As for Namath:
All-time great QB! Finalist for the NFL'S 100th anniversary team! How great? A finalist 40 years after his playing days were over! Picked by experts like Bill Belichick but you know better.
For those geeks that only look at stats, and disagree with REAL NFL experts that made those selections, that tells me you don't know football. But you know better. Go play some of your video games, like that's real football.
All the old AFL teams would eventually do well in the new league configuration. In due course they would all earn their fair share of money and respect. There were a lot of reasons for this. But in retrospect, Al Davis found one better than others. "Namath made us," he said.
Vince Lombardi said, "His arm, his release of the ball are just perfect. Namath is as good a passer as I've ever seen."
Defensive backs were conditioned to think a receiver would make his move within 15 yards of the line of scrimmage. Maybe, if the guy was special, he'd go 18. Beyond that distance, a WR who hadn't made his move was sprinting for the end zone. QBs didn't throw 20-yard square-outs. Even if they had the arm, they wouldn't have the time. The Jets were an exception. Not only did they have 20-yard square-outs in the playback, within a year of Joe's arrival they were running 25-yard square outs.