One reason Under Armour is "sucking wind" is because they were partnered big time with Dick's Sporting Goods who is also "sucking wind" big time after their CEO condemned guns and the NRA.
Customers have left in mass!
Many people like Mrs Buffett and I would go to Dick's to purchase ammo and end up buying bike, golf , apparel ( Under Armour) , and other things.
We were Gold Dick's customers and at this time cancelled the Dick's Scorecard, and credit card.
The local Dick's in Eastern PA is in big trouble!
In our area there are 10 gun clubs/ shooting ranges in a 5 mile radius of our home and Dick's.
The ranges are always packed, with men, women, couples, parents with kids, women's and men's pistol shooting leagues three times a week, trap /skeet shooting, etc.
99 % of homeowners own guns and 75% have permits to carry weapons. Not to mention Open Carry is legal.
In addition many gun manufactures big ones have refused to supply Dick's with guns so they will eventually go out of the gun business.
Here's one but there are others:
O.F. Mossberg & Sons Inc., the parent company of Mossberg guns, announced Wednesday they would no longer be doing business with the sports retailer. Mossberg & Sons ended its association with Dick's after Dick’s hired three Washington, D.C., lobbyists to push for gun control efforts, the National Review reported.
They'll end up selling apparell which is deadly competitive and scale down their business!