Just spoke with a friend who is employed in a management capacity by Disney...

I gave you everything that was in the stimulus.

What the Federal Reserve has done is separate - and none of that went to businesses or individuals. It was used to help support the smooth functioning of the financial markets and will eventually be unwound at some point in the future like they did with TARP

You're right. But the original investment in TARP was pretty minor compared to this. The Fed started pumping this time while while the markets were setting records because it couldn't keep borrowing rates down. The "why's" are another issue and there isn't necessarily a plan to recover those funds and it's not a given with the way the economy has been operating.

The point is, there hasn't been a big rush to do more than offer a token handout to people who live paycheck to paycheck. You have companies that got millions after paying dividends in March while there are small businesses that can't get money out of the program. You can't just explain that away as sustaining the economy.
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Please stop talking about subways. It is essential travel, has drastically decreased ridership, and is one of the reasons NY was hit so hard.

I am sorry if this is difficult for you to hear but there will be no mass gatherings until there is a vaccine (or possibly an effective treatment). There is just no way, none at all, that sports leagues are going to have fans in the stands until then. Again, I am sorry.

And as for business reopening, the traffic at restaurants and retail businesses will be like 1/10-1/4 of normal traffic. How can you think as soon as they open up, everyone will flock to them like its pre-Coronavirus. Yes, people will go but in far fewer numbers

Mass transit ACROSS THE COUNTRY is operating. People are using them in mass. You don't like the point because it refutes your silly chicken little statement about zero mass gatherings will occur until a vaccine is in place. A mass gathering is a mass gathering. Makes no difference where it is

Go keep cowering in your corner.

And I never said as soon as they open restaurants and other businesses will be packed like before the virus. I said they will attract business and it will ramp up. Not everyone is going to stay trapped inside for a year like you suggest
Take the good with the bad.
Drs pushed it , J&J made it but were in the guilty party chain.

There's some personal responsibility involved as well.
My wife's Dr prescribed it for her after surgery. After day one she handed me the bottle and told me to call the Dr and get something different since it was to strong.
Plus the Dr gave her way more than she needed.

Pharma sets up reserves for the occasional bad happening since its inevitable from time to time.
They're one of the best quality investments out there.
They didn't get to crushed the stock is at at 5 yr high.

Ha ha. Yeah, slick advertising and give doctors incentives to prescribe something and then shift the blame. Poor blameless J&J.

Stock is up because the government dropped a half billion in their lap to develop and produce a vaccine that they're already behind a half-dozen or so companies and universities on developing. But they do have one heck of a way of convincing people that they have the answers, don't they?
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You're right. But the original investment in TARP was pretty minor compared to this. The Fed started pumping this time while while the markets were setting records because it couldn't keep borrowing rates down. The "why's" are another issue and there isn't necessarily a plan to recover those funds and it's not a given with the way the economy has been operating.

The point is, there hasn't been a big rush to do more than offer a token handout to people who live paycheck to paycheck. You have companies that got millions after paying dividends in March while there are small businesses that can't get money out of the program. You can't just explain that away as sustaining the economy.

A token handout ??? Besides the $1,200 per adult and whatever per kid - you are forgetting that the small business portion is designed so those employees continue to get paychecks. And for those laid off, the enhanced unemployment in most cases pays MORE than what they were earning when working. It's asinine to be paid MORE to not work than to work but that is what is happening.

So it is far more than a token handout. Other than the timing of unemployment payments because some state systems are antiquated and slow, many people will be end up financially better off due to the various programs
Ha ha. Yeah, slick advertising and give doctors incentives to prescribe something and then shift the blame. Poor blameless J&J.

Stock is up because the government dropped a half billion in their lap to develop and produce a vaccine that they're already behind a half-dozen or so companies and universities on developing. But they do have one heck of a way of convincing people that they have the answers, don't they?

That has little if anything to do with JNJ's stock being up. JNJ is a long term Dividend King. They have been a very good investment over the years. I have owned it over 10 years myself. It is a core holding along the lines of KO, PG, and others for lots of people and funds

Half a billion is a drop in the bucket compared to JNJ's total revenue
too much for people from third world countries or states
give me a free ticket to Disney world and i'll tell all of em you said that. gonna need a mask and those latex gloves you ladies have been wearing out for the last few weeks though..
It's asinine to be paid MORE to not work than to work but that is what is happening.

Except for the small business guys who couldn't get funds out of the program because they got sucked up so fast and the people who still can't get access to unemployment, I guess everyone is fine so I don't understand all of the complaining. There shouldn't be such an outcry.

By the way, it is interesting that some people make so little money that enhanced unemployment is a huge benefit. Don't feel bad. I remember people openly mocking steel mill workers that got 99 weeks of unemployment as lazy and mooching on the system while they stood in line to get crummy government cheese, powdered milk, and stale bread.
That has little if anything to do with JNJ's stock being up. JNJ is a long term Dividend King. They have been a very good investment over the years. I have owned it over 10 years myself. It is a core holding along the lines of KO, PG, and others for lots of people and funds

Half a billion is a drop in the bucket compared to JNJ's total revenue

Really weird that they took it on the premise that they needed to build capacity.
when the vast majority of it's occupants are foreigners from third world countries that don't know what a vaccination is, probably best not to hang out with them in tight spots for hours at a time..

