Making the playoff

No. They actually don’t want the playoff if it meant a blowout loss and they gave their reasons. The posts are within theses pages. I’m not interested in digging them up and calling anyone out. I just find it baffling that anyone would say that.
Spin up ND. Who cares you are in. You are in something everyone wants to be in.
They always have been. You talk about getting a worthwhile bump from getting beat down in the ACC Championship game but dismiss making a NY6 Bowl as opposed to say the Tire Bowl or the Compass Bowl or what ever other shitty Bowls Pitt has been relegated to seemingly forever. It seems inconsistent to me.
Maybe I am inconsistent. So you could be right. But people don’t remember the score of games. And no one really cares about a New Years bowl game. But a championship banner/trophy matters. I don’t think a peach bowl trophy matters in a trophy case any more than a tire bowl trophy. 64 teams make a bowl each year. Only 5 win a P5 conference. And only 4 make the playoff. And it’s usually the same teams who are in that playoff. Pitt being in that playoff is obviously a huge deal.
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The ACC championship is certainly relevant. The bowl…not so much. Just my opinion…which isn’t worth much.
We still talk about the Fiesta bowl as the last major bowl for Pitt. I can't tell you how many times I've seen/heard the 1982 Sugar Bowl brought up. It's been 17 years since Pitt was in a major bowl. It means something to me and the 8m-10m people who will be watching.

We can agree to disagree on this one.