Kaboly out at the Athletic

Maybe he can cover flag football for the Olympics. Who would want him?

I personally didn’t find him terrible. Wonder what the problem with his employer was? He was a walking short and long term disability risk of course.
Kaboly blended too much commentary into his reporting, so I found him hard to take seriously. He also liked to stir the pot on twitter just to mess with fans, IMO. While I'm not a fan, I know many are and it is completely lame for The Athletic to fire football writers during the middle of training camp. Not only does it reduce or eliminate their coverage of the sport, it also puts the writers in a terrible spot looking for a new job.
on the Sunday showdown he was actually more of a voice of reason on Pickett. But as mentioned above he was pretty much a jerk on Twitter especially in regards to Pitt. Couldn't resist cheap shots, especially in regards to attendance (not at the Yohe levels, but still bad). Similar to Dulac wasn't really an insider but more of a mouthpiece for the Steelers. But he did manage to ruffle a few players feathers on occasion so he wasn't a total cheerleader (didn't James Harrison want to beat him up?).
Let's hope DK hires him again only to get fired again and then shiteposts more DK personal stuff
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They actually fire a lot of people.

I don't know the answer to this, but did he actually get fired, or did his contract run out and they decided not to offer him a new one, or they couldn't come to an agreement on a new one?

But you are correct in that as they continue trying, and failing, to make money they have cut ties with a lot of writers.
I don't know the answer to this, but did he actually get fired, or did his contract run out and they decided not to offer him a new one, or they couldn't come to an agreement on a new one?

But you are correct in that as they continue trying, and failing, to make money they have cut ties with a lot of writers.
He was on the radio this afternoon and didn’t bite. He just said it came out of left field. They had their opinion on why his employment was no longer valued. He disagreed but obviously didn’t have a say in the matter.

It appears that he already has lots of opportunities, one of which is working for Pat MacAfee. He will be fine.
He was on the radio this afternoon and didn’t bite. He just said it came out of left field. They had their opinion on why his employment was no longer valued. He disagreed but obviously didn’t have a say in the matter.

It appears that he already has lots of opportunities, one of which is working for Pat MacAfee. He will be fine.
He’s simply not talented enough to be the aashole he is .
I mean Whitlock is a better writer and still gets fired from everywhere did the same reason . Nobody wants to work with him
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He's not particularly talented. I think he kind of lucked into the career he's had covering the Steelers for multiple outlets. But now that he's done that, he does have some paper credentials to land some kind of future employment.
He's not particularly talented. I think he kind of lucked into the career he's had covering the Steelers for multiple outlets. But now that he's done that, he does have some paper credentials to land some kind of future employment.
I never really thought his writing was anything to go crazy over, maybe above average, but he carved out this weird niche in the last year or so. Guest hosting on the Fan, McAfee seemingly finding him entertaining as some sort of clown sideshow and having him in studio, then doing spots on other national shows like Cowherd.
Hearing that Kaboly wants to change careers and become a chef.
I had his dad as a teacher in Jr High. Pretty much the same personality.
Hahaha.. Actually works at PSU

it's disgusting how alot of these media members are spoken too every day on twitter. listen, many are annoying, egotistical with zero leads, acting like they have all the inside sources. i get it. but man, you read some of these guys, no matter if its zeise, poni, this guy, pick a local guy and 2/3rd of the replies are like this.. i think Madden eventually turned off replies..

i just dont get it. argue, refute them, agree with them but just the hatred and insults spewed their way is insane. it's pathetic..