Horton arrested

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Cops trying to be badasses. Don't even get me started. The guy was drunk (which is legal) and was pissed his car was getting towed. If the cops weren't trying to be badasses, this never would have happened. No, you should never resist arrest or strike a cop, even by accident but the cops escalated this situation as they do in many situations. What purpose does it serve to arrest someone for calling the cop a derogatory name? I didn't know disrespect was a crime. Don't even get me started. I hope Horton is in the starting lineup Tuesday.

Was he going to drive or had he been driving while drunk? That isn't legal. Or being in a public drunken state, which he was, and behaving like a baby. This never would have happened if Horton was acting like an adult and not some immature baby.

Keep making excuses for a jackass. You'll be wrong as you always are. This type of thinking is...never mind. It's useless to try and debate a fool. You have no common sense.
Whatever happened to being responsible for your actions? Get rid of this guy. Who cares if he produces a couple more wins? Really?
He’s displayed other attitude issues along the way.
Capel is a dead man walking……

He wouldn't have helped to produce even 1 more win. He's not that good. And I agree with your thinking on all of your points. This guy Capel needs to make some drastic changes in the culture of this team. So far, he is destroying it. And his string is running out quickly.
Whatever happened to being responsible for your actions? Get rid of this guy. Who cares if he produces a couple more wins? Really?
He’s displayed other attitude issues along the way.
Capel is a dead man walking……

Dude, that's so 2015. No-one cares about personal responsibility anymore.
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Was he going to drive or had he been driving while drunk? That isn't legal. Or being in a public drunken state, which he was, and behaving like a baby. This never would have happened if Horton was acting like an adult and not some immature baby.

Keep making excuses for a jackass. You'll be wrong as you always are. This type of thinking is...never mind. It's useless to try and debate a fool. You have no common sense.

He was getting an Uber. Or maybe he was crashing at a friend's house. We have no idea what he was going to do. I'm sure he was pissed as hell he was going to have to pay $300 for his car. Doesn't give anyone the right to strike an officer but police should be de-escalating these situations. Instead, many look for them. They live for this stuff.
The situation was OVER. Drunk guys says something mean and they arrest him. That is over-policing. Defend that please. I'll wait.

"Additionally, a 19-year-old Michelle Pilyugin, a New York resident, is also facing charges of False Identification to Law Enforcement, Disorderly Conduct, two counts of Carrying a False Identification Card, Public Drunkenness and Underage Drinking in connection to the incident."

Clearly there was a lot going on and, as you've stated multiple times, the cops DID de-escalate and were walking away. If they made it clear they were letting Horton walk away despite public intoxication, arguing with the tow truck driver, and whatever this other chick was doing, then why in the hell didn't Horton just leave? If a cop pulls you over for speeding and says "I'll let you off with a warning," you don't flip him the bird out your window and floor it.

It boggles my mind how much Capel has talked about police misconduct and BLM and these kids are still dumb enough to think they can punch a cop and run away.

I think I've been a sucker for Capel's schtick and am slowly realizing it's all an act.
He was getting an Uber. Or maybe he was crashing at a friend's house. We have no idea what he was going to do. I'm sure he was pissed as hell he was going to have to pay $300 for his car. Doesn't give anyone the right to strike an officer but police should be de-escalating these situations. Instead, many look for them. They live for this stuff.

U don’t know what happened. Saying cops love for escalating this stuff is ridiculous and media filling ur head. I know plenty of city officers that do things and answer calls that no one wants to answer but they do and than they have to hear u say cops love escalating things. Just like anything else u will find a bad apple and some may try to do this but it’s not what u think. Its not even close especially in todays times. Please.
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"Additionally, a 19-year-old Michelle Pilyugin, a New York resident, is also facing charges of False Identification to Law Enforcement, Disorderly Conduct, two counts of Carrying a False Identification Card, Public Drunkenness and Underage Drinking in connection to the incident."

Clearly there was a lot going on and, as you've stated multiple times, the cops DID de-escalate and were walking away. If they made it clear they were letting Horton walk away despite public intoxication, arguing with the tow truck driver, and whatever this other chick was doing, then why in the hell didn't Horton just leave? If a cop pulls you over for speeding and says "I'll let you off with a warning," you don't flip him the bird out your window and floor it.

It boggles my mind how much Capel has talked about police misconduct and BLM and these kids are still dumb enough to think they can punch a cop and run away.

I think I've been a sucker for Capel's schtick and am slowly realizing it's all an act.
If you think for a second JC endorses this kind of behavior your delusional. Standing up against police misconduct towards young black men has nothing to do with this . An intoxicated young man compounded a mistake with several other mistakes from the sound of this . This doesn’t make JC in any responsible and this doesn’t make Horton an habitual criminal . He’s a kid who who made bad decisions while drunk , no one was hurt , let the legal process take it from here .

