Hudson decision coming soon


Yes.... The latest is, he's not going announce on Saturday... Pitt is in his ear big time. Apparently, he was not going to commit to Pitt (no shocker) Still a long shot. Stay tuned... He may change his mind again and announce on Saturday anyway...
Ive never seen an article that has him favoring Pitt, or seeing any comments by hudson himself. Have to think this would be state penn's to lose?
I actually think Hudson is a kid PSU will take if they miss on other targets. I have seen Hudson play and he is a great player. He is small solid safety who hits like a linebacker. If he were bigger he would be #1 player in the State ahead of Sanders. He is that good. I have a hard time believing he will go to Pitt. Mckeesport kids are told Pitt is garbage. Honestly, Pitt has done nothing to disprove this notion either.
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I actually think Hudson is a kid PSU will take if they miss on other targets. I have seen Hudson play and he is a great player. He is small solid safety who hits like a linebacker. If he were bigger he would be #1 player in the State ahead of Sanders. He is that good. I have a hard time believing he will go to Pitt. Mckeesport kids are told Pitt is garbage. Honestly, Pitt has done nothing to disprove this notion either.

Yes sir! Garbage! That's what Pitt is, garbage! If only we had the rich tradition of Cincinnati, North Carolina, NCST, Kansas, Army, Virginia, Indiana, Rutgers, California, Temple, Iowa State, etc...

If we only had as many; Pro Football HOF's, Pro Bowlers; numerous individual honors (Outland Trophies, Maxwell Awards, Lombardi Trophies) etc... We could be as good as them!!!!

Garbage? I don't think so and neither does Narduzzi..
Yes sir! Garbage! That's what Pitt is, garbage! If only we had the rich tradition of Cincinnati, North Carolina, NCST, Kansas, Army, Virginia, Indiana, Rutgers, California, Temple, Iowa State, etc...

If we only had as many; Pro Football HOF's, Pro Bowlers; numerous individual honors (Outland Trophies, Maxwell Awards, Lombardi Trophies) etc... We could be as good as them!!!!

Garbage? I don't think so and neither does Narduzzi..

Garbage !! WTF is that !
Yes sir! Garbage! That's what Pitt is, garbage! If only we had the rich tradition of Cincinnati, North Carolina, NCST, Kansas, Army, Virginia, Indiana, Rutgers, California, Temple, Iowa State, etc...

If we only had as many; Pro Football HOF's, Pro Bowlers; numerous individual honors (Outland Trophies, Maxwell Awards, Lombardi Trophies) etc... We could be as good as them!!!!

Garbage? I don't think so and neither does Narduzzi..

Don't shoot the messenger!
SMF 's reply to my post show 's you how much BS is on this site. He states "
During the spring recruiting season. He showed me a picture on his cell of Hudson that Hudson's dad sent him. I think he was wearing an OSU or PSU jersey (I know it wasn't Pitt or WVU) on a visit. I didn't really get into it much, the guy just said that Hudson's dad told him there's no way he was going to Pitt as if he can do better (is the way I took it) but WVU certainly isn't better. " Your friends a liar as Hudson's dad has been deceased for two years now. These are facts you should know when quoting things. If it really is a picture of him with his dad he would have been in maybe 9th grade. really ? And slick, George Smith didn't push the schools the kids followed people like Tim Brown, Brandon Short, Ricky Sayles, Darnell Warren, who had successful college careers on winning teams else where (WVU,PSU) when Pitt was average and on it's way to mediocre. They followed their football heroes who they looked up to since their time with the McKeesport Little Tigers. This has nothing to do with smith who by the way is an NC state alum and tried to get my buddy to go there in the 80's. But in any case I love all the negative posts.
SMF 's reply to my post show 's you how much BS is on this site. He states "
During the spring recruiting season. He showed me a picture on his cell of Hudson that Hudson's dad sent him. I think he was wearing an OSU or PSU jersey (I know it wasn't Pitt or WVU) on a visit. I didn't really get into it much, the guy just said that Hudson's dad told him there's no way he was going to Pitt as if he can do better (is the way I took it) but WVU certainly isn't better. " Your friends a liar as Hudson's dad has been deceased for two years now. These are facts you should know when quoting things. If it really is a picture of him with his dad he would have been in maybe 9th grade. really ? And slick, George Smith didn't push the schools the kids followed people like Tim Brown, Brandon Short, Ricky Sayles, Darnell Warren, who had successful college careers on winning teams else where (WVU,PSU) when Pitt was average and on it's way to mediocre. They followed their football heroes who they looked up to since their time with the McKeesport Little Tigers. This has nothing to do with smith who by the way is an NC state alum and tried to get my buddy to go there in the 80's. But in any case I love all the negative posts.