You know there are plenty of Americans who don't know what vaccines are too, right?
give me a free ticket to Disney world and i'll tell all of em you said that. gonna need a mask and those latex gloves you ladies have been wearing out for the last few weeks though..

Your attempt to blame the spread of the virus on those on the bottom rung is not surprising.
Your attempt to blame the spread of the virus on those on the bottom rung is not surprising.
two different topics. I've always blamed this outbreak on the Chinese govt and the criminally insane way they handled the early stages of this. now it's recently come out that china enforced travel restrictions within the country while not restricting any out of country travel. that's interesting if true..

my Disney world is a cess pool take is a completely different topic.
Mass transit ACROSS THE COUNTRY is operating. People are using them in mass. You don't like the point because it refutes your silly chicken little statement about zero mass gatherings will occur until a vaccine is in place. A mass gathering is a mass gathering. Makes no difference where it is

Go keep cowering in your corner.

And I never said as soon as they open restaurants and other businesses will be packed like before the virus. I said they will attract business and it will ramp up. Not everyone is going to stay trapped inside for a year like you suggest

Essential mass transit is unavailable. Some people STILL have to fly. There are still flights. These cannot be avoided. You cannot ground all of mass transit. What you can do is tell people they cant go to the Stiller game or Penn State and they have to make the tremendous sacrifice of watching it on their 70 inch HDTV instead.
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Except for the small business guys who couldn't get funds out of the program because they got sucked up so fast and the people who still can't get access to unemployment, I guess everyone is fine so I don't understand all of the complaining. There shouldn't be such an outcry.

By the way, it is interesting that some people make so little money that enhanced unemployment is a huge benefit. Don't feel bad. I remember people openly mocking steel mill workers that got 99 weeks of unemployment as lazy and mooching on the system while they stood in line to get crummy government cheese, powdered milk, and stale bread.

Well if Pelosi and the Democrats had just replenished the small business PPP program when McConnell tried to - while the existing program still had funds - that wouldn't be an issue would it?

As to unemployment - I guess you missed the line in my post that said "Other than the timing of unemployment payments because some state systems are antiquated and slow . . ."

And the enhanced unemployment is a huge issue when you pay more for people to not work than to work. Already stories out there about workers refusing to return to work because they make more now on unemployment than they did while working.

And it certainly isn't just low income workers. My brother, a staunch Democrat and union steward in a construction related industry is getting unemployment now and he said it is crazy that he is earning more now than while working - and he earns a very comfortable living
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Really weird that they took it on the premise that they needed to build capacity.

You do realize they have a number of lines of business, don't you?

And no one just has spare capacity to crank out 500 million or more vaccines in a short time frame sitting around just waiting until it is needed
The President does not have the authority to tell the states when they can reopen. Therefore each individual governor WILL tell professional sports teams if and when they can start to play. Same for colleges, the governor will tell them if it is safe to resume classes not the President.

So if you want schools back in session, sports to start up again you need to inform your congressmen and the governor of your state.
None of us have any idea how this will play out, and I suppose our predictions are based upon what we want to believe. My belief is that things will keep migrating toward normal sooner than a lot think. There won't be successful lawsuits rampant because anything made available to the public, including higher education, will likely be offered in an 'at your own risk' setting.

As someone else already said, if you're scared, stay home. No one will force you to take classes, or to go to Disney World; you'll be warned about the risks, and you'll make your own choice. Or I'll be totally wrong...

Being in school until you're 18 is law - most kids legally do not have the 'choice' to make this an 'at your own risk' endeavor. Fortunately, most people in leadership positions understand that.

MAYBE you see 'at your risk' situations for consumers in the private arena - you'll NEVER see it in education, for the reason I listed above.
And it certainly isn't just low income workers. My brother, a staunch Democrat and union steward in a construction related industry is getting unemployment now and he said it is crazy that he is earning more now than while working - and he earns a very comfortable living

Yeah, sure. If you wanted to talk about some waitress working for tips, I would have gone along with it but you really overplayed your hand. Again, if this is the case, why the fury?
Yeah, sure. If you wanted to talk about some waitress working for tips, I would have gone along with it but you really overplayed your hand. Again, if this is the case, why the fury?

Overplayed my hand - LOL. I point out a real life example of a well paid union guy and avowed Democrat saying it is crazy he is being paid more to stay home than he is paid to work - and that is overplaying my hand? WOW

Again - please tell me how paying people MORE to stay on unemployment than they make working:

1. Gives them a pittance (which is what your original claim was)
2. Good for the country and their employers who can't reopen because these people say they can make more money sitting at home doing nothing
3. Economically feasible and sustainable?
Being in school until you're 18 is law - most kids legally do not have the 'choice' to make this an 'at your own risk' endeavor. Fortunately, most people in leadership positions understand that.