Now if this was JC then you might have a point , it isn’t !
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It boggles my mind how much Capel has talked about police misconduct and BLM and these kids are still dumb enough to think they can punch a cop and run away.

Standing up against police misconduct towards young black men has nothing to do with this
Wow, in what way does an anti-cop mentality make for a positive interaction between 18-23 year old men? (of any ethnic background I may add)
Its a mess. But the Levance Fields story when he punched an officer in the chest and supposedly reached for his weapon when he was drunk then he got tazered is far, far worse than this. Ultimately all those charges were dropped and Fields didn't miss a game or maybe he missed 1 game at most. Im not defending Horton here, but the police report means nothing and I said the same thing in regard to John Hugley right after it happened.

The disappointing part is, this is a guy that has been in the program multiple years now and is supposed to be one of the leaders and trying to set an example for the other players. Its a bad look because its not a freshmen here doing something dumb and Horton should know better by now.

That Levance thing became such a footnote that I actually forgot about it.

But I have to feel like today there are 10x the cameras around. Not making judgments about what did or didn’t happen in either case, but I have a feeling that footage is out there.

Onr more thing probably no one thought of. In the initial article I saw, it wasn’t even mentioned he was a Putt basketball player. He is a relatively unknown player on a program that lost its profile in the city. Can’t say for sure, but that might have helped Levance. Tons of buzz around Pitt in those days, and he was as knkwn as many pro athletes.
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Wow, in what way does an anti-cop mentality make for a positive interaction between 18-23 year old men? (of any ethnic background I may add)

You have no clue. Black fathers have "the talk" with their sons as they reach the right age about how to stay alive during an interaction with a police officer. They don't tell them to flee or strike an officer. I am a million percent certain Capel has this same talk with his players and makes it clear that you are not to do anything to put your life in danger.
"Additionally, a 19-year-old Michelle Pilyugin, a New York resident, is also facing charges of False Identification to Law Enforcement, Disorderly Conduct, two counts of Carrying a False Identification Card, Public Drunkenness and Underage Drinking in connection to the incident."

Clearly there was a lot going on and, as you've stated multiple times, the cops DID de-escalate and were walking away. If they made it clear they were letting Horton walk away despite public intoxication, arguing with the tow truck driver, and whatever this other chick was doing, then why in the hell didn't Horton just leave? If a cop pulls you over for speeding and says "I'll let you off with a warning," you don't flip him the bird out your window and floor it.

It boggles my mind how much Capel has talked about police misconduct and BLM and these kids are still dumb enough to think they can punch a cop and run away.

I think I've been a sucker for Capel's schtick and am slowly realizing it's all an act.

This really says it all about Horton and Capel and this incident. I don't like hypocrites, cowards and people who don't take responsibility for their actions. And Capel is all disingenuous talk, nothing else. Horton is just plain dumb and should not be on the team at this point. But in typical Capel style, he'll give it lip service or scold his baby and that's about it. My patience with him is down to 0.
"Additionally, a 19-year-old Michelle Pilyugin, a New York resident, is also facing charges of False Identification to Law Enforcement, Disorderly Conduct, two counts of Carrying a False Identification Card, Public Drunkenness and Underage Drinking in connection to the incident."

Clearly there was a lot going on and, as you've stated multiple times, the cops DID de-escalate and were walking away. If they made it clear they were letting Horton walk away despite public intoxication, arguing with the tow truck driver, and whatever this other chick was doing, then why in the hell didn't Horton just leave? If a cop pulls you over for speeding and says "I'll let you off with a warning," you don't flip him the bird out your window and floor it.

I agree but what is the crime in flipping off a cop? Being a snowflake and arresting someone for being mean or getting your feelings hurt? Horton did a lot wrong here but if they were walking away and decided to arrest him only after he swore at them, that changes everything. These cops can't be so sensitive dealing with drunk people at 2AM.
I agree but what is the crime in flipping off a cop? Being a snowflake and arresting someone for being mean or getting your feelings hurt? Horton did a lot wrong here but if they were walking away and decided to arrest him only after he swore at them, that changes everything. These cops can't be so sensitive dealing with drunk people at 2AM.

Cops can’t be so sensitive dealing with drunk people at 2 am.

Ur clueless. Right. Ur a cop at 2 am with a drunk person and u don’t want them to be so sensitive. Boggles the mind. A. u don’t know he was. B. I think they realize that their life is at hand when dealing with drunk people at 2 am.
Cops can’t be so sensitive dealing with drunk people at 2 am.