Could it have been his step-dad or uncle? Geez. Whoever it was, it was an older gentleman standing next to Hudson in the cell picture I saw. I thought our mutual friend said it was his dad, maybe it was his step-dad or uncle. In any event, it doesnt matter, McKeesport kids dont go to Pitt.
I know one asst there who is definitely more of a fan of psu. Whether he or anyone else there steers kids away from pitt, I have no clue. The numbers from there are interesting though.
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SMF 's reply to my post show 's you how much BS IS on this site. He states "
During the spring recruiting season. He showed me a picture on his cell of Hudson that Hudson's dad sent him. I think he was wearing an OSU or PSU jersey (I know it wasn't Pitt or WVU) on a visit. I didn't really get into it much, the guy just said that Hudson's dad told him there's no way he was going to Pitt as if he can do better (is the way I took it) but WVU certainly isn't better. " Your friends a liar as Hudson's dad has been deceased for two years now. These are facts you should know when quoting things. If it really is a picture of him with his dad he would have been in maybe 9th grade. really ? And slick, George Smith didn't push the schools the kids followed people like Tim Brown, Brandon Short, Ricky Sayles, Darnell Warren, who had successful college careers on winning teams else where (WVU,PSU) when Pitt was average and on it's way to mediocre. They followed their football heroes who they looked up to since their time with the McKeesport Little Tigers. This has nothing to do with smith who by the way is an NC state alum and tried to get my buddy to go there in the 80's. But in any case I love all the negative posts.

e been his step-dad or uncle? Geez. Whoever it was, it was an older gentleman standing next to Hudson in the cell picture I saw. I thought our mutual friend said it was his dad, maybe it was his step-dad or uncle. In any event, it doesnt matter, McKeesport kids dont go to Pitt.[/QUOTE]

You may know George Smith...but you don't know him well. I don't think he goes out of his way to push kids from Pitt. However, if a kid or his parents ask his opinion...he gives it. George is entitled to his opinion and as I have said...Pitt has done nothing to disprove his opinion. If you look at why George was do to a lack of administrative support. Sounds familiar??? Pitt has not supported athletics as much as PSU and WVU. It's hard to fault George Smith for telling the truth. Hopefully, the new administration is different and only time will tell.
I'm late to the game here, but I went to McKeesport and had George Smith as a gym teacher. I didn't play football (basketball for me), but many of the football players also played hoops, and I was good friends with them. They all said Smith loved PSU and WVU and tried to steer as many of his D1-type guys there as possible. One even told me that Smith refused to make a highlight tape (this was the pre-Internet late 80's) for a guy who wanted to go to Pitt. Now admittedly, this is all second-hand info from almost 25 years ago, but that's what I was told. I don't know where Smith's beef with Pitt came from, and I don't know that he still feels the same way, but take that for what it's worth.

I believe Smith is an NC State grad. But had heard rumors that he had worked the PSU summer camps for many years starting during the Paterno reign (maybe he still does?) and had developed an allegiance to the nits and some friendships with the coaches up there during that time that may have led to some preferences for the nits. Since you have some local knowledge, do you know if that's the case? Usually, when these types of situations arise, there are underlying reasons that can be pretty well concealed and also conveniently denied (if need be).
The word down here in Mo-town was he "was" coming but now they're worried!Remember I'm dumb and don't know much!
Rumor is the PSU staff talked him out of committing and asked him to wait.
Sorry bud...I'm far from a troll. Pitt was in his ear as well. Go to TOS. Another writer believes the same as me. I'm not saying Pitt is out of it. However, he doesn't have a committable offer from the Nitwits...but was asked to hold off at this time. He may now that Kelly was dismissed. If he doesn't commit to PSU this week...I'd say that speaks well for Pitt.
SMF now your just back pedaling to cover your lie. FYI his sister plays softball for me and I spoke to her this weekend . She said he is not close to making a decision and is not saying who is in the lead. The only thing she says is he has a lot of offers and Pitt,PSU , and WVU included but Wisconsin was never mentioned so don't know where that came from. Or maybe I should ask his step dad (which she his stated he doesn't have), or uncle or whoever. lol. Maybe people should stop lying , gossiping or whatever to have something to say and then try to blow it off like your wrong for calling them on it. I know ill catch if for saying that but oh well. And no kids go anywhere until they do. How many Clairton kids went to Pitt before this last group, or Central Valley kids to Alabama before Foster ? Got to start somewhere. Again that statement from you and others are matter of opinion, not fact and is irrelevant to the post, which was Hudson was making a decision. This post should have never happened, it and most of the responses are fables.
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SMF now your just back pedaling to cover your lie. FYI his sister plays softball for me and I spoke to her this weekend . She said he is not close to making a decision and is not saying who is in the lead. The only thing she says is he has a lot of offers and Pitt,PSU , and WVU included but Wisconsin was never mentioned so don't know where that came from. Or maybe I should ask his step dad (which she his stated he doesn't have), or uncle or whoever. lol. Maybe people should stop lying , gossiping or whatever to have something to say and then try to blow it off like your wrong for calling them on it. I know ill catch if for saying that but oh well. And no kids go anywhere until they do. How many Clairton kids went to Pitt before this last group, or Central Valley kids to Alabama before Foster ? Got to start somewhere. Again that statement from you and others are matter of opinion, not fact and is irrelevant to the post, which was Hudson was making a decision. This post should have never happened, it and most of the responses are fables.