MAYBE you see 'at your risk' situations for consumers in the private arena - you'll NEVER see it in education, for the reason I listed above.
Did you go to college? You know, higher education?
Well if Pelosi and the Democrats had just replenished the small business PPP program when McConnell tried to - while the existing program still had funds - that wouldn't be an issue would it?

As to unemployment - I guess you missed the line in my post that said "Other than the timing of unemployment payments because some state systems are antiquated and slow . . ."

And the enhanced unemployment is a huge issue when you pay more for people to not work than to work. Already stories out there about workers refusing to return to work because they make more now on unemployment than they did while working.

And it certainly isn't just low income workers. My brother, a staunch Democrat and union steward in a construction related industry is getting unemployment now and he said it is crazy that he is earning more now than while working - and he earns a very comfortable living
Give us more socialism , Democrats !!
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Overplayed my hand - LOL. I point out a real life example of a well paid union guy and avowed Democrat saying it is crazy he is being paid more to stay home than he is paid to work - and that is overplaying my hand? WOW

Again - please tell me how paying people MORE to stay on unemployment than they make working:

1. Gives them a pittance (which is what your original claim was)
2. Good for the country and their employers who can't reopen because these people say they can make more money sitting at home doing nothing
3. Economically feasible and sustainable?

Seriously, I’m glad billionaires have you to carry their water.
Congress should pass legislation eliminating coronavirus lawsuits ,otherwise it will be a gigantic shakedown. Why did you do this , when you could have done that. We checked your office desks are 5 feet apart . Why was he allowed to work when you knew he had comorbid conditions. No need to go to court ,just push the issue -then settle.
Cuomo eliminated provider related covid lawsuits in New York. That was the right thing to do.
People's rights are very important ,but just like shelter in place, sometimes the common good has to be considered.
If big businesses ,and small businesses are intimidated by lawsuits from reopening, then the economic fallout from this virus is going to be much worse.
Why can’t people make their own decisions? Folks this virus, like all flu type viruses, is never going away. We all have to adapt and eventually the human body will adjust. Even with the flu shot people still get A, B, Swine, etc. Living in complete fear is no why to live. Political correctness can sometimes go way too far. So having said that, we all should have the freedoms within reason to do the things we like, understanding the risks. But don’t force a plural your agenda on me.
Who is living in complete fear of this virus? No one that I know, or who is posting here. There is nothing remotely connected to "political correctness" in play here. This is about health risk, and making sound decisions based on the available science. Yes, we all should have the freedoms within reason to do what we like, but the question is the meaning of "within reason." Many in the public health community do not think it is "within reason" for the economy to open up the way that some are proposing. We need to be looking to them to define what is "within reason."
Seriously, I’m glad billionaires have you to carry their water.

Yep billionaires like this small business owner:

or these

All trying to keep their businesses afloat but having trouble doing so even after getting PPP loans because their employees would rather get paid more in unemployment to sit home rather than coming to work.

Again since you keep ducking the question because you have no answer - please tell me how paying people MORE to stay on unemployment than they earn working:

1. Gives them a pittance (which is what your original claim was)
2. Good for the country and their employers who can't reopen because these people say they can make more money sitting at home doing nothing
3. Economically feasible and sustainable?
Yep billionaires like this small business owner:

or these

All trying to keep their businesses afloat but having trouble doing so even after getting PPP loans because their employees would rather get paid more in unemployment to sit home rather than coming to work.

Again since you keep ducking the question because you have no answer - please tell me how paying people MORE to stay on unemployment than they earn working:

1. Gives them a pittance (which is what your original claim was)
2. Good for the country and their employers who can't reopen because these people say they can make more money sitting at home doing nothing
3. Economically feasible and sustainable?
Didn’t read the wsj article
But what does it say about the employer if employees rather not come back .

It tells me - 1. They aren’t getting health benefits from work - so there’s no incentive there
2. Their boss under valued them by pay.
3. Their unemployment benefits will lapse if recalled for their jobs - which is all the bosses have to do

perhaps it’s simply the market working - and it’s time for the bosses to put on their big girl pants - either replace those Employees or pay them enough to make them want to come back
Didn’t read the wsj article
But what does it say about the employer if employees rather not come back .

It tells me - 1. They aren’t getting health benefits from work - so there’s no incentive there
2. Their boss under valued them by pay.
3. Their unemployment benefits will lapse if recalled for their jobs - which is all the bosses have to do

perhaps it’s simply the market working - and it’s time for the bosses to put on their big girl pants - either replace those Employees or pay them enough to make them want to come back

It says nothing about the employer. They did not create the perverse system of "enhanced unemployment" paying someone more to stay home than to work.

These employees were happily employed in a free market economy prior to this. They were happy with their salary and benefits because if they weren't they had the chance to look for another job that was better, They didn't. Now they are trying to take advantage of the situation.
It says nothing about the employer. They did not create the perverse system of "enhanced unemployment" paying someone more to stay home than to work.

These employees were happily employed in a free market economy prior to this. They were happy with their salary and benefits because if they weren't they had the chance to look for another job that was better, They didn't. Now they are trying to take advantage of the situation.
Leverage is a funny thing
The employer had it
Now the employees have it
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