Horton arrested

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So, here's what I gather from the PG article, Horton cursed out the officers with derogatory language. The officers then got mad and were probably gonna charge him with disorderly conduct.

Horton then proceeds to resist arrest because he feels he's done nothing worth being arrested for. Horton probably accidently hits the officer in the face while resisting. Officer then decides to pile on charges with assault.

This situation probably could have been de-escalated by both sides. I don't see much happening with these charges. They'll probably be dropped or reduced with no jail time.

Just my thoughts.....

If tjthat'the case and he says it was an accident, then I drop my 3 games to 1 game. We are trying to win basketball games. I bought season tickets and I want to see some wins. I can care less what these guys are doing in their spare time unless we're talking real serious crimes here
If tjthat'the case and he says it was an accident, then I drop my 3 games to 1 game. We are trying to win basketball games. I bought season tickets and I want to see some wins. I can care less what these guys are doing in their spare time unless we're talking real serious crimes here
I think it’ll be more than one game just because I don’t think he’s playing before he has a preliminary hearing, so it’ll depend on scheduling. But if that’s the way it played out (and I think it’s way more likely than not that it is) I don’t see a way the agg assault charges stick. I think we’re going to end up in the simple assault/disorderly conduct zone.
I don’t know how aggressively any press wants to pursue it but I would think it would be fairly easy to get the footage with a FOIA request of some sort. And depending on what it shows it’s possible the police will just release it anyway.
So, here's what I gather from the PG article, Horton cursed out the officers with derogatory language. The officers then got mad and were probably gonna charge him with disorderly conduct.

Horton then proceeds to resist arrest because he feels he's done nothing worth being arrested for. Horton probably accidently hits the officer in the face while resisting. Officer then decides to pile on charges with assault.

This situation probably could have been de-escalated by both sides. I don't see much happening with these charges. They'll probably be dropped or reduced with no jail time.

Just my thoughts.....

Unfortunately, that's an all too common occurrence with police.
I don’t know how aggressively any press wants to pursue it but I would think it would be fairly easy to get the footage with a FOIA request of some sort. And depending on what it shows it’s possible the police will just release it anyway.

I don't think FOIA covers law enforcement files during an active investigation. Can only get those after the fact.
This is all on Capel. Why is a player getting drunk at a club during season> Punching a cop? Capel and the player need to hit the road ASAP.

Coaches can advise but they can't dictate what a player does at 2 AM.

I'd say this is surprising but does anything regarding this team surprise anymore?
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I don't think FOIA covers law enforcement files during an active investigation. Can only get those after the fact.
Certainly sounds logical and reasonable. I was just saying it because it would be interesting for everyone to be able to see it then see where everyone’s position is. Whenever that may be.
Not to be overly rude but, what does it really matter basketball wise.We are the 14th ranked team by almost every source ,him staying or leaving means nothing to the success of the team if you are that bad. He makes a mistake accepts responsibility and moves on. It is not anywhere in the same realm as fields and that team.

That's the reality. It won't matter who's on the team and who isn't at this point. If Horton is gone, play someone else. We'll still finish at or near the bottom of the league with or without him.

I don't think it matters how this shakes out. It will be more interesting to see if/how Capel handles the situation and the culture of the team. He may just handle it just enough to put another nail in his coffin here at Pitt.
I would also like to blame the tow truck driver if I can. What does the law say about a situation where you return to your car and find it is in the PROCESS of being towed? This happened to me once on Dawson St when I was a student. They just got there and were getting out of their truck and the guy said he still had to charge me the full $180 because they were called. I said I'm here, I'll move it and you haven't done anything. We had a little argument but I paid the $180. I never thought that was right though
I would say the arrest and police report certainly mean “something” lol. It’s not nothing. Fields didn’t miss a game but I think he was arrested in September and then stayed away from the team until the case was resolved. Even if that happens here, which is frankly a best case scenario, Horton is gonna be gone for a while.
Well, if the cop is pulling your hands behind your back and your hand brushes his/her body, they can charge you for assaulting an officer.
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Here’s my initial thoughts, and hear me out here guys…this hoops program somehow gets more embarrassing by the day, there is no culture, there are no leaders, not even any decent basketball players either, I am beyond embarrassed and while this particular incident obviously isn’t Capels fault I honestly do not care. He can’t coach a lick regardless of what happens outside the court. Just so happens the on court and off court product are somehow both equally EMBARRASSING
Have we double-dipped to a Stallings level again? If so, fire him with cause for lack of control and get out of this awful contract.
This would be the smartest course of action. Hey Heather, it’s a complete rebuild and I’m cleaning it up. Look, making an example of a kid despite what it’ll mean for our team (which probably isn’t much). Buy yourself another year or so with this approach.
I think Capel should be more concerned with doing the right thing in this situation rather than giving one of his players up to an angry mob to try and get some more job security.
Honestly, I somehow feel worse in every aspect with this awful, incredibly horrific Capel era….any hoops fan with sense knew when we hired Kevin Stallings that it was legitimately the worst possible hire we could’ve made and it was going to be horrific until he was gone….Capel was hired and everyone felt Hope again…big time assistant from big time program….great recruiter…. And here we are….Jesus Christ