I talked to my friend again. He's friends with Hudson's uncle (the guy I thought was his dad). I guess his uncle plays a father-figure role. Here's what I was told:

- Hudson told my friend he likes Pitt but didnt necessarily say they are his "leader."
- Hudson's uncle doesn't like Pitt at all and wants him to go "big-time." He loves PSU and OSU.
- Hudson's uncle did say he will let Hudson make his own decision.

This sounds like so many local recruiting battles. The adults always seem to have something against Pitt for some reason and try to steer their kids to PSU or other schools.
I talked to my friend again. He's friends with Hudson's uncle (the guy I thought was his dad). I guess his uncle plays a father-figure role. Here's what I was told:

- Hudson told my friend he likes Pitt but didnt necessarily say they are his "leader."
- Hudson's uncle doesn't like Pitt at all and wants him to go "big-time." He loves PSU and OSU.
- Hudson's uncle did say he will let Hudson make his own decision.

This sounds like so many local recruiting battles. The adults always seem to have something against Pitt for some reason and try to steer their kids to PSU or other schools.
The adults always seem to have something against Pitt for some reason

30 years of bad football, with an ever dwindling fan base will do that to the local population. A few years of sustained winning would change it entirely.

It's all about the right head coach. Hopefully we found him.
The adults always seem to have something against Pitt for some reason

30 years of bad football, with an ever dwindling fan base will do that to the local population. A few years of sustained winning would change it entirely.

It's all about the right head coach. Hopefully we found him.

OK but tell me what has Penn State done in the last 20 years? Not a whole lot more than Pitt.
Tell me what you've done since 2000? Won a co-championship twice? Geez, we've done that.[/QUOTE

co-championships...that's funny.. ask any OSU fan if they "co-won" 05 or 08....they wouldn't because that'd be silly....since they lost to us those years.

allow me to shorten the time line a bout the last 10 years....we've won 2 Big Ten championships and beat OSU 3 times. conversely, Michigan....has 0 Big Ten championships & beat OSU once. heck....we even got bowl victories over LSU & Florida State in that timeline along w/several others........sooooo, we've done something, no?

when Michigan goes Pitt better than Michigan?

and don't freak out over this....I'm asking sincere questions here. I'm referring to your comments on Hudson's Uncle stating he wants his nephew to go somewhere "Big Time"
You certainly arent better than Pitt in any way, shape or form.

If you REALLY wanna compare the last 10 years of your program... you should compare with the dark ages in Europe. As I said, no football fanbase in the country would swap your last 10 years with theirs... none!

Now, stop having self-esteem issues, and get off our board and back to your hole.
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co-championships...that's funny.. ask any OSU fan if they "co-won" 05 or 08....they wouldn't because that'd be silly....since they lost to us those years.

allow me to shorten the time line a bout the last 10 years....we've won 2 Big Ten championships and beat OSU 3 times. conversely, Michigan....has 0 Big Ten championships & beat OSU once. heck....we even got bowl victories over LSU & Florida State in that timeline along w/several others........sooooo, we've done something, no?

when Michigan goes Pitt better than Michigan?

and don't freak out over this....I'm asking sincere questions here. I'm referring to your comments on Hudson's Uncle stating he wants his nephew to go somewhere "Big Time"

Why do I have to ask an OSU fan about their co-championship? I can google the standings from those seasons and see you with the same record as them. You went to the Rose on a tiebreaker. That's not a bad thing but its not an outright title. Co-titles, which we both have, are better than no titles.

