behavior plenty of times.
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What a mess. Very disappointed. I just hope the players who stuck around will play with a lot of grit no matter how many games we lose.

Its a mess. But the Levance Fields story when he punched an officer in the chest and supposedly reached for his weapon when he was drunk then he got tazered is far, far worse than this. Ultimately all those charges were dropped and Fields didn't miss a game or maybe he missed 1 game at most. Im not defending Horton here, but the police report means nothing and I said the same thing in regard to John Hugley right after it happened.

The disappointing part is, this is a guy that has been in the program multiple years now and is supposed to be one of the leaders and trying to set an example for the other players. Its a bad look because its not a freshmen here doing something dumb and Horton should know better by now.
Willard years yet somehow with less success on the Court….
Willard years included him recruiting a couple of future NBA players and at least one really highly ranked class. I really like Capel and he inherited a total mess, but it's feeling like year four could be the worst he's had, so I am not sure what confidence anyone should have at this point.
Its a mess. But the Levance Fields story when he punched an officer in the chest and supposedly reached for his weapon when he was drunk then he got tazered is far, far worse than this. Ultimately all those charges were dropped and Fields didn't miss a game or maybe he missed 1 game at most. Im not defending Horton here, but the police report means nothing and I said the same thing in regard to John Hugley right after it happened.

The disappointing part is, this is a guy that has been in the program multiple years now and is supposed to be one of the leaders and trying to set an example for the other players. Its a bad look because its not a freshmen here doing something dumb and Horton should know better by now.
The initial Fields story and what turned out to be the actual story are why those charges were dropped. Let’s hope something similar can be the case here.
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I agree that he hasn't worked out here at all. And I think this also furthers the narrative that Capel wasn't some unfortunate victim of having to settle for 11th hour recruits who were head cases (Johnson, McGowens, and Toney). The culture here legitimately sucks, and Capel might be gone already had he followed any act but Stallings.

I just hate the notion of pinning something like a drunken incident involving a 21-year-old on the coach just to further other agendas. As bad as the results have been, I'm sure Capel has warned his team against this type of behavior plenty of times.
Your point is very well taken. I agree.
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The initial Fields story and what turned out to be the actual story are why those charges were dropped. Let’s hope something similar can be the case here.
Yea I’m no insider but the story I know from someone who was in the know suggested that the real story was nowhere near what was in the public sphere.
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Its a mess. But the Levance Fields story when he punched an officer in the chest and supposedly reached for his weapon when he was drunk then he got tazered is far, far worse than this. Ultimately all those charges were dropped and Fields didn't miss a game or maybe he missed 1 game at most. Im not defending Horton here, but the police report means nothing and I said the same thing in regard to John Hugley right after it happened.

The disappointing part is, this is a guy that has been in the program multiple years now and is supposed to be one of the leaders and trying to set an example for the other players. Its a bad look because its not a freshmen here doing something dumb and Horton should know better by now.
I would say the arrest and police report certainly mean “something” lol. It’s not nothing. Fields didn’t miss a game but I think he was arrested in September and then stayed away from the team until the case was resolved. Even if that happens here, which is frankly a best case scenario, Horton is gonna be gone for a while.
Sounds like a lot of poor judgment was involved in this incident . Alcohol and youth aren’t the best of combinations for making good decisions .

Some disciplinary action is needed , but I’m not sure being kicked off the team is warranted unless there’s other stuff happening behind the scenes .
I agree that he hasn't worked out here at all. And I think this also furthers the narrative that Capel wasn't some unfortunate victim of having to settle for 11th hour recruits who were head cases (Johnson, McGowens, and Toney). The culture here legitimately sucks, and Capel might be gone already had he followed any act but Stallings.

I just hate the notion of pinning something like a drunken incident involving a 21-year-old on the coach just to further other agendas. As bad as the results have been, I'm sure Capel has warned his team against this type of behavior plenty of times.
This is pretty close to how I feel about Capel. I hoped it would work, but this year was going to be mediocre at best with a full roster. But now between injuries and this incident we are looking at a single-digit overall win total.
Its a mess. But the Levance Fields story when he punched an officer in the chest and supposedly reached for his weapon when he was drunk then he got tazered is far, far worse than this. Ultimately all those charges were dropped and Fields didn't miss a game or maybe he missed 1 game at most. Im not defending Horton here, but the police report means nothing and I said the same thing in regard to John Hugley right after it happened.

