Most interesting/attended Spring Game you have been to?


Dec 9, 2004
Mine is easy.

I remember being about 14-15 and it was Fralic's Senior year.. and I remember the crowd being very big at Pitt Stadium for some reason.. people were all around the stadium.. I would say 12-15k... .. I also have the tickets stub.. yes.... we paid to get in there.. was 3 or 5 bucks..
Wannstedt's first spring game at Gateway ... I had an old dorm roommate in town visiting family for the weekend, it was nice weather, so we decided to attend and then hit some old watering holes after. Weren't expecting many to be there. But the traffic was a snarl (actually a line to exit the parkway), and parking and seats were scarce.

I recall a minor buzz that the program could actually get off the hump finally. So that was kinda "interesting", at least in retrospect, how naive that was. Also, typical of Pitt's media treatment, the Pitt beat reporter at the time from the Trib was infamously there in a Zack Mills jersey. "Interesting" in the sense that it's just more proof that "anti-Pitt paranoia" is anything but paranoia.

But even with all that mirth going on, ate a few minutes in, we still couldn't shake the "why the F are we at a freakin practice?" feeling I've always had at Spring Games, and left fairly early.

As far as others, I also attended one other Wanny SG, when he held the coaches talk in the Club area. That was interesting. Bennett certainly sounded the part of a good DC even if his actual coaching never showed it. But I remember Cig's raising doubts (well founded,as it turned out).

Also attended Graham's (only) SG. Gotta say I had fallen very hard for the idea that Graham could turn us around. So actually had interest to see how the offense looked. Remember being highly underwhelmed by how Tino performed (and Gonzo was the #2 ... !), leaving with doubts, but deluding myself "it's ok, this guy's a guru, things will work out in the fall." Hah.

So, if only to avoid causing more bad karma, methinks I'll likely stay away from this one.
Originally posted by geeman2001:

"But even with all that mirth going on, ate a few minutes in, we still couldn't shake the "why the F are we at a freakin practice?" feeling I've always had at Spring Games, and left fairly early".

but deluding myself "it's ok, this guy's a guru, things will work out in the fall."
My laugh for the day. Hilarious!!!
I remember being at one about 10+ years ago at Heinz, it was actually a very hot day.. Nice crowd, I remember Billy Gaines having a beautiful catch, deep ball in the corner of the end zone.. Remember sitting in the corner and thinking that there is no way this dude is gonna catch up to the ball and he surely did..
1980. Sherrill suits up, tries to score a TD....trucked by Jackson..or

was it Green?? Lots of laughs....nice crowd....ON CAMPUS stadium.
I only have been to 2 spring games in my life, one at Pitt Stadium in '89, must've been about 2000 people there, no more, it was quiet and boring. I also went to a tOSU spring game in '85 when I was living in Columbus, now that one had at least 30000 and it was loud and energetic, of course they have no other sports there! lol.

Spring games would be better if they actually split it into 2 teams, and had a real "game", the offense vs. D with weird scoring systems was always odd to me.
Sorry mild brain fart. Edited to correct year. Here was my one moment in time. I went to one at Heinz in 2001 or 2002. Cold, blustery, wet day. I was standing in the Heniz field pavillion just about the field level (endzone nearest the river).. Walt was standing in the endzone and turned to look for someone standing on the pavillion. Walt and I made eye contact. Then Walt gave me a brief smile and wave. I returned the smile and wave. Thats all I remember from my only Spring game,
This post was edited on 3/10 12:06 PM by Hailpitt
That's pretty impressive you were at a game at Heinz in 97 or 98. Where did you get your time machine from?
Heinz field in 1997 huh? Reminds me of the time I saw the pirates play in Forbes field in 2010 or that infamous pitt - Notre dame game at pitt stadium in 2007. On a different note, I've been to a few wvu spring games in mid 90's and they used to do the game format. Makes a huge difference for the fans. Only negative is that you have to split up the first and second teams and that doesn't help build the cohesion

Pitt Stadium had a decent crowd for a spring game? Nonsense. Where in the world did people park? How were they able to get up that Mt Everest like hill?

This post was edited on 3/10 10:35 AM by HailtoPitt
I went to the gateway one, that was definitely rocking, and I remember there being over a hundred recruits there too... good time, but as someone said... why go to a practice? That is like watching kids study.

I went to bama's spring game 2 years ago too... it was more of a tailgating experience, as not many actually watched the practice sessions. It is an uninteresting event, but a way to make a few more bucks I guess.
None were very interesting or memorable.
Gateway had the most people.
Mostly I remember rainy ones with a couple thousand there.
I think this year will have interest, but I thought maybe Grahams octane would too but maybe 800 people showed up but it was a terrential downpour.
Re: Impossible!

Originally posted by HailtoPitt:
Pitt Stadium had a decent crowd for a spring game? Nonsense. Where in the world did people park? How were they able to get up that Mt Everest like hill?

This post was edited on 3/10 10:35 AM by HailtoPitt
Figures some jackass would try to find a way to dredge in the campus stadium discussion. Again.

Pretty sure though that "nice crowd" is relatively speaking; that the attendance was far closer to 3,000 than 30,000 let alone 55,000.
My favorite spring game memory is from Pitt Stadium, near the end of its life. (1999?)

At the end of the game, I went down on the field with my son who would have been maybe 3. He had this little stuffed Pitt football that he would throw. He could throw a perfect spiral with that thing at that age. He was down around the 5 yard line throwing end zone fade patterns to me. There were some students up in the stands who were cheering him on, and he would turn to them and signal "touchdown" after the ones I caught.

That was an awesome day.
Only been to one. Heinz field 2002. I was headed to Asia for work and knew this would be my last "live" football for a few years. I remember Walt pulling Pat Hoderny aside after an INT. You could hear the conversation clear as day. Walt was very stern but calm with him. Also remember it being a perfect spring day and hitting the Clark Bar post game. Fun day.

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