Bowl victories? Yea, I really care about exhibition wins. Next.

Did you actually brag about beating OSU 3 times in 10 years, with one of those wins coming against a Luke Fickell-led team (the worst OSU team in decades).

Not understanding the 5-7 Michigan question? A 5-7 Michigan team sucks. Are they better than Pitt? In what season are you talking about?

Finally, no, in the last 15 years, you havent done anything. 2 co-titles, a bunch of losing seasons, tons of wins over Illinois, NW, and Temple and the world's worst-ever sports-related coverup.
Why do I have to ask an OSU fan about their co-championship? I can google the standings from those seasons and see you with the same record as them. You went to the Rose on a tiebreaker. That's not a bad thing but its not an outright title. Co-titles, which we both have, are better than no titles.

Bowl victories? Yea, I really care about exhibition wins. Next.

Did you actually brag about beating OSU 3 times in 10 years, with one of those wins coming against a Luke Fickell-led team (the worst OSU team in decades).

Not understanding the 5-7 Michigan question? A 5-7 Michigan team sucks. Are they better than Pitt? In what season are you talking about?

Finally, no, in the last 15 years, you havent done anything. 2 co-titles, a bunch of losing seasons, tons of wins over Illinois, NW, and Temple and the world's worst-ever sports-related coverup.

well then...back to your original point....Penn State has done nothing.....on this board, let's just stick with that.

so much for civil conversation, eh?
You certainly arent better Pitt in any way, shape or form.

If you REALLY wanna compare the last 10 years of your program... you should compare with the dark ages in Europe. As I said, no football fanbase in the country would swap your last 10 years with theirs... none!

Now, stop having self-esteem issues, and get off our board and back to your hole.

self esteem issues?....gosh, with your harsh response, I'd figure your accusation of me would be of over-confidence.

neither is true...I'm a fairly well adjusted dude....and quite capable of talking to others.....maybe something we should all work on.

that being said, and to be fair....I shouldn't have said the term "better"....that's not what I meant.....I meant, more "big time"...referring to the Hudson's uncle comment. to me, that's a big difference. not that you agree with that either, but I definitely didn't mean "better".
It's a tough cycle. The local vibe against Pitt ... sports and university ... is very real. Pitt contributes to that with its own half-assed management of its sports, and I've long argued that putting a consistent winner on the field and court would change attitudes by a 180. But even without, I have still always been baffled by the antipathy to Pitt. Pitt clearly is a savior (not the only, but a huge one) to the region after the abandonment by heavy industry. People don't realize how far sunken this city could have gone without Pitt, CMU, UPMC. It would be East Detroit. Maybe worse. And minorities would have especially suffered. Pittsburgh is far, far from perfect. But It takes news stories like recent days (Ferguson) to see how really bad rave relations can be in other areas.

Yet it's often the dad or uncle of a top local minority player who seems the most vocal against Pitt. Sometimes there seem 'extenuating' circumstances (like with the Henry family last year, apparently not happy with a lack of payola) but more often than not, it seems like some petty (or imaginary), yet quite personal dislike. Do they think their lot in life here would be BETTER without Pitt?
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You certainly arent better Pitt in any way, shape or form.

If you REALLY wanna compare the last 10 years of your program... you should compare with the dark ages in Europe. As I said, no football fanbase in the country would swap your last 10 years with theirs... none!

Now, stop having self-esteem issues, and get off our board and back to your hole.
Amazing some Penn State Fans won't admit they have the same type of challenges that Pitt does, if not greater. Sure, they have the Program Resources to meet those challenges, but so does Ohio State, Michigan, and MSU today and Maryland's Edsall is doing good in recruiting and Franklin has bigger mountains to climb than Pitt's Coach Pat!

I can wait, watch, and see who laughs last, but for the last 5 and 10 years for that matter, laughing at Penn State has not been easy because most Fans everywhere know Penn State and Paterno are something to feel sorry for due to their poor control over him and their University!

No College Football Wins can erase the Shame to Penn State's Name and they should be excited about Franklin, but they still are on the lower ranks of character of attacking other Programs and Pitt and that reflects worse on some of them.

I exclude the Penn State Posters and Fans that post on the Lair with much intelligence and fairness, and wish them well and want them to win, but they those types of PSU fans have been winners all their lives because they show it on the Lair and BWI!
I talked to my friend again. He's friends with Hudson's uncle (the guy I thought was his dad). I guess his uncle plays a father-figure role. Here's what I was told:

- Hudson told my friend he likes Pitt but didnt necessarily say they are his "leader."
- Hudson's uncle doesn't like Pitt at all and wants him to go "big-time." He loves PSU and OSU.
- Hudson's uncle did say he will let Hudson make his own decision.

This sounds like so many local recruiting battles. The adults always seem to have something against Pitt for some reason and try to steer their kids to PSU or other schools.

---The Uncle likely wants to be able to brag about Hudson playing before the big crowds -- this is certainly an area where Pitt has much work to do. But how will the Uncle like it if Hudson is platooning or is stuck down the depth chart at Ohio State, when he could be starting and starring at Pitt...

Go Pitt.
self esteem issues?....gosh, with your harsh response, I'd figure your accusation of me would be of over-confidence.

that being said, and to be fair....I shouldn't have said the term "better"....that's not what I meant.....I meant, more "big time"...referring to the Hudson's uncle comment. to me, that's a big difference. not that you agree with that either, but I definitely didn't mean "better".

Come on... you come onto a Pitt message board to talk smack... it reeks of self esteem issues. Especially when no one here is even mentioning wanting Hudson or saying we are going to get the recruit. I think every poster on here pretty much said the opposite. You are just here trying to make him look good in case you guys get him. Who cares? You are landing many recruits with your unethical coach that gets coeds as prostitutes and covers up the rape after and openly says he hires coaches that have hot wives. You guys should be ashamed, and this happened AFTER your own horrendous crime. Dont you even care that you hold football higher than morals?

As for the 'big time" comment... I do believe your school is the only one that thinks you are big time. Again... I dont consider penn state bigger time than the University of Pittsburgh is. At any rate... discussing what some poster heard from an uncle is completely pointless.
It's a tough cycle. The local vibe against Pitt ... sports and university ... is very real. Pitt contributes to that with its own half-assed management of its sports, and I've long argued that putting a consistent winner on the field and court would change attitudes by a 180. But even without, I have still always been baffled by the antipathy to Pitt. Pitt clearly is a savior (not the only, but a huge one) to the region after the abandonment by heavy industry. People don't realize how far sunken this city could have gone without Pitt, CMU, UPMC. It would be East Detroit. Maybe worse. And minorities would have especially suffered. Pittsburgh is far, far from perfect. But It takes news stories like recent days (Ferguson) to see how really bad rave relations can be in other areas.

Yet it's often the dad or uncle of a top local minority player who seems the most vocal against Pitt. Sometimes there seem 'extenuating' circumstances (like with the Henry family last year, apparently not happy with a lack of payola) but more often than not, it seems like some petty (or imaginary), yet quite personal dislike. Do they think their lot in life here would be BETTER without Pitt?

Lets be fair here.. penn state has contributed to a poor local vibe MUCH MUCH worse than Pitt has. It is just the local rags are just anti Pitt.

The rest of your post I agree with though.
Come on... you come onto a Pitt message board to talk smack... it reeks of self esteem issues. Especially when no one here is even mentioning wanting Hudson or saying we are going to get the recruit. I think every poster on here pretty much said the opposite. You are just here trying to make him look good in case you guys get him. Who cares? You are landing many recruits with your unethical coach that gets coeds as prostitutes and covers up the rape after and openly says he hires coaches that have hot wives. You guys should be ashamed, and this happened AFTER your own horrendous crime. Dont you even care that you hold football higher than morals?

As for the 'big time" comment... I do believe your school is the only one that thinks you are big time. Again... I dont consider penn state bigger time than the University of Pittsburgh is. At any rate... discussing what some poster heard from an uncle is completely pointless. just unloaded on me.

i had 0 intention of talking smack, but I can see how that's misinterpreted...most likely because I'm a PSU fan, hence the malicious assumption (i guess). I just chose to engage in conversation w/SMF...not you....regarding the comments made by Hudson's Uncle......but you're turning into something else....rambling about everything you hate about Penn State.....chill the heck out.

For the record, I don't think Hudson's coming to PSU. Unless, we totally bomb out on Hansford and Ferns, we unfortunately don't have any room for him...but trust me, PSU fans would love to have him. honestly, I don't think Hudson even knows where he's going to go......not that I would know, just a guess.
Of course you want to help smfraud. Afterall he is pedo fan in disguise while you are a pedo fan out of the closet. Take him out of the closet and take hi home. His lies, slander and love of all things pedo has worn out. He now reverts to total lie And when you take the fraud home, remember make love not war as he loves ubcle jerry tommy b and the rest of the gang of pedos and pedo ignorers.