The disappointing part is, this is a guy that has been in the program multiple years now and is supposed to be one of the leaders and trying to set an example for the other players. Its a bad look because its not a freshmen here doing something dumb and Horton should know better by now.
^Voice of reason^
Not to be overly rude but, what does it really matter basketball wise.We are the 14th ranked team by almost every source ,him staying or leaving means nothing to the success of the team if you are that bad. He makes a mistake accepts responsibility and moves on. It is not anywhere in the same realm as fields and that team.

I used to say this would result in kicking someone off the team but I am now of the belief that we have a justice system for these matters and there is no reason for a basketball punishment for a matter not involving basketball. Maybe a minor suspension but that's it.

I'd only suspend players for very serious charges. Punching a cop isn't good but that's like a 3 game suspension for me. Bar fights, fights at frat parties = 0 games.
Not to be overly rude but, what does it really matter basketball wise.We are the 14th ranked team by almost every source ,him staying or leaving means nothing to the success of the team if you are that bad. He makes a mistake accepts responsibility and moves on. It is not anywhere in the same realm as fields and that team.
I hear what you are saying, but man...what another way to dissuade people from showing up and following the team. Additionally, lessening the chances of finishing above last place or so is never good.
Its a mess. But the Levance Fields story when he punched an officer in the chest and supposedly reached for his weapon when he was drunk then he got tazered is far, far worse than this. Ultimately all those charges were dropped and Fields didn't miss a game or maybe he missed 1 game at most. Im not defending Horton here, but the police report means nothing and I said the same thing in regard to John Hugley right after it happened.

The disappointing part is, this is a guy that has been in the program multiple years now and is supposed to be one of the leaders and trying to set an example for the other players. Its a bad look because its not a freshmen here doing something dumb and Horton should know better by now.

That was an off-duty cop in plain clothes
I used to say this would result in kicking someone off the team but I am now of the belief that we have a justice system for these matters and there is no reason for a basketball punishment for a matter not involving basketball. Maybe a minor suspension but that's it.

I'd only suspend players for very serious charges. Punching a cop isn't good but that's like a 3 game suspension for me. Bar fights, fights at frat parties = 0 games.
Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions. But assaulting a cop is pretty serious.

Disorderly conduct, public intoxication, etc - should be addressed but mostly whatever. But hitting a cop isn’t to be taken lightly. At all.
Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions. But assaulting a cop is pretty serious.

Disorderly conduct, public intoxication, etc - should be addressed but mostly whatever. But hitting a cop isn’t to be taken lightly. At all.

Right, which is why I'd give him a 3 game suspension instead of 1 or 0. The other thing where this gets dicey is if Horton says the cop was the aggressor. Still no reason to hit a cop but in this day and age, if a cop is the one doing the assaulting and you strike back in "self-defense," that's a little different.
Right, which is why I'd give him a 3 game suspension instead of 1 or 0. The other thing where this gets dicey is if Horton says the cop was the aggressor. Still no reason to hit a cop but in this day and age, if a cop is the one doing the assaulting and you strike back in "self-defense," that's a little different.
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Right, which is why I'd give him a 3 game suspension instead of 1 or 0. The other thing where this gets dicey is if Horton says the cop was the aggressor. Still no reason to hit a cop but in this day and age, if a cop is the one doing the assaulting and you strike back in "self-defense," that's a little different.
I tend to agree with you on the mano e mano garden variety type fistfights. But if Meyer’s article is accurate I think you’re considerably light here.
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So incredibly disappointing. All of this stuff (Hugley incident, the defections, Horton) all point to the program culture or lack thereof.

This is unacceptable and, fair or not, it’s Capel’s problem to fix. Quickly.

I'm pretty sure he was aware of the issues onthe team long before the public was aware. His "don't let the door hit ya" approach to the departures speaks volumes about the characters on the teams.

In this case, it needs to play out and Horton's behind the scenes behavior over the last 2 years will dictate how much Capel is willing to support him.
Also will be interesting to see if his blood alcohol is released. It’s speculation of course but not crazy to suggest he was gonna get behind the wheel.
So, here's what I gather from the PG article, Horton cursed out the officers with derogatory language. The officers then got mad and were probably gonna charge him with disorderly conduct.

Horton then proceeds to resist arrest because he feels he's done nothing worth being arrested for. Horton probably accidently hits the officer in the face while resisting. Officer then decides to pile on charges with assault.

This situation probably could have been de-escalated by both sides. I don't see much happening with these charges. They'll probably be dropped or reduced with no jail time.

Just my thoughts.....
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