Ur clueless. Right. Ur a cop at 2 am with a drunk person and u don’t want them to be so sensitive. Boggles the mind. A. u don’t know he was. B. I think they realize that their life is at hand when dealing with drunk people at 2 am.
And on top of that the South Side has been more of a mess lately than it normally is. People are getting stabbed and shot so tolerance is probably down. And may be by design.

And just so it’s clear I’m not a defend police at all costs type. There are some bad eggs. But I do think if you punch a cop there shouldn’t be much leniency. Just shooting your mouth off - who cares. But assault - nah.
And on top of that the South Side has been more of a mess lately than it normally is. People are getting stabbed and shot so tolerance is probably down. And may be by design.

And just so it’s clear I’m not a defend police at all costs type. There are some bad eggs. But I do think if you punch a cop there shouldn’t be much leniency. Just shooting your mouth off - who cares. But assault - nah.

Right but the point is, if the cops were walking away and then arrested him because he swore at them, that wasn't cause for arrest and it would never have escalated. Everyone is missing the point.
I agree but what is the crime in flipping off a cop? Being a snowflake and arresting someone for being mean or getting your feelings hurt? Horton did a lot wrong here but if they were walking away and decided to arrest him only after he swore at them, that changes everything. These cops can't be so sensitive dealing with drunk people at 2AM.

These cops don't care who they're dealing with, the color of their skin, or if they're a Pitt player. The idiot was drunk and disorderly at the very least and should be charged accordingly, then arrested and let him dry out in a holding cell overnight.

You are definitely clueless. This has nothing to do with hurt feelings or a cute gesture. I know you're also thinking this had something to do with the color of his skin. That shows your racism. That's not part of the discussion.
Right but the point is, if the cops were walking away and then arrested him because he swore at them, that wasn't cause for arrest and it would never have escalated. Everyone is missing the point.
No. You’re missing the point. They had enough to arrest him previously. They didn’t. Horton continued. They arrested him.
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Right but the point is, if the cops were walking away and then arrested him because he swore at them, that wasn't cause for arrest and it would never have escalated. Everyone is missing the point.

You're the one missing the point! The cops were walking away and lets say he swore at them while being drunk and disorderly. That's cause for arrest. The cops were apparently from all reports willing to just give him a warning and let him go. But being the numbnuts he is, Horton decided to act big and tough and escalate it. That's cause for arrest for drunk and disorderly.

I'm done with this. The idiot shouldn't be on the team. He broke the law.
These cops don't care who they're dealing with, the color of their skin, or if they're a Pitt player. The idiot was drunk and disorderly at the very least and should be charged accordingly, then arrested and let him dry out in a holding cell overnight.

You are definitely clueless. This has nothing to do with hurt feelings or a cute gesture. I know you're also thinking this had something to do with the color of his skin. That shows your racism. That's not part of the discussion.
I happen to know for an absolute fact that overall the first part of your post isn’t true. I’ve been in the presence of city officers who I didn’t even know well and was shocked at some of the things they said. I’m not getting into details. I get I’m just another idiot with a keyboard and aN internet connection so people may believe me accordingly but you’re off on that one.

To be perfectly clear - I’m not suggesting race played any role here. It appears Horton got what he deserved. But if you think the color of someone’s skin never matters you’re sadly mistaken or terribly naive.
I happen to know for an absolute fact that overall the first part of your post isn’t true. I’ve been in the presence of city officers who I didn’t even know well and was shocked at some of the things they said. I’m not getting into details. I get I’m just another idiot with a keyboard and aN internet connection so people may believe me accordingly but you’re off on that one.

To be perfectly clear - I’m not suggesting race played any role here. It appears Horton got what he deserved. But if you think the color of someone’s skin never matters you’re sadly mistaken or terribly naive.

Maybe I'm naive then. And I haven't been confronted with any kind of situation like an arrest or confronted by a cop like that, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about. The only instance I had once with a city cop was once when I was trying to navigate city streets and get to a parking garage when a lot of streets were closed due to an event. He was standing out in the middle of the intersection yelling at everyone and acting like a jerk instead of doing his job. There are definitely jerks in the city cop group.

My impression is that cops tend to try very hard to not make anything a race thing. Mostly it's people making it a race thing. I'm sure a person of color can be targeted by some cops at some time, but I don't think it happens nearly as often as the mass media tries to say it is.
Maybe I'm naive then. And I haven't been confronted with any kind of situation like an arrest or confronted by a cop like that, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about. The only instance I had once with a city cop was once when I was trying to navigate city streets and get to a parking garage when a lot of streets were closed due to an event. He was standing out in the middle of the intersection yelling at everyone and acting like a jerk instead of doing his job. There are definitely jerks in the city cop group.