We were very close to hiring Sean Miller. Were afraid of a show-cause which you and I know aint coming. Will Wade was basically telling the FBI he was paying dudes and he's doing great. Say what you want about Miller but this program would be at or near NCAAT level if he had been the coach. We would not have had 4 straight bottom 2-3 finishes.
He can’t coach a lick regardless of what happens outside the court. Just so happens the on court and off court product are somehow both equally EMBARRASSING

The #1 problem for Capel has been recruiting. None of us thought he was an excellent X and O guy. He was supposed to get players and he hasn't. I don't care what they do off the court but he needs players. If he cant recruit, he has to go.
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Charges get dropped to about nothing he'll be on the team in a few weeks. No one will care. He'll be a fine citizen the rest of the way and it'll barely mentioned again.
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This is all on Capel. Why is a player getting drunk at a club during season> Punching a cop? Capel and the player need to hit the road ASAP.

Hate be the one who breaks this to you. Brandon, Julius, etc didn't have a practice without hangovers their last year here.
"As the officers walked away, Horton allegedly yelled at the officers, which included a derogatory comment directed at a female officer."

So everything was "over." Officers leaving the scene, drunk dude yells something and they cuff him? This type of sh!t needs to stop. If that is true and they arrested a drunk guy for yelling something derogatory, he should be given a 0 game suspension and also sue the PPD. These cops think they are Superman sometimes. Just walk the eff away. Dude is drunk. Its 2AM. Don't try to be a tough guy. This is a perfect example of over-policing.
I think Capel should be more concerned with doing the right thing in this situation rather than giving one of his players up to an angry mob to try and get some more job security.
Probably. And he probably would if he weren’t on the verge of an 0- season and possible firing. If he had any modicum of success or upward trajectory he could wait this out, like it appeared to be with Hugley. Unfortunately that is no longer the case and will most likely cost Horton his eligibility here.
"As the officers walked away, Horton allegedly yelled at the officers, which included a derogatory comment directed at a female officer."

So everything was "over." Officers leaving the scene, drunk dude yells something and they cuff him? This type of sh!t needs to stop. If that is true and they arrested a drunk guy for yelling something derogatory, he should be given a 0 game suspension and also sue the PPD. These cops think they are Superman sometimes. Just walk the eff away. Dude is drunk. Its 2AM. Don't try to be a tough guy. This is a perfect example of over-policing.
This is not gonna end in a zero game suspension lol. He’s most likely played his last game here.
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We were very close to hiring Sean Miller. Were afraid of a show-cause which you and I know aint coming. Will Wade was basically telling the FBI he was paying dudes and he's doing great. Say what you want about Miller but this program would be at or near NCAAT level if he had been the coach. We would not have had 4 straight bottom 2-3 finishes.
Sean Miller will never coach at Pitt.
This is not gonna end in a zero game suspension lol. He’s most likely played his last game here.

I would give him 0 games. He most likely will be suspended like 10 games or so. He will play for us again. I was right about Hugley and you were wrong. It will happen again.
Why do you think that?
Bottom line is the court system in the US doesn’t usually go against cops. A drunk person who is acting disorderly and calling a police woman a bitch than hits an officer in the face while being arrested isn’t getting the benefit of the doubt in this country from the prosecutor or courts. Especially with it on police cams, street cams, and with an eye witness.
He will be guilty and I don’t think this is a slap on the wrist. If he plays again it won’t be much. It is what it is even if the cops did some instigating.
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