Is Matt Canada still unemployed?

Looks like LSU is just fine without Canada.
agreed. How is Pitt doing without him?

I know, I know, it was all those amazing superstar players he had that one year. Just like the only difference between LSU’s offense this year and last is Joe Burrow, right? Had nothing to do with the guy who came in this year from New Orleans and changed their whole system.
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Ya know, we give Orgeron a lot flack for being a caveman but the guy went into this year knowing he had to evolve and change the way they operate on offense.
Ya know, we give Orgeron a lot flack for being a caveman but the guy went into this year knowing he had to evolve and change the way they operate on offense.

Players like to play for basic real men, maybe even a Caveman.
I did.
He's certainly not a lying, showboater like lots of college coaches.
Franklin leads that pack.

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