My impression is that cops tend to try very hard to not make anything a race thing. Mostly it's people making it a race thing. I'm sure a person of color can be targeted by some cops at some time, but I don't think it happens nearly as often as the mass media tries to say it is.
I think mostly they’re alright. And I think the vast majority do try to do the right thing. But bad cops are a scary thing. And they’re out there. Not just the city. They’re human beings so every force of any size likely has some questionable people.

And I’ve said this several times but im gonna say it again. If you behave like a jerk you’re gonna get treated like one. I don’t care what your gender, race, ethnicity or anything else is. Be decent you’ll likely be treated fairly and you might even get a break here and there. Not in all cases cause it does happen the other way. But if you have a conversation and act civil you’re very likely to come out of it much better.
Wow, in what way does an anti-cop mentality make for a positive interaction between 18-23 year old men? (of any ethnic background I may add)
“Anti-cop” mentality isn’t the same as standing up against abusive over the top actions of rogue police officers .
Our guards this season are going to be worse than the ones who got swindled by three guys lacking courage and/or major organs.

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Maybe I'm naive then. And I haven't been confronted with any kind of situation like an arrest or confronted by a cop like that, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about. The only instance I had once with a city cop was once when I was trying to navigate city streets and get to a parking garage when a lot of streets were closed due to an event. He was standing out in the middle of the intersection yelling at everyone and acting like a jerk instead of doing his job. There are definitely jerks in the city cop group.

My impression is that cops tend to try very hard to not make anything a race thing. Mostly it's people making it a race thing. I'm sure a person of color can be targeted by some cops at some time, but I don't think it happens nearly as often as the mass media tries to say it is.
There are police that like to throw there weight around. If happen upon one, you are at the wrong place at the wrong time.

There are police that are strictly by the book. if you happen upon one, accept that.

There are police that use judgement in how they handle individual situations. What you say and how you behave may impact your outcome.

There are usually multiple police officers on the scene. If you act up, in most situations, that will not benefit you in any way, shape or form.
No. You’re missing the point. They had enough to arrest him previously. They didn’t. Horton continued. They arrested him.
They charged him with disorderly conduct under (a)(1), which is when someone, "with intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof ... engages in fighting or threatening, or in violent or tumultuous behavior." So they're only charging him with disorderly conduct regarding the scuffle; there's no indication that they charged him with disorderly conduct from whatever he did or said as the cops were walking away. Public drunkenness is a traffic ticket, and there's no indication that he was actually ever intoxicated outside of the officer saying he smelled alcohol on his breath.

Police have enough to arrest essentially anyone, at any time, for any reason. That's how it works - "you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride."
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“Anti-cop” mentality isn’t the same as standing up against abusive over the top actions of rogue police officers .
I get that, but how it translates is a problem when you add age/alcohol into the mix, plus the constant backdrop of the "victim", "not my fault" mentality so prevalent in our society, but if you believe its the best way to lead young men so be it.
Hope he gets what he deserves student athlete on scholarship doesn't have enough sense to do the right thing and deal with the situation. He punches a cop out of control drunk or whatever. Shouldn't want these type of kids at Pitt. What a culture the basketball program has under Capel now. Arrests last year now this year, half the team left and recruiting not going well.
Capel's influence on these young men seems to be at least as effective as his zone offenses.
It's super frustrating not winning or making the tournament. It sucks. But I think JC gets at least two more years. If he hasn't made the tournament and doesn't have a monster class coming in by the end of year 5 he is gone. He would have to have a Kevin Stallings like year to get the boot next year. But I think you have to make the tournament once in 5 years no matter how bad the program was before he got here.

Look, I'm rooting for him. From all we can see as fans he's nothing but a great guy. He seems to be a great mentor and father-figure like head coach.

With Hugley coming back and maybe less drama on the roster now this upcoming year is where they have a winning record and maybe make the NIT. That would be great for the program and is possible (not probable...but possible) with the players they have. You never know but if not, those kids have to make a big step up the following year. As we expected the kids who just left to do but never really did as a team at least.
If happen upon one, you are at the wrong place at the wrong time.
True, but even if you don't happen upon one (Big shot cops), you could still.... be at the wrong place, at the wrong time, in the wrong condition, with the wrong people(Person), but to recognize that you have to understand that you are responsible for four out of five of those factors....
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I agree but what is the crime in flipping off a cop? Being a snowflake and arresting someone for being mean or getting your feelings hurt? Horton did a lot wrong here but if they were walking away and decided to arrest him only after he swore at them, that changes everything. These cops can't be so sensitive dealing with drunk people at 2AM.
You can't be this dumb.
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