First of all wtf is a hang dog attitude? I want them to win national championships too ,but I realize their not making that a priority like others do and without that commitment it's not going to happen. You need to root for teams that prioritize winning your wasting your time here ,but what else do you have to do but complain .
Things that I personally know while I attended Pitt: TDs whose family lived in the projects somehow drove around campus in a pretty nice new car and amassed some incredible amount of parking tickets and phone bills , several Bb players whose family backgrounds wouldn't suggest wealth lived in a Mt Washington apartment instead of the dorms , the Fb players received clothing money for various in game accomplishments ( best hit ,catch ,run etc ) ,they paid some bb recruits family 10 k and he didn't even go to Pitt. They penalized themselves to avoid NCAA sanctions and that's what I know which I'm sure is the tip of the iceberg .
Let's talk tradition do you think some 18 year old kid cares that Pitt won a national championship over 40 yrs ago and in the 30's . They don't even know who Tony D is. In Bb your comparing Pitts tradition to who in the ACC , Duke ,UNC,SYRACUSE ,LOUISVILLE theres four schools in their own conference that dwarf Pitts tradition.
PSU still out recruits Pitt in Fb in its own backyard ( hope this changes ) , I guess you'd rather recruit WPa then Texas and Calif. In bb the talent is slim in WPa.
Your right it's people like me , that's the reason that Pitts major sports teams are what they are ,it has nothing to do with the commitment of the university. Keep complaining you doing a